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09/22/2010 14:33 #52811

a Jho.
Saw this license plate yesterday when I was driving home from a lovely lunch with my bro and niece.

We were stopped at a light and my brother says, "a Jho." I was thinking um yea, you are a j. Ho. His first name is Josh.

Then I look at the car in front of me.... So hilar! I want that license plate!!!!


09/20/2010 12:10 #52789

why cleaners are amazing
didn't have it in me to clean, and the house needed to be spotless for the arrival of my mother brother and niecey.

i hired a cleaning service, and they made stripes in the micro-fiber.

so awesome... rocks my world!

tinypliny - 09/20/10 17:58
I am jealous. I need to clean out my flat and have no time or inclination... but I really would like to have shiny floors and all the papers I have strewn about vanish by snapping my fingers or something.
matthew - 09/20/10 13:23
I'm guessing they move the upholstery attachment in alternating directions when vacuuming. The people I work for have a microfiber sofa and their kids spend hours drawing shapes into the fabric with their fingers. It's like furniture meets etch-a-sketch!
libertad - 09/20/10 13:16
how do they do that?
matthew - 09/20/10 12:55
What a neat idea! Makes me wish I had something in microfiber.

09/20/2010 10:55 #52786

don't worry...
about a thing...

ok, my nervous breakdown is over. the fam gets here tonight. its pathetic i miss my mom. i need a mom hug and kiss.

i also need a bebe hug and kiss. i can't wait to see that chublet!!!!!!

so, i guess i am feeling better. still tired. but my eyes keep getting more swollen. i refuse to go back to the stupid np i saw last week, because all she did was give me some antibiotics and tell me to take some allergy meds.

ok, allergy meds didn't help the swelling loser. annnnnd my eyes are much more swollen than wednesday when this all started. i look like a freak...

i just need to come home from work and see that baby and none of it matters.

09/16/2010 00:39 #52752

my eyelid is drooping
I've been sick on and off for about four days. started with severe back pain then a fever and body aches and chills. I've just been really tired. then i thought i was better...

but the fever came back last night and a bit today. still have the horrible back pain.

now my right eyelid is drooping and i have an awful headache.

i really have to see a dr. tomorrow. kind of scared its something serious.
matthew - 09/16/10 09:53
Hope you feel better soon!
paul - 09/16/10 01:06
Hope you are not having a stoke.

09/13/2010 01:11 #52726

i cursed myself
friends were trying to convince me to fain sickness today at work so i could hang out...

of course i stayed at work. i am not sure i ever faked sick. ok maybe in hs.

anyway, get home and a wave of sicknees came over me. complete body aches. i hurt to touch anything. temp 101. dizzy. cannot eat all my dinner...

this never happens.

supposed to work tomorrow, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

this pic is scary but thats how i feel. ph and i had the chills so badly that i had on a tee, hoodie w hood on, long velour pants, socks. also took hottest bath possible. chills went away, feel them coming back.

mind you its 90 degrees outside, and 80 in the house.

i'm done talking smack about peeps for a few days...

tinypliny - 09/13/10 17:20
Maybe you were hating on everyone because you were in the incubation period of this bug and not the other way round. Who knows...