From What I understand The last group is local and are the called the Heavenly Chillbillies and I admit other then live haven't heard any of their music and they do Have a facebook page....
All in All it was a great time.... I was expecting more side show stuff and less music but still a great time.... I know I should go to the Masquarde 40th Birthday thing but I don't have the type of clothes you need to dress for that..... Also aren't those things for like couples and mystery and not knowing who people are??????
I love Cheer leaders and think that they are hot and sexy and very athletic but it isn't for kids to be doing..... Ballet doesn't have little kids parading out as if they are adults.... Besides I thought only gay men and women like Ballet I'm sure that isn't really true.... Part of my point is that Being a Cheerleader is Part of Americana but there is an underlying sexual aspect to it.... It isn't as bad as say beauty pageants where in stead of people going oh yeah cute kid they can sell tons of toys they take a kid and put them make them up like a porn star........
By your argument, if you think cheerleading is not very politically correct, then I guess everything about ballet is wrong too. However, I didn't go to school here and back home, we don't have any cheerleading for cricket - which is an über lazy game anyway.