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12/25/2009 00:15 #50650

Christmas Eve
Category: holiday
It was a fun day.

Had a few family members over for a Christmas Eve early dinner. Well, it was my mom and my "step dad" (someone who has been in my life since I was 12, who was with my mom for 14 years until she decided to end the relationship but they are still very good friends, which is totally awesome) and his room mate/friend (who moved in six months ago, they had grown up together, was supposed to be a one month temporary thing, but it has worked out well for it to be a longer situation, so naturally he is adopted into our "family"- that's how we roll). So the four of us had a really nice time- good food, conversation and lots of laughs.

After they all left, I spent the remainder of the evening catching up on emails, chatting with some friends I haven't spoken to in awhile and just.. thinking. I guess with another year at a close, some thoughts are bound to be at the forefront of my mind.

While doing all the emailing and chatting and so on, I had a nice mug of hot chocolate from a mix that (e:pyrcedgrrl) had made as gifts. I added a candy cane and an extra large splash of chocolate mint Baileys. Yummy. I tossed my special hat on that I wear when I am chilled sitting at home. Ok, I have an assortment that I can chose from, and really I just grab whatever is closest to me. The one I chose always brings a smile to my face, it is an old joke of the sort.. yeh, it has Barbie on it (so NOT my thing).

Now I am wrapping it up and heading to bed with a book. Warren Ellis', Crooked Little Vein, if you want to know.

want some?


Trying to get me, the cocoa and the top of my hat in while take a self pic was much more complicated than I thought, so you get a second pic of me. :P
pyrcedgrrl - 12/27/09 12:54
How do you like the book? It's a quick read and has..umm..lots of interesting factoids sprinkled throughout. (lol)

Glad you are enjoying the cocoa. I think it turns out so much better than store-bought. I'll give you the recipe, if you want. :)
metalpeter - 12/25/09 19:17
Well I kinda allready said this but that drink sounds pretty good.

12/23/2009 14:36 #50642

keeping warm

I have a DeLonghi microthermic flat panel radiant heater. It is awesome. It heats up quickly and takes care of a good size room easily. There are multiple settings but usually I am cranking it high. I got it last year for use in a room that never quite gets warm enough, also for use when I am going to be hanging out in one room for a long period of time and I want the extra warmth but don't want to heat the whole apartment to that level.


My cats love it too. I often see them stretched out in front of it basking in the panels warmth. I don't have any pictures.. yet.

So when I saw this picture today over at that lolcat site, it did indeed make me "lol", as I can totally imagine that being my Joey warming his little fuzznuts near the heater.

metalpeter - 12/24/09 13:17
Funny Picture
libertad - 12/24/09 12:19
That heater is great. I had it in my old apartment in the back room otherwise known as the "wabatatt". Now I don't need it anymore so I lent it to my old neighbors. I especially liked it because you can hang it on a wall like a picture.

12/22/2009 13:16 #50629

It is officially winter
and officially, my little village got its first snow late last night. There have been a tease of flakes at times, but it has been all green up until this morning. Today, the snow covered the grass.

yesterday afternoon I saw Joey was watching the snowflakes fall. They weren't really sticking, so I didn't expect anything to wake up to.



however, I did wake up to a good dusting. Nothing on the roads. Maybe an inch fell?


with the sun, it is already melting.

tinypliny - 12/23/09 12:57
Snuggle?! You DID NOT just say that. I will have my *** ready.
theecarey - 12/23/09 12:27
it's pretty much gone now.
theecarey - 12/22/09 21:28
Tropics of Buffalo, haha. You are onto something, Tiny. If you get too cold, come snuggle with the furry basement beast.
tinypliny - 12/22/09 16:45
Exactly where do you live - the secret tropics in Buffalo?! No wonder the basement monster likes it there...

12/22/2009 12:45 #50628

G rated Cookies

Ok, time for G rated cookie pics.

big mess compared to the organization depicted in (e:theecarey,50601)

lots of sugar cookies and gingerbread men

soft peanut butter cookie w/ Hershey's kiss

A white chocolate coated oreo ball

(ground oreos, cream cheese mixed together then chilled. Followed by dipping into melted white chocolate. Crazy easy and yummy)

theecarey - 12/27/09 13:04
lol Actually that is still true. I managed to not eat dozens of them like I did everything, and I mean everything else. I had maybe three, total. Stupid truffle texture. But everyone else would like them A LOT. :D
pyrcedgrrl - 12/27/09 12:56
You didn't like the oreo balls because they turn out very similar to truffles. ;)
theecarey - 12/22/09 21:33
You might like it as it doesn't taste or feel like anything with cream cheese. I didn't make them, but I was impressed with how simple they were to make and how yummy they are for just using three ingredients. Cream cheese seems to be used as a vehicle for moisture and holding the ground cookies together. I have used cream cheese in my sugar cookie recipes.
metalpeter - 12/22/09 20:01
cookies sound interesting, I'm not a cream cheese fan but I bet they are still pretty good

12/21/2009 14:29 #50615

more cookie "art"
3am silliness.

Just making use of cookie "mistakes".

I call this, "Bukkookie"


more cookie pictures to come..

G rated ones, that is.

pyrcedgrrl - 12/27/09 13:01
I just realized that the "puddle cookie" is the one with the Loch Ness monster on him. lol
pyrcedgrrl - 12/27/09 12:57
OMG. This is the best picture ever.
theecarey - 12/22/09 21:38
I am wondering when my bulbs will start going. I have had them in every lamp and light socket for six years straight. They used to be expensive but I have seen that they have come down a lot in price. I remember earlier last year turning my bf at the time to adopt some energy saving behaviors, switching to CFLs was one way. That is when I was surprised at how inexpensive they have become. Apparently I haven't been in the market to buy bulbs in awhile!
tinypliny - 12/22/09 20:16
They are certainly green because they save a ton of electricity and reduce waste 100 fold - because some of them by GE are supposed to last 7 years with a warranty! A little mercury which you can certainly protect against (during disposal) is small price to pay for such green savings.
metalpeter - 12/22/09 20:05
I didn't think about the kitchen lighting now a see how the yellow forms. By the way those bulbs last much longer then regular bulbs. I think they are better then this new long lasting bulbs that are supposed to be green but yet have Mercury in them, yes the stuff that is in thermometers and that can cause cancer, ARGH. In terms of the movie Idea I have seen some animated gingerbread men but never them used as the art like how they do with south park or claymation. I have never even seen a Christmas Porn, I know there must be one out there someplace that is good.
theecarey - 12/22/09 13:50
The icing is not pure white, but it isn't yellow like that either. It is likely the lighting in the kitchen. I use those compact fluorescent bulbs, and it gives everything a yellowish cast. Peter, you make me laugh. Cookie Monster eating all the porn cookies is a great way to end the movie.

metalpeter - 12/21/09 20:14
That is great. Question was the stuff on them white and the flash makes it look yellow? Some with here and facebook I have a fealing next year you are going to film a Christmas Cookie Porn and in the end Cookie monster will come in and eat them all and we don't get to see how the plot to the movie ends, HA, well I guess Cookie Monster would be how the movie ends.
lilho - 12/21/09 14:33
hahaha! i am gonna make cookies tonight, but i will keep it g rated.