SAVE THE DATE – APRIL 16th is the date for our Spring Clean-up 2011. Saturday, from 9-12.
For the past 15-20 years, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper has organized biannual (spring and fall) cleanups* along various local waterways to remove litter and other accumulated debris. Scajaquada Creek has always been one of Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper’s largest cleanup sites. Continued attention to litter removal at the trash racks and along the banks of Scajaquada Creek from the trash rack in Delaware Park to the mouth is part of ongoing efforts by volunteer groups. Local citizens monitor the trash rack at Delaware Park and hold the City of Buffalo Department of Public Works accountable when need be. Over 500 volunteers joined Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper for the Fall 2010 Shoreline Cleanup at 34 sites around the Buffalo Niagara region. A fantastic effort for the Fall!
Please let me know if you want to clean up Squaw Island. I told them I would bring 0-5 people. They need people for multiple locations in our areas. It really is rewarding knowing you are preventing all the trash from going into the water ways.
I like the suggestions to but haven't done one yet............
I do remember now and she initiated it. It wasn't entirely bad either. So strange to even think about this, I don't think back and laugh.
I added that one because I really don't remember who my first kiss was.
That is very poignantly funny for some reason...