friends were trying to convince me to fain sickness today at work so i could hang out...
of course i stayed at work. i am not sure i ever faked sick. ok maybe in hs.
anyway, get home and a wave of sicknees came over me. complete body aches. i hurt to touch anything. temp 101. dizzy. cannot eat all my dinner...
this never happens.
supposed to work tomorrow, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
this pic is scary but thats how i feel. ph and i had the chills so badly that i had on a tee, hoodie w hood on, long velour pants, socks. also took hottest bath possible. chills went away, feel them coming back.
mind you its 90 degrees outside, and 80 in the house.
i'm done talking smack about peeps for a few days...
I am jealous. I need to clean out my flat and have no time or inclination... but I really would like to have shiny floors and all the papers I have strewn about vanish by snapping my fingers or something.
I'm guessing they move the upholstery attachment in alternating directions when vacuuming. The people I work for have a microfiber sofa and their kids spend hours drawing shapes into the fabric with their fingers. It's like furniture meets etch-a-sketch!
how do they do that?
What a neat idea! Makes me wish I had something in microfiber.