APRIL 12-13, 2012 BUFFALO, NY
For more information and to register: genderin.buffalo.edu/GAB
The UB Gender Institute cordially invites you to attend the 2012 Gender Across Borders Symposium: Arts, Action, Activism. Taking place the evening of Thursday, April 12th and throughout the day and evening of Friday, April 13th, this interdisciplinary symposium is free and open to the public and will bring together artists, scholars, and activists to explore the intersections of feminism, gender, activism, and artistic practice.
The symposium opens Thursday evening with a screening of rare films and a panel on Women, Media Access, and Film & Video Activism. Friday’s schedule features two panels: Feminism & Visual Protest Culture and Gender & Digital Activism, and Occupy Lunch, an interlude of installations, performances, and workshops with artists and activists. Closing the event will be a Cabaret of performances including music, spoken word, and theater.
The full schedule ::READ PDF:: is also available at our website:

Although the symposium is a free event, we do request pre-registration. To reserve lunch, please register by Thursday, April 5.
We are accepting applications to participate in Occupy Lunch through March 26th.

If you have questions about the symposium, please email us at artsactionactivism@gmail.com
Well hope you get better.... The warm weather a couple days back had a very high Pollen count so that can't help.... Also Sometimes around this time sickness seems to lagger.... What I mean is take me as an example when I was sick I felt all better but was still a bit tired then went into work and felt bad again.... I'm still not 100% guessing the crazy weather has something to do with it........
Though I don't have a cold right now, I have been sneezing quite a lot... Maybe it's all the pollen.
You look so tired. Maybe not working till 2:00 AM in the morning even while sick could help on the path to not getting even sicker. There is a good reason not to go to work when you are this sick. For 99% of the people, the reason is resting. :)