Never been a big booster of sponge candy, but as seen at the Broadway Market today, if this doesn't impress, you need a checkup.
Mrmike's Journal
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04/17/2011 18:56 #54075
Sponge CandiedCategory: holiday
04/17/2011 17:35 #54073
RippleThis came on while driving around near the Broadway Market today, made me happy
04/16/2011 14:29 #54060
Busy month this weekBeen one of those weeks, both my ex and my office's p.r. coordinator were gone for the bulk of the week. That alone threatened to yield some interesting moments. I posted something to that effect on facebook. One of the local reporters called me up to tease and I told her no tv until the dishes were finished. This, as the kids were fixing their homework in production.
Excited for the start of the outdoor music season, as the Dark Star Orchestra and Elvis Costello will be at the waterfront the final weekend in June to get things going. I saw DSO at the Town Ballroom last month and made a damn fool outside of myself, a grand time to be sure. I liked Elvis's talk show which proved his band and he still have it after all these years.
I survived the "red-ring" of death on my xbox and finally got all geeked up with the help of a new router. I got the xbox to see the router and the desktop and vice versa, which when done seemed like an awful lot of trouble to stream "Anchorman" from Netflix, but what the hell, it was still funny.
Brief Yelp like notice -- Boomerrangs on Niagara is a new favorite, good cheap crabcakes and cool refreshing adult beverages. Can't beat that.
Excited for the start of the outdoor music season, as the Dark Star Orchestra and Elvis Costello will be at the waterfront the final weekend in June to get things going. I saw DSO at the Town Ballroom last month and made a damn fool outside of myself, a grand time to be sure. I liked Elvis's talk show which proved his band and he still have it after all these years.
I survived the "red-ring" of death on my xbox and finally got all geeked up with the help of a new router. I got the xbox to see the router and the desktop and vice versa, which when done seemed like an awful lot of trouble to stream "Anchorman" from Netflix, but what the hell, it was still funny.
Brief Yelp like notice -- Boomerrangs on Niagara is a new favorite, good cheap crabcakes and cool refreshing adult beverages. Can't beat that.
libertad - 04/16/11 20:16
Maybe we will go again tonight. Something keeps bringing us's that damn boomerang thing.
Maybe we will go again tonight. Something keeps bringing us's that damn boomerang thing.
paul - 04/16/11 14:59
(e:mike) is obsessed with boomerrangs. I went there with he and (e:libertad) a couple times. That place gets seriously crowded at dinner. I enjoyed their rock shrimp appetizer and great prices.
(e:mike) is obsessed with boomerrangs. I went there with he and (e:libertad) a couple times. That place gets seriously crowded at dinner. I enjoyed their rock shrimp appetizer and great prices.
04/06/2011 22:31 #53993
Feel Like a NumberCategory: music
One of the cultural touchstones of my high school years was the weekend in 1980 when Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band played the Aud shortly after school started. They came and sold out three nights in the Aud. Nobody had ever done that before. Whenever a big concert came to town, you had to sport your souvenir t-shirt at school the next day.
I was thinking about that as I’m set to check in with Mr. Seger when he plays Saturday Night at the HSBC Arena. At a little more that 30 years, it is the longest gap in seeing an act for me for the second time and made me reflect on the differences in concert going.
I went to the Saturday night Seger show after a group of friends and i pooled our money at the then outrageous price of $9.00 each and connected up at the National Record Mart in Eastern Hills Mall. You either went there or to 210 Delaware depending on who was presenting the show. As there was no online, there was no pre-sales, no fan clubs, just show up, pay your money and you take the ticket that was available. The net effect of this was it caused the minimum wage earning employees of the record store to act like it was they who were special. WE were the ones goin to the show there, biznitch!
For our troubles, we were able to park in the Aud’s main lot (where the Baseball Stadium of many names now stands), where every car top seemingly displayed a case of Miller High Life. Our seats were in the very last row of the oranges, about as high and as far away as you could be and still be in the building, but you were in the building, man!
So, a lot has changed in the intervening years, especially the cost to get in the building. Recent pictures of Bob look like a hybrid of Grizzly Adams and Kenny Rogers, but then again dark nrown is a color my own hair is not. By the same token, I’m looking forward to hearing a few things that haven’t been radio staples as Mr. Seger has never lost his place on the rock radio playlists.
It will just be nice to hear them in person, after all, it’s been a long wait. And yeah, I got a shirt, they were $8 and our history teacher was impressed.
I was thinking about that as I’m set to check in with Mr. Seger when he plays Saturday Night at the HSBC Arena. At a little more that 30 years, it is the longest gap in seeing an act for me for the second time and made me reflect on the differences in concert going.
I went to the Saturday night Seger show after a group of friends and i pooled our money at the then outrageous price of $9.00 each and connected up at the National Record Mart in Eastern Hills Mall. You either went there or to 210 Delaware depending on who was presenting the show. As there was no online, there was no pre-sales, no fan clubs, just show up, pay your money and you take the ticket that was available. The net effect of this was it caused the minimum wage earning employees of the record store to act like it was they who were special. WE were the ones goin to the show there, biznitch!
For our troubles, we were able to park in the Aud’s main lot (where the Baseball Stadium of many names now stands), where every car top seemingly displayed a case of Miller High Life. Our seats were in the very last row of the oranges, about as high and as far away as you could be and still be in the building, but you were in the building, man!
