This action is one of few by Brown that generally thrills me. Terminating the human resource commissioner, Ms. Thomas. A little too late though based on the fact that the city continued to lose hundreds of thousands after she ignored a directive to buy social security data that would have assisted in identifying deceased individuals who should not be receiving benefits.
She should have been fired the moment the phrase, "TMI", dropped from her lips in resonse to the auditing report.
Hm... Councilmember Smith said that Ms.Thomas was given six months to fix a problem that has plagued the city of years.... how hard is it to check your health records against payroll? Or, you know, death certificates that are kept just five floors above. I know! Work with the IT department to create an automated process. Well, they would, you see, if they weren't busy doing fuck all.
Seriously, there are a couple of department heads who know what they are doing and are good at their job (I am looking at you, Commissioner Stepniak. MWA!) but the rest is just filled with absolutely incompetent people.
But, it isn't really fair to blame commissioners. The administration wants people that are both good at their jobs and are also political. But, you really can't bring a qualified person from outside the area and expect them to play politics the way you want. You can't get qualified people from the area when you alienate half the city by playing games with block grant funding.
It is all a fucking mess.
Ya, that whole thing really blows my mind. It seems like such an obvious way to save money, not paying dead people!
"I didn't want to have a knee jerk reaction to this"
I know that's crazy, right? He'll fire the police chief and fire chief at a drop of a dime, but doesn't want to have a knee jerk reaction to an employee who demonstrated gross incompetence by being unwilling to even listen to results of the audit of HER DEPARTMENT!
Did you read what Brown said??? "I didn't want to have a knee jerk reaction to this"..........This city will be screwed every way possible until the City has real leadership.
Eh. Too late for me as well. Brown is horrible but we'll never get rid of him.