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10/27/2011 12:38 #55389

We saw the film Johnny English Reborn the day before yesterday. Since i adore Rowan Atkinson, i loved it (i even saw (e:Uncutsaniflush) laughing!!). Loved the Barclays adverts he used to do, too, which is where the character is from... the bumbling special agent.

Vacation is over and i am back to work at the location i bitch and moan about all the time. Difference is, i am going back with a completely different attitude.

While temporarily transferred to another location, i was given affirmation from co-workers and bosses that i am a good worker and i got along well or very well with everyone, so i am confident now that most of the issues i was having are indeed related to the boss.

Plus, i learned a lot about the job itself.

Going from an institutional setting where bosses take care of all the background stuff to a community inclusion setting where we have more involvement in the day to day running of things has left me confused a great deal of the time. Where i started, to this place in Kenmore where the boss doesn't like to give direction, she just expects us to all know our job and get it done has been a challenge.

At the place i was temp transferred to, they were a transition house when it first opened, so the structure there is somewhere between the institutional and community setting. Ideal for me and with bosses who are accustumed to giving more firm direction, i thrived.

In that, i feel a bit reborn....
tinypliny - 10/27/11 21:31
hahaha - I have to see the "Making a sandwich" clip now.
tinypliny - 10/27/11 21:30
Good luck! :)

And wow, Gillian Anderson looks smashing - reminds me of her late Scully days. She is awesome. I might go and see this just for her. And I like Mr. Bean too much. :)
metalpeter - 10/27/11 18:25
Glad you enjoyed the movie it does look good....But guessing I'll see it when it is on cable as there are movies ahead of it on the list I want to see...

In terms of attitude having the right one can be tricky.... It is easy to see when someone else has the wrong one.... That is what drives me crazy where I work... But no sense really dwelling on that right now so.....

10/19/2011 12:09 #55333

It's Over!
Vacation to Knoxville was great.

First night, met up with friends Chris & Kim for dinner in Market Square. I love how some friendships can just pick up where they left off -- trust, love, compatibility all remains. Miss them both dearly.

Stayed with our friend, Linda. She is generous and kind -- real old school southern hospitality. She says we are good houseguests, but i think after a week, she was looking forward to having her house to herself again.

Within the first day, i missed Knoxville enough to want to move back. We even looked at houses. Man, our house would go for $300,000 in the 4th and Gill neighborhood " >(MAP TO: )

We toured all our favorite places to go and to eat... even going to El Charro twice!

On the way home, we stopped in Covington, KY and went to the Newport Aquarium, overnighted in Columbus, OH and went to the zoo.

We also made a side trip in the Cleveland area to Trader Joe's... damn, i wish there were one here. Knoxville is getting one... another reason to want to move back?

My mom came to visit this past weekend. Yes, you can blame her for the lousy weather -- she has the worst luck when she comes here. We went to Graycliff... interesting on a blustery day!!

I go back to work tomorrow. Today, i go to the dentist. It's really over. I have to go back......... Great while it lasted!
metalpeter - 10/20/11 17:29
I haven't been to Five Guys.... There is one On transit Road some place but transit is so long I think it might be in Amherst not sure... I think there is also a Satellite location that will open up in the Galleria mall now what that means I'm not sure.... Maybe it will be like part of the food court and not where you sit at eat at the place?
leetee - 10/19/11 20:45
Paul, i just used the map button at the top, under the box for the title, i have no idea if it is the "old" or "new" one. Thanks for looking into it. :o)

Yeah, i am with you about Trader Joe's, (e:Tinypliny) -- i would shop there soooo much!

I haven't been to Five Guys yet, (e:MetalPeter), have you?
tinypliny - 10/19/11 19:12
Ikea too. How cool could it possibly be for Buffalo if Ikea came to out harbor-side area and Trader Joe's came downtown. Too bad both aren't interested. I wonder what they look for when they set up shop anywhere.
tinypliny - 10/19/11 19:09
Trader Joe's is awesome. If it ever came here, I would ditch every shop and shop there till I went bankrupt.
metalpeter - 10/19/11 18:06
There is a Traders Joe Coming but the town it is going to is around Rochester.... By the way can someone explain why Five Guys and Chipotle and we shall call Trader Joes the same thing to the Ra Cha Cha or Crotchceshter 1st?
paul - 10/19/11 17:47
I will look into it when I am home tonight. What tag did you use for it, the old map one?
leetee - 10/19/11 12:11
hmm... map won't show up. Paul?

09/30/2011 10:13 #55218

Last Day
Today is my last day at my current work location. I was temp transferred there at the beginning of August and i have loved it, despite its horrific reputation. The staff is great and one of the supervisors has been supportive and has validated me beyond anything i ever expected. I almost feel like i am loosing a friend by leaving this welcoming environment.

When i return from my 3 week vacation (yay!! KnoxVegas here we come!), i return to the previous location before i was transferred. I hope the validation helps my confidence and i can go back there with a renewed sense of optimism.
leetee - 10/01/11 01:37
(e:Paul), yeah, i think the weather is supposed to be mid 70's, which is typical for this time of year there. I remember xmas shopping in wearing a tshirt, but that it was a warm December.

And, just to show how wonderful the peeps at work are, they got me a cheesecake and everyone was all like "we will miss you" and "i hope you can come back here soon". So nice!! :o)
paul - 09/30/11 18:30
Have a fun vacation! Is it still warm there?

09/13/2011 16:16 #55147

Great Customer Service
Last summer when i went to the Erie County Fair, i picked up what has become one of my favorite t-shirts. It's bright yellow and says My City Smells Like Cheerios with the Born In Buffalo logo on the back.

This year while at the Erie County Fair, i got a black God Save The Queen City and (e:Uncutsaniflush) got a City Of Light in blue.

Sadly, (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s is coming apart at the collar. So i emailed them, asking if they would exchange it. Less than 2 hours later, they said they would send me a new one.

Thanks Born In Buffalo for having amazingly good customer service. Not often i can say that about any company.

So, (e:peeps), go buy a Born In Buffalo shirt. Support this local company.

metalpeter - 09/14/11 19:12
I honestly don't even know what any of the TOS are....HA... Well except to explicit depictions of sex... Like animals doing it ok graphic shot of horse pulling out and going in not OK? HA..... On a more serious note they do make some great shirts...
paul - 09/14/11 02:03
Is this a positive customer feedback blog? Because those are strictly banned in the TOS, lol.
metalpeter - 09/13/11 18:19
I'm shocked that they would do that.... (maybe they knew there where a few with problems but didn't know what ones... You know after the fact)... That Cherio's one often sells out from what I've heard they also have one of those in black... They do have a lot of good shirts I just have trouble keeping all the Buffalo places straight seems like there are about 8 of them now.... When I was a kid there was one and those shirts are now kinda Legendary Micheal Margouls (not sure on the spelling) and don't remember what the official name was. But everyone has seen them city hall with the top taking off, the one that looks like a pack of smokes but with wind instruments the ying yang with Buffalos.........

09/06/2011 14:10 #55106

F@#k You, Kenmore Mercy
Ok, so, about a year ago, my former primary care doc wanted me to see a nutritionist. I didn't think i needed to, but she did.

My insurance would not cover it. However, they would cover 100% of the cost for "Diabetic Education Classes" (FYI, biggest waste of time unless you want to purchase diabetic products).

I chose Kenmore Mercy because they were close and the classes were good for my work schedule.

I went to 3 classes. I think i could have taught 2 of them.

Flash forward 10 months. I get a bill from Kenmore Mercy. They billed the wrong insurance company.

I called them. Did not return my call. After 3 hours today, i finally got a hold of the "outpatient billing" girl, Melissa's supervisor.

"Oh. We will forward to the correct insurance. Sorry."

matthew - 09/06/11 17:31
Stupid phone keypad. Lol.
matthew - 09/06/11 17:30
I've only had bad experiences with Kenmore Mercy Hospital. One time I had 5 stitches pit into my finger by what I thought was the doctor, then the real doctor came in and said the stitches were done all wrong, so he took the all out at redid them. 10 stitches in 20 minutes when I only needed five. It hurt like hell the second time. The craziness part is that a few weeks later the bill came and they charged me for having stiches twice!! And they charged me for some kind of brain exam, which I certainly didn't have.