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02/29/2012 13:31 #56146

Friday 54?
Category: weather
It seems so unreal.

paul - 03/01/12 01:52
The weather already says 39 and snow for Friday now.
YesThatCasey - 02/29/12 23:22
Damn....wish I was on a 4-day sched....could go hiking :o(

02/26/2012 15:17 #56139

UFC at badabing
Category: ufc
We traveled down to badabing for the live ufc event last night. I really like their bar food. We got the sampler platter of fried yummiesvbut I still don't think we found what (e:Mike) was describing ththe other night.


tinypliny - 02/28/12 14:20
LOL, you always look awesome! :) I wasn't sure it was you because I was lazy and didn't click through to your blog to see the bigger version of the avatar. Plus from the tiny picture on this page, I thought there was one of those ridiculous looking poodles with fur all over their eyes next to you. Somehow you look like Meryl Streep in the picture. So my chain of thought was Meryl Streep + dog. Is (e:hodown) a fan of Streep? Is it for the Oscars? Wait... is that (e:hodown)?? Type Type Type...

Honest enough? :)
hodown - 02/27/12 21:19
It is (e:tiny)! Before I had bangs. Is the picture better or worse? Be honest! Just curious!

On a different note- (e:paul) your new user pic is so hot. I love it!!
tinypliny - 02/26/12 21:52
(e:hodown), is that you in your avatar? You look so different!
hodown - 02/26/12 21:50
OMG that looks so fun! Beer, Terry, and a plate of fried food. All the things I love so much about Buffalo!
metalpeter - 02/26/12 15:31
looks like a good time....

02/26/2012 09:55 #56136

PDF annotation for the galaxy note
Category: mobile
Is this what you were looking for (e:tinypliny)?



tinypliny - 02/26/12 23:28
But as I said, ezPDFReader (one of your awesome recommendations is pretty good!)
tinypliny - 02/26/12 23:27
BOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO. from your link: "Your device isn't compatible with this item"

Okay, I am officially jealous now. Both Nexus S and Nexus One are not compatible! It doesn't turn up in the regular marketplace because of the incompatibility.
tinypliny - 02/26/12 21:49
I say whoever hates on styluses should not be allowed to use any pens and pencils for the rest of their life. And they are ridiculous. And I won't smile at them more than once (once because I need to find out first if they are stylus-haters).

You obviously went out of the way to get a phone with a stylus, that makes me like you even more! (here's where I draw silly hearts fluttering around a stylus and you next to it).
paul - 02/26/12 19:40
I believe they do have it for ipad also. And whatever to those people that think styli are stupid and "if there is a stylus included they fucked up" Those same people need to examine why all of the ipad/iphone styli were sold out at best buy.
paul - 02/26/12 19:39
Its just an android app in the marketplace :::link:::
tinypliny - 02/26/12 19:35
Says it's an ipad app. Come on now, spill it! Did you hack the thing to work on android?
tinypliny - 02/26/12 19:35
I can't find this in marketplace. How on earth did you get it on the Android platform?
tinypliny - 02/26/12 16:30
Yes!! Is it on the android market/available for linux? I am actually pretty happy with ezPDFreader on Android. I really would like something for linux main OS though... Does this work on linux?
heidi - 02/26/12 11:55
I want it! The Galaxy Note is the closest thing so far that I could see replacing my client meeting notebook.

02/26/2012 00:42 #56135

Grapefruit and Orange Juice
Category: food
This morning the news broke some story about grapefruit and orange juice preventing strokes. This afternoon wegmans had 3 different fresh squeazed orange juice and grapefruit juice display stands that were mostly sold out. Coincidence or brialliant marketing?


tinypliny - 02/26/12 16:32
The sugar content in some of those juices are not exactly diabetic-cardio-vascular system friendly. The fibre that balances all of this sugar out is entirely missing in juices.
tinypliny - 02/26/12 16:31
Its ridiculous. If only people would just eat more fresh fruits and vegetable?!
metalpeter - 02/26/12 11:33
Well both Juices aren't for everyone because of the acid... But it is still better then say Soda Pop (If you get it from a machine aka a soda fountain think Burger King, or 7-eleven it is Soda if you get it in a bottle it is pop) But lets leave that for another time... I have also heard that I won't say here what it makes taste better oh yeah blood if you are a Vampire......HA

02/25/2012 17:08 #56134

High-definition, 3D App Store
Category: computers
They had this really high-definition, 3d app store at office max. I kept pressing on the boxes to see ratings and reviews but I think they were broken.

tinypliny - 02/25/12 21:18
Nice misleading title then. lol
paul - 02/25/12 20:51
Those are in fact store shelves.
tinypliny - 02/25/12 17:59
wait - that is a 3D app store?! that looks like regular shelves in the software section. Is that all virtual. even the tags look real.