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Lukamagnotta's Journal

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06/30/2009 01:32 #49127

I Hate My Family
I hate my family. I never felt like I belong in this family at all. Everything they do annoys me, the way they walk, talk, and even breath. I just get so irritated with EVERYTHING they do. I can't stand them. I feel like they don't like me very much either. They have all been extremely jealous of my success and life for years. They all hang onto me and just want money.

My entrie family are evil, maniulative trouble makers.

Is it normal for me to be so irritated with them? I get so mad to the point where I'll scream at them on the phone for saying something stupid, pointless, and irrelevant to a conversation. Do other people feel this way?

Now, I only see them every few years and speak to a couple of people on the phone. I want them as far away from me as possible. They just bring me down and are negative.

metalpeter - 06/30/09 20:54
Well what I will say is this 32 posts and over 1,000 views so at least he is interesting, at least his blogs aren't dull.

By the way hating your family is very common or at least a couple people in it. I love (e:james)'s comments they are great, but so much better in person.
joshua - 06/30/09 15:33
Dear lord James you slayed me right there - that is too awesome for words so I'm just going to go be quiet and return my Ray-Bans, hehe.
iriesara - 06/30/09 11:54
Don't worry, I'm sure they feel the same way.
james - 06/30/09 11:33
So Joshua, if I can rephrase what you are saying.

lilho - 06/30/09 10:29
only dangle the baby if you hold onto him really tight... like micheal did
joshua - 06/30/09 09:57
Let it be known that it is not the house conservative that is attacking Luka! You guys all lack sensitivity! =P
hodown - 06/30/09 09:50
Can you blame them. I mean if you were my son I'd be disappointed too.
terry - 06/30/09 09:07
they all so ignorant...

just so stupid...

now go dangle your baby off that railing
james - 06/30/09 08:08
Must be genetics...

06/29/2009 01:02 #49121

Someone Just Sent Me Photos
Someone who I never met B4 just sent me photos of myself which I don't even remember from years ago when I was a teenager?

People from out of the woodwork are writting to me? I suppose I am just to hot to handle.



06/28/2009 23:44 #49120

Nomore Affection
How do you know if your husband still loves you if he does not initiate hugs and kisses

ask him,its important that you share your feelings with each other,if your in a true relationship you shouldn't have a problem opening up to him!make sure you are truly honest to each other and then you can't go wrong! good luck!!
i agree with the first up to your partner and tell them how you feel, if you can do it better by writing him a letter, than sometimes i do that as well...this month will be 21 years for me and my hubby and communication is a big part of the relationship....i wish you well....


06/28/2009 23:42 #49119

Is He Cheating On Me?
How can you tell if your husband is cheating on you?
Its easy to tell if your man is cheating on you... and if he is and you two aint married kick his ass to da curb!
now the first way to tell is if he shows less interest in you
he will not have sex with you for multiple times
and he would want to into public less with you
tell you i love you less
not let you look at his cell phone
strange numbers will appear on his phone
he will tell you he is going to hang with his friends more often
and the number one way to tell if your boyfriend is cheating on you is if he says......................................... "i was working late," a lot

OR if he says "im going to my uncles house for supper" then that means he is really going to a nightclub.

06/28/2009 23:39 #49118

Tired Of People Impersonating Me online
I keep getting these weird emails and my friends send me links to websites that say stuff about me....its not even true? It actually makes me laugh. People post my photos online and pretend to be me and they actually have conversations with the imposter and its hilarious.

There is hundreds of fake websites about me all over the place? WTH? People need to stop being so crazy, im tired of the stalkers. Im too busy for these pesants.

