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12/10/2011 22:46 #55695

Rock Lobster Robots
Category: music
From the same guy who gave us I love the guitar playing machine. The machine plays a guitar with 4 strings just like Ricky Wilson. I am in awe.

tinypliny - 12/17/11 06:35
Wonder how long it took to set it all up and program it. wow.
metalpeter - 12/11/11 09:14
This is a pretty cool song.... Just not the same with out the crazy singing.....

12/10/2011 22:42 #55693

Geeks Rock
Category: music
I knew scanners could produce sound but I never even considered the idea of hard drives as precussive devices. House of the Rising Sun played by machines. Geeks Rock

tinypliny - 12/17/11 06:48
I went to check out what the original actually looked like (I have only heard it on mum's LP records.) And found this: :::link:::

Can you believe those suits?!!

I changed my mind. I like the version you posted better. I am superficial that way. If they had been dressed like Aerosmith... I might have liked that video better. But that thing looks like a wake. I wish I had never seen it!
tinypliny - 12/17/11 06:38
I finally got around to listening to this in full. One word. Beautiful! :) I love the original, btw and this is just as melodious and awesome. Thanks so much for sharing!

12/10/2011 22:28 #55692

I'm quite fond of Fedora 16
Category: linux
FWIW, I think it is better than Fedora 15. It's better for music production than Ubuntu Studio. Everything works. But, of course, I'm not trying to use R like my wee (e:sisteryn).

tinypliny - 12/17/11 06:39
It's been behaving much better after yesterday's update. They completely switched over to a newer kernel. I think that has addressed some issues with chrome instability.
uncutsaniflush - 12/11/11 08:45
I use both firefox and chrome. As to music production, the usual suspects - jack, qjackctl, ardour, hydrogen, rosegarden, seq24, qsynth, etc. Super-collider is available but I've not mucked about with it yet.
tinypliny - 12/10/11 23:04
Rock on! :) What software do you use for music production? Do you use Chrome as your browser?

11/30/2011 22:17 #55629

Success! Fedora 16
Category: linux
Quickest install ever. Everything works. Faster. Yay!! 64-bit Flash supported without wrapper.

Double Yay!
tinypliny - 11/30/11 22:38
% wireless usb with good Fedora support

That's a very interesting suggestion. I will take a look around! Thank you!!
uncutsaniflush - 11/30/11 22:31
(e:tinypliny) - Ralink corp. RT2860. My box is actually a box not a laptop. I have no idea if that chipset is in laptop cards.

My "Linux workaround" idea is that you should find an wireless usb with good Fedora support and just forget about that card that came with the laptop.

I feel your pain. I've been there about 8 years ago. Since then I've been anal about testing wi-fi in LInux with live distros.
tinypliny - 11/30/11 22:24
What wireless card are you using? Could you please post? Thanks!

11/18/2011 22:50 #55546

If it gets too bushy you can trim
Category: music
Amanda Palmer and the Young Punx featuring Peaches. The name of the song is "Map of Tasmania". Workplace warning: If Peaches is involved someone might be offended.

Amanda Palmer also does ukelele covers of Lady Gaga. 'nuff said
metalpeter - 11/19/11 16:54
Yes I was wondering who posted it before ? now I know thanks.....
uncutsaniflush - 11/19/11 06:14
(e:heidi) - that must be why it seemed somewhat familar to me. I was thinking where have I seen this before. Historically (and elsewhere) I've been known to post the same thing again in my own blog because I forgot that I already posted it.

heidi - 11/19/11 02:55
I did :::link::: but it's well worth the repost. :-)
tinypliny - 11/18/11 23:01
Or maybe someone else. I can't be sure in this advanced state of alzheimer's.
tinypliny - 11/18/11 23:00
I think (e:heidi) posted this once upon a time?