The beer summit is today and on Fox Business Channel they were talking about how in the choices of the three participants, there was not one American Beer as the beverage of choice.
It will be Bud Light for Obama, Blue Moon for Crowley and Red Stripe for Gates, the White House says.
So we have InBev for Obama (Belgium/Brazil), MolsonCoors for Crowley (Canada) and Diagio for Gates (United Kingdom) What happened to having all of the stimulus money being directed to be spent buying products from domestic companies? ;-)
Then again their only choices would be PBR, Genny and Sam Adams if they were to stay with USA owned companies if you think about it on a macro scale.
Not Sure if you mean you took someone home who you knew from the continental last night who looked like her or if you mean from when it was open. Well I hope UFC was fun. I wonder if there is anyplace else where they show it that maybe some women go to. In terms of the Swedish Supermodel not sure what is going on there I'm guessing it is a cultural thing that to us makes no sense but would over there. Kinda like how in America you can kill millions of people die in a movie and no one gets made, but one hard dick and you get an NC-17 unless it is done in comic way. In our country violence is ok but sex is bad, and nudity is bad. So maybe there is something over there that freaks people out in that video for cultural reasons.
jesus, people had to form a support group because they are so terrorized by that commercial?! Get a life, people! lol.