So, a lot has changed in the intervening years, especially the cost to get in the building. Recent pictures of Bob look like a hybrid of Grizzly Adams and Kenny Rogers, but then again dark nrown is a color my own hair is not. By the same token, I’m looking forward to hearing a few things that haven’t been radio staples as Mr. Seger has never lost his place on the rock radio playlists.
It will just be nice to hear them in person, after all, it’s been a long wait. And yeah, I got a shirt, they were $8 and our history teacher was impressed.
03/27/2011 10:23 #53918
Mental notes from the pockets of my red coatCategory: work
It’s a odd place to be sure, but while playing hall monitor at last night’s professional hockey game, I had plenty of time to mentally wander, observe and generally partake of some excellent people watching. It can be an added source of entertainment in addition to the event that actually is taking place.
It’s funny as I notice for each person at the event, some are actually there for what is taking place and there are almost as many there to be seen at the event. Some wait till the last possible second to look for their seat, thereby missing a good chunk of the first period.
I’m not going to lie, I enjoy beer, but not enough to spend most of the game running up and down the stairs to buy multiple oversized cans of the stuff. Given that seats ain’t cheap, I guess I’d want to get as much value for the dollars that I gots to pay.
It’s funny watching folks come down the stairs to head to concessions or whereever. Everybody, and I mean, everybody comes down, stops in a mini-pose and then proceeds. They stop and look around and then move along. Watch next time you in the high altitude regions.
The opposite of that are the people who come down a hallway and look up into a section trying to find a friend. You think these guys would call each other. I noticed one poor guy (in a Devils jersey) scanning my group, maybe for a familiar face, but chances are if there is a friend up there, you’d have his phone number, jerky!
The home team takes steps to instill a little hockey manners on the attendees. Most folks are pretty good about that. There are a few wisenheimers, who fate didn’t like as there was a ten minute stretch without a whistle and that made a few folks grumble. One guy was riding me about wanting to get to his seat and before I could say anything another fan told him he “should have pissed sooner.â€
It cracks me up watching folks strategies at the end of the game. In tonight’s contest, it was basically there, but some folks leave their seats and start to head to the doors to “beat traffic.†Since they stop near my space and keep watching, I can’t help but wonder how much time they are saving. Folks are generally pretty good in leaving, but from the top most folks head to the escalators.
When we get cut loose, I just use the paths between the seats and get out in half the time talking, wait for it, the stairs.
Good things happen.
It’s funny as I notice for each person at the event, some are actually there for what is taking place and there are almost as many there to be seen at the event. Some wait till the last possible second to look for their seat, thereby missing a good chunk of the first period.
I’m not going to lie, I enjoy beer, but not enough to spend most of the game running up and down the stairs to buy multiple oversized cans of the stuff. Given that seats ain’t cheap, I guess I’d want to get as much value for the dollars that I gots to pay.
It’s funny watching folks come down the stairs to head to concessions or whereever. Everybody, and I mean, everybody comes down, stops in a mini-pose and then proceeds. They stop and look around and then move along. Watch next time you in the high altitude regions.
The opposite of that are the people who come down a hallway and look up into a section trying to find a friend. You think these guys would call each other. I noticed one poor guy (in a Devils jersey) scanning my group, maybe for a familiar face, but chances are if there is a friend up there, you’d have his phone number, jerky!
The home team takes steps to instill a little hockey manners on the attendees. Most folks are pretty good about that. There are a few wisenheimers, who fate didn’t like as there was a ten minute stretch without a whistle and that made a few folks grumble. One guy was riding me about wanting to get to his seat and before I could say anything another fan told him he “should have pissed sooner.â€
It cracks me up watching folks strategies at the end of the game. In tonight’s contest, it was basically there, but some folks leave their seats and start to head to the doors to “beat traffic.†Since they stop near my space and keep watching, I can’t help but wonder how much time they are saving. Folks are generally pretty good in leaving, but from the top most folks head to the escalators.
When we get cut loose, I just use the paths between the seats and get out in half the time talking, wait for it, the stairs.
Good things happen.
metalpeter - 03/27/11 11:02
Great Post..... Funny Story I went to game with someone this season and we where in the 200's so after the game we went to that bar by where they film the post game show.... Now when the game ends they advertise all these bars on that level... So we are taking our time and drinking and others are there and their isn't like "Last Call" or last drink or anything the bar tenders just start putting stuff away then turn off the lights it was insane........
Great Post..... Funny Story I went to game with someone this season and we where in the 200's so after the game we went to that bar by where they film the post game show.... Now when the game ends they advertise all these bars on that level... So we are taking our time and drinking and others are there and their isn't like "Last Call" or last drink or anything the bar tenders just start putting stuff away then turn off the lights it was insane........
Although, I did partake of the non-polish restaurant yesterday for lunch, good stuff that
Nah, the place struggles because people don't really shop like they did back in the day. The lame folks are the ones who go to the polish restaurant this week because it is cute and ignore it the rest of the year.
I have never been to the Broadway market. Ever. Lame right?
it makes me say "golly" but doesn't really impress me. I reckon I need a checkup. I was never into the world's biggest anything. But then, when I was younger I was told I was in the Guiness book as the world's biggest spoilsport (not the band or the Marvel comics character.) So my apologies.
I'm glad that people are trying to do fun stuff at the Broadway Market. It has so much potential.
I love sponge candy. When we were there last weekend I saw bars of sponge candy for the first time.