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01/14/2012 16:59 #55917
Mouth wide open Category: music
My reaction when I saw this...
A one man Led Zep!
metalpeter - 01/15/12 10:08 Well two really...... If you don't know who he is He was in the police Academy Movies..... Not sure how many of his effects are online but I heard him on the radio and he is amazing and his effects in those movies where pretty good from what I remember....
01/14/2012 11:46 #55916
I will eat your brains, ipad. Category: i-tech
paul - 01/15/12 12:22 I see a Halloween costume for next year!
01/14/2012 10:44 #55913
Solar Headrock Category: the odes
Meet Tomy
and random stoned baby (possibly with a concussion).
Tomy is so happy the sun is out that he dropped the stoned baby on its head? And I thought only the Japanese made the weirdest toys. This is Chinese.
lilho - 01/14/12 11:01 oh em gee, that made me laugh out loud.... you made a funny!!!
Well two really...... If you don't know who he is He was in the police Academy Movies..... Not sure how many of his effects are online but I heard him on the radio and he is amazing and his effects in those movies where pretty good from what I remember....