Fourth of july fireworks at the outer harbor - notice the moon. Red eared something turtle. Allentown yarn graffiti. Memorial day weekend: stacidillas with august watching, bonfire, jules & shane's chair (nice use of 2"x10"s), shane flashing me, josh & bob sunday morning jammin', breakfast smores. i have some good stuff from my real camera, too.
tinypliny - 07/18/11 18:52 How did they get those rainbow stocking things on the metal hoop?!
metalpeter - 07/18/11 18:12 The Turtle Pictures are pretty good and I also like the fireworks as well.....
tinypliny - 07/17/11 20:42 Niftay... but in Buffalo?
07/14/2011 18:18 #54703
More! Category: food
Fun for today: black raspberries from the neighboring lot. Wish I had the time to make a pie.
heidi - 07/15/11 19:06 I'd rather eat them all now ;-) Oh, already done. I'll pick more tomorrow.
I like rain in little doses, as do plants! (e:enknot) - not my house, hose or bushes! :-)
metalpeter - 07/15/11 16:31 As good as a pie would be why not just eat them right now?
tinypliny - 07/14/11 19:58 What? Who mentioned rain here! I can't believe you (e:heidi). Its summer, you don't want ridiculous rain spoiling it all and cooling it down. I'd rather go without any berries than have rain all the time.
enknot - 07/14/11 19:16 Or you could just, you know... water it.
heidi - 07/14/11 19:06 Another two to three days and there should be enough more to make a pie. It would help if it would rain.
tinypliny - 07/14/11 19:04 I have a feeling all of that bounty is GONE by now.
enknot - 07/14/11 18:47 We will make such a pie and and we will eat it a la mode! How dose french vanilla gelato sound? I have a membership to Cooks and there's a killer flaky pie recipe on there. There are sitll some berries left are there not? Heidi?... HEIDI!?
tinypliny - 07/14/11 18:24 I am so jealous. I want some!
07/10/2011 20:55 #54679
Black raspberries Category: food
kookcity2000 - 07/11/11 20:59 those are some healthy looking berries. I want to steal a soil sample and take it to a Cornell Co-Op Extension for analysis.
How did they get those rainbow stocking things on the metal hoop?!
The Turtle Pictures are pretty good and I also like the fireworks as well.....
That turtle is so cute.