- desktop settings > icons > icon type > choose "None"
Getting information about package versions from Yum
- yum info packagename
Side note to (e:paul): R does pull in the following dependencies:
texlive.x86_64 0:2007-62.fc15
texlive-dvips.x86_64 0:2007-62.fc15
texlive-latex.x86_64 0:2007-62.fc15
texlive-texmf.noarch 0:2007-37.fc15
texlive-texmf-dvips.noarch 0:2007-37.fc15
texlive-texmf-fonts.noarch 0:2007-37.fc15
texlive-texmf-latex.noarch 0:2007-37.fc15
texlive-utils.x86_64 0:2007-62.fc15
It's such a pity the packages it pulls are from 2007! :/
And Gnumeric doesn't even start up now. Something about:
gnumeric: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libspreadsheet-1.10.17.so: undefined symbol: go_direction_get_name
- In Debian, you can actually, copy the entire /var/apt/cache files into a new installation and have the apt manager pull the .deb files from there without having to download packages over and over. But I don't see any such package repository in Fedora in the /var/cache/yum/ directory. It's all rolled into some sort of a database file. I found from this link
that yum *deletes* everything after install. This is kind of wasteful for people who have enough space but not enough bandwidth(ME!). To prevent yum from deleting all the packages after install, apparently, I need to make keepcache=1 in /etc/yum.conf Now I only need to remember this detail next time.
- These are my detailed specs just for reference...
Yes! That is an important point. My two hard drives were attached to the comp when I did this and my USB was actually scc or some such thing. Unetbootin is good, but sometimes, it doesnt work for some distros. I wonder why...
Haven't tried imagewriter.
You should also note that this only works if your usb drive is "/dev/sdb." If a box has multiple hard drives, it is unlikely that "/dev/sdb" would be your usb drive. If someone had for example two hard drives, "dev/sdb" would be the second one. And thus, all data on the second hard drive would be destroyed. "dd" is a wonderful tool but rather easy to misuse if one isn't absolutely clear which drive is which.
Both unetbootin :::link::: and imagewriter :::link::: are good gui alternatives to using ""dd" in a cli.
done, though I sometimes think everyone gets what they deserve for stupidity including me ;-)
You should note this destroys all data on the USB drive before some reads this and does it with a drive that conatins all of their backup files.