Several people we talked to about moving to NY mentioned the ridiculous state taxes. So we expected the worst...
But I really can't say I have too many complaints. I love it that states like NY don't tax necessities like food (which is taxed in IL). And when I consider that I can visit several state parks within a reasonable drive from Buffalo and enjoy hiking, swimming, sunning, disc golfing and camping. Well, I'm almost happy to put my money in the collective pot that makes the state park system tick.
I had a great day yesterday at Beaver Island State Park sunning on the beach, cooling off in the water (and seeing
(e:) PMT) and it triggered my thought that I'm really grateful for the NY State Park System. I wonder how many people visit the state park and don't realize that it's our tax dollars at work.
Now, the politicians and how they manage the money, that's another story...
I think if the Buffalo News had a style section, I might consider subscribing.
It is fine to have such articles in certain places in a paper. The Buffalo News does not have a style section, nor should it. This article anywhere else is just fluff and not a conversation worth having.
Don't know how I feel about that article. Women can have whatever hair they like, as long as they like. Don't know whose place it is to tell women it's time to go with the "post-50 bob" or the "gramma perm".