I don't know as I can express what I want to say clearly but I'm going to try.... I love the Bandits and the Bandettes. I think they are move of a dance team then cheerleaders and yes new hockey teams do have dance teams I have heard that some of them may even go on the ice but can't confirm that...... The Bandettes have a Jr. Bandettes program and at first it seems hey great idea.... Kids can do back wait I mean hand springs and all that cheer leader stuff and get in good shape.......
But see there is an ugly side to it as well.... Lets face it At the college level or higher have you ever seen an ugly cheerleader ...UM no... Have you ever seen a fat one..... No.... Yes some may carry a bit of weight but they aren't fat but I bet they are solid and have huge tits that fit their build.... So what does this say to young ladies well I think it says you have to look like this to do this.... I think that can be driving force to be fit but can also lead to other problems But not like modeling cause being thin if you don't have the strength to dance and lift people is no good....
The Point that all cheerleaders at least from College on are hot is what gets me to my point. Are they there cause they love the school.... Or is it to keep tabs on their athlete boy friends.... What ever the reason in the end it comes down to that Men watch them and are entertained by them... Hey when your team is playing bad it is a good distraction and in some sports might get fans into the game.... Again the point here is that these women are showing off there stuff to men.... It isn't like I'm licking this sucker that is way bigger then your cock and since I can take it in a can swallow you and your balls..... But there is still a sexual under current there of showing off the goods and moves to men..... Well when you have the JR. Team out on the field that is what you are doing... When you get kids ready for that you are teaching them to show off the goods.... That is just wrong......
I get that the hot sexy Cheer leaders in high school need to learn from some program some place.... But again here is a case where young High School Girls get to show off their stuff at football and Basketball games.... Granted to other students not a big deal but what about when the 3 dads are all checking out the girls that aren't their daughter.... Or in many cases it is dads or moms in some cases that come out to watch someone they know play the sport and as a side thing check out the hot underage girls.... I admit not sure how cheer leading in High School is now but I'm sure everyone who makes the squad is fully developed and look like they could be in College... Dad or Mom or whomever can't tell 16-19 looks wise I mean they know they are underage but looks sure do fool them....
So Yes I do think that kids are sexualized by cheer leading and they don't even know it... At some point and I have no idea at what age they put on make up and those outfits....
On a side note Penn & Teller had a great episode of their show Bullshit about Cheer leading and about how it is not considered a sport when it should be......
Metalpeter's Journal
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04/03/2011 14:48 #53971
Cheer leading sexualized KidsCategory: sex
04/03/2011 14:17 #53970
Friday The Skiffle MinstrelsCategory: music
So On Friday I went to The Sportmen's Tavern for the first time to see The Skiffle Minstrels It was a great time I didn't stay for all it turned out I got to see a full set though.... I have to say even though I don't watch Baseball it was a hard not to watch bits and pieces of it on that HD TV it sure looked good.... With the light and where I was shooting the pictures aren't the best......

Wish I got better shots but it was still a good time......
Wish I got better shots but it was still a good time......
mrmike - 04/03/11 18:27
They are a blast. I get over there often
They are a blast. I get over there often
03/30/2011 19:45 #53948
Yoga for e:tinyplinyCategory: dance
Yoga movie well not only for (e:tinypliny) ...... I found this cause on facebook I follow Angel Dies who was in a band I liked called As Summer Dies posted it.................
03/31/2011 17:35 #53951
First Day of BaseballCategory: sports
So from what I understand today is the Baseball's opening day... Now that doesn't mean your team has a home opener today since there can only be one home team.... It seems silly to have the season start so early when it can and does still snow but of course if you push the season back any that is a risk you take the other way ..... Think it has snowed during the playoffs before but not sure about that....
The Bisons open up a week from today and even though it is a 3pm game it is a good reason to take the day off... Hope there is no snow or rain or high winds and that I can enjoy the game and a Burger or maybe some Mexican (there was a moe's there not sure if there still is) not really a hot dog guy......
For those with Passports go to Toronto to see a game it is fun and if you want to see it from a different perspective get those 9 dollar seats it is almost like a video game where you are looking down at everything it is really trippy ...... You can go there for more then just a game as well..... Baseball is so much better in person and Yes $20-25 to park but if you are going to do other stuff not a big deal...... There is a way to get a ticket to watch from the Hard Rock Cafe windows but not sure how that works.... I also have seen a game in Cleveland.... From seeing games here it makes it seem like Dunn Tire Park was built backwards like sitting in the seats you should be able to see downtown .........
As I said before I wish I could get into Baseball on TV. I admit I'm a Costas fan and think he does a great job.... But even so I just can't get into baseball on TV I have watched it but.... I think part of it is the delays.... See in a ballpark there is a pitch you look to see if you judged it correctly when people are on bases you have that to watch...... But on TV all of that is done for you and once you learn how to read that graphic you know the count and what bases people are on aren't so the delay's seem slow..... I also think that some how the action of stealing a base is lost.......
Back to the long season.... I never played Baseball in a league so maybe I don't get this nor did a play in school.... But to me baseball is a summer thing not a spring fall and almost winter thing..... I think some sports are to long and there is to much of them.... Same is true with hockey at Club Daiblo this was mentioned slightly that hockey should be over when the ice is soft like in June.... I think that is cause the playoffs take so long since they play every other day........
Baseball does for some reason make great Movies..... Basketball, Major League, Field Of Dreams (not really about baseball at all) and others I have never seen........
How Did Bob Uker become Mr Baseball?
Why Isn't Pete Rose in the Hall Of Fame?
How come did "The Chicken" Lose San Diago ..... and be more Famous then the Team?
I don't know what it is that even with drug abuse there is still something pure about baseball.... Maybe that it isn't a contact sport? Maybe it is the fresh cut grass and that smell? maybe it is how the field is cut so nice and the lines are perfect and you can watch the field come together........
I admit I have no means into Canada and I won't go to that many bisions games but Baseball is great and even as it snows it some how marks a new beginning ..........
The Bisons open up a week from today and even though it is a 3pm game it is a good reason to take the day off... Hope there is no snow or rain or high winds and that I can enjoy the game and a Burger or maybe some Mexican (there was a moe's there not sure if there still is) not really a hot dog guy......
For those with Passports go to Toronto to see a game it is fun and if you want to see it from a different perspective get those 9 dollar seats it is almost like a video game where you are looking down at everything it is really trippy ...... You can go there for more then just a game as well..... Baseball is so much better in person and Yes $20-25 to park but if you are going to do other stuff not a big deal...... There is a way to get a ticket to watch from the Hard Rock Cafe windows but not sure how that works.... I also have seen a game in Cleveland.... From seeing games here it makes it seem like Dunn Tire Park was built backwards like sitting in the seats you should be able to see downtown .........
As I said before I wish I could get into Baseball on TV. I admit I'm a Costas fan and think he does a great job.... But even so I just can't get into baseball on TV I have watched it but.... I think part of it is the delays.... See in a ballpark there is a pitch you look to see if you judged it correctly when people are on bases you have that to watch...... But on TV all of that is done for you and once you learn how to read that graphic you know the count and what bases people are on aren't so the delay's seem slow..... I also think that some how the action of stealing a base is lost.......
Back to the long season.... I never played Baseball in a league so maybe I don't get this nor did a play in school.... But to me baseball is a summer thing not a spring fall and almost winter thing..... I think some sports are to long and there is to much of them.... Same is true with hockey at Club Daiblo this was mentioned slightly that hockey should be over when the ice is soft like in June.... I think that is cause the playoffs take so long since they play every other day........
Baseball does for some reason make great Movies..... Basketball, Major League, Field Of Dreams (not really about baseball at all) and others I have never seen........
How Did Bob Uker become Mr Baseball?
Why Isn't Pete Rose in the Hall Of Fame?
How come did "The Chicken" Lose San Diago ..... and be more Famous then the Team?
I don't know what it is that even with drug abuse there is still something pure about baseball.... Maybe that it isn't a contact sport? Maybe it is the fresh cut grass and that smell? maybe it is how the field is cut so nice and the lines are perfect and you can watch the field come together........
I admit I have no means into Canada and I won't go to that many bisions games but Baseball is great and even as it snows it some how marks a new beginning ..........
metalpeter - 04/02/11 10:03
Just have to add that Last night at Sportmen's Tavern I really Enjoyed watching some baseball it was really the Skiffle Minstrils (how ever it is spelled) but it looked great I really can't explain how good it looked .... You could see the fans faces then other times you couldn't but they where blurry based on how the camera was focussed..............
Just have to add that Last night at Sportmen's Tavern I really Enjoyed watching some baseball it was really the Skiffle Minstrils (how ever it is spelled) but it looked great I really can't explain how good it looked .... You could see the fans faces then other times you couldn't but they where blurry based on how the camera was focussed..............
03/28/2011 18:36 #53934
Sabres Win Friday Night Over FLA.Category: photos
So I was able to go to the Sabres game on Friday night.... It was a good time.... I was planning to go to the Sean Madden Satan For President show that same night and it looks like I didn't miss much of that at all but that is the previous post Here are pictures from that night.... Oh yeah the Sabres won and that all ways helps.......


Well hopefully that is enough pictures to tell the story but not so many it is overkill.... I had to include a picture of that awesome Pink limo...............

Well hopefully that is enough pictures to tell the story but not so many it is overkill.... I had to include a picture of that awesome Pink limo...............
I love Cheer leaders and think that they are hot and sexy and very athletic but it isn't for kids to be doing..... Ballet doesn't have little kids parading out as if they are adults.... Besides I thought only gay men and women like Ballet I'm sure that isn't really true.... Part of my point is that Being a Cheerleader is Part of Americana but there is an underlying sexual aspect to it.... It isn't as bad as say beauty pageants where in stead of people going oh yeah cute kid they can sell tons of toys they take a kid and put them make them up like a porn star........
By your argument, if you think cheerleading is not very politically correct, then I guess everything about ballet is wrong too. However, I didn't go to school here and back home, we don't have any cheerleading for cricket - which is an über lazy game anyway.