Again, paraphrasing the bar review materials. The NYS bar materials didn't cover DUI in this level of detail, but you can check out this PDF for current info
1. What is operating or in control of a vehicle?
The court looks at the totality of the circumstances but factors include
- is the person in the drivers seat?
- is the engine or the headlights on?
- are the keys in the ignition?
- how is the car situated?
2. Where? The vehicle can be on the side of the road, in a parking lot, or any other public roadway.
3. How much alcohol?
General impairment is a BAC of .08 to .1 (or acutally impaired and no BAC results available)
High rate of alcohol: .1 to .16 (irrespective of actual level of impairment)
Highest rate of alcohol: =>.16
(irrespective of actual level of impairment)
(e:Puddlediving) has a breathalyzer and we've been shocked by how little alcohol it takes to hit that .08 mark. .16 is easy to hit, too. DUI penalties are quite harsh (and include not being able to go to Canada for 10 years), so today's lesson is
Don't Drink & Drive!
Note: In PA, you can turn around to avoid a DUI checkpoint. You can't drive around the checkpoint, but you can turn around. Very interesting.
It's been living at the office mostly... he really needs a computer for home. Maybe next month.
how can terryberry walk with his pc in the bag in the snow like this?
double brackets « »
I usually use asterisk but they make bullet points now. Regular angle brackets assume code? I forget.
What are the chars around the sigh?