My entrie family are evil, maniulative trouble makers.
Is it normal for me to be so irritated with them? I get so mad to the point where I'll scream at them on the phone for saying something stupid, pointless, and irrelevant to a conversation. Do other people feel this way?
Now, I only see them every few years and speak to a couple of people on the phone. I want them as far away from me as possible. They just bring me down and are negative.

Well what I will say is this 32 posts and over 1,000 views so at least he is interesting, at least his blogs aren't dull.
By the way hating your family is very common or at least a couple people in it. I love (e:james)'s comments they are great, but so much better in person.
Dear lord James you slayed me right there - that is too awesome for words so I'm just going to go be quiet and return my Ray-Bans, hehe.
Don't worry, I'm sure they feel the same way.
So Joshua, if I can rephrase what you are saying.
only dangle the baby if you hold onto him really tight... like micheal did
Let it be known that it is not the house conservative that is attacking Luka! You guys all lack sensitivity! =P
Can you blame them. I mean if you were my son I'd be disappointed too.
they all so ignorant...
just so stupid...
now go dangle your baby off that railing
Must be genetics...