I had to share the stocking holders that some friends are using with you cityfolk.
12/30/2011 21:13 #55818
retro Phone Category: work
The PartnerTBNL says this phone is not retro enough to be used in our office. Thoughts?
metalpeter - 12/31/11 17:01 Here is the thing for something to be Retro my understanding is that it looks old but really isn't.... Now you can go out and get some old phones if you know where to look but the question you have to ask is well 2?
1. Does it need to be touchtone? See some places or people you call if it isn't touch tone you won't pick any options oh you might press the buttons but the system won't read anything does that matter (it is a place of Business)
2. The second Question is Do you want it hooked into an answering machine or service... and how does if the answer is yes do that with a retro phone....
Off course you could just (kidding) get one of those Catalogs with the suits of armor and spend a few thousand on a phone booth :) Of course that wouldn't be practical at all........
heidi - 12/30/11 21:27 If that was a rotary dial, it would be cool. As a touchtone, not so much. ;-)
tinypliny - 12/30/11 21:19 Well.. obviously, only this one will actually make the cut :::link:::
12/26/2011 01:05 #55800
One more house pic Category: holiday
12/25/2011 22:26 #55799
My phone told me the estrip app updated. It didn't keep my old login info and there are no photo, location, etc icons... Ah, menu button has options. Nisha, no lap.(I'm not really hanging by the side of route 15, just didn't have the gps on.)
paul - 12/25/11 22:59 I think it tries to pick the latest known location or the location based on the cell/wifi network if the GPS is not on.
heidi - 12/25/11 22:31 The gallery problem is gone. My phone saved the pic of nisha in the correct orientation but the app saved it rotated.
Here is the thing for something to be Retro my understanding is that it looks old but really isn't.... Now you can go out and get some old phones if you know where to look but the question you have to ask is well 2?
1. Does it need to be touchtone? See some places or people you call if it isn't touch tone you won't pick any options oh you might press the buttons but the system won't read anything does that matter (it is a place of Business)
2. The second Question is Do you want it hooked into an answering machine or service... and how does if the answer is yes do that with a retro phone....
Off course you could just (kidding) get one of those Catalogs with the suits of armor and spend a few thousand on a phone booth :) Of course that wouldn't be practical at all........
If that was a rotary dial, it would be cool. As a touchtone, not so much. ;-)
Well.. obviously, only this one will actually make the cut :::link:::