I have been working from home to prevent everyone else from getting it. This is actually quite unusual. Most of my coworkers go in sick all the time, which is how I generally get sick.
I could just not work but I go crazy when I have nothing to do and even more so over the stress of the work building up makes me anxious and its not like doing nothing makes it get better. I am glad I have a job that can be done from just about anywhere. I can't imagine if I had to operate some specialized machine that was only in one place.
Generally, I can get more done away from the office even in worse physical health. If I ever get a new job I may pursue the kind that allows me to work remotely.
Well hope you get better.... The warm weather a couple days back had a very high Pollen count so that can't help.... Also Sometimes around this time sickness seems to lagger.... What I mean is take me as an example when I was sick I felt all better but was still a bit tired then went into work and felt bad again.... I'm still not 100% guessing the crazy weather has something to do with it........
Though I don't have a cold right now, I have been sneezing quite a lot... Maybe it's all the pollen.
You look so tired. Maybe not working till 2:00 AM in the morning even while sick could help on the path to not getting even sicker. There is a good reason not to go to work when you are this sick. For 99% of the people, the reason is resting. :)