At first its all about the chase, then as the months go by...they all want variety and turn into sexaholic, lying cheaters and their buddies mean more to him then you do.
He likes to keep you close...just so he knows he has some control, he needs to know who im with and where I've been....
But he can go do what he pleases and lie about where he is and who he's with.
He treats me like im his friend instead of his partner...then he feels guilty when im 5mins from dropping him off at home he shows little affection.
He wants me around because I've become more of a comfortability blanket to him then a lover.
I suppose he is just too young and immature.
i love when intelligent people mis-spell the word. you should spell check that shit for real. it just