This time we're at Fallbrook, PA, (map:

Eventually the spot I photographed became a state park with a big picnic area including a pump well, a pavilion, and guardrails along the cliff above the creek. The park has been abandoned. I'm guessing it was abandoned because of the severe acid mine drainage from all the mining (see Uncle Dudley's coal mining museum (e:heidi,49799)). Although the Tioga County Concerned Citizens Committee has been working on AMD remediation for about 20 years now, there's still a lot work to be done for the stream to support aquatic life and be rid of its sulfuric smell.

The entrance bridge. I'm guessing it was built by Civilian Conservation Corps members but I don't know that for sure.

That bridge is so beautiful!

A and Nisha on the trail

Nisha checking out a mushroom

Mushroom on the trail

Settling in for the nice view.

We sat up there for a while... and then I dropped the hood to my telephoto lens 20' down the cliff on the bank of the creek. A thought he was going to scale down the cliff and I said absolutely not! There's a trail down. Nisha was the first to give up hiking from the base of the trail to where the hood landed. she was pretty upset that she couldn't figure out how to follow any farther. Then A had to stop - he boosted me over a pretty big rock & tree combo so I could finish the trek. I know I'm making it sound very arduous, and it was, but it's all within a very small area, just a couple acres.
A little way down the cliff trail looking up

part of the cliff

River, waterfall... The orange tint is real - it's from the acid mine drainage. TCCCC does educational events with schoolkids where they can tie-dye white t-shirts in a concentrated version of the orange water. It's pretty gross.

Back at the top we checked out the cement pad where the picnic pavilion was.
Blackberries. Yum!

Pump for the well

Spider & web

That spider could be (e:theecarey)'s creature's cousin.
Oh, I missed these set of photos. I don't know how. That one of Nisha and the mushroom is adorable!
You never finished the story! What happened in the end? Did you retrieve the hood??
That place looks awesome.
Nice Pictures I'm biased towards the falls shots
uh oh, watch out matthew! ;) Great pix! Love the first one of the trail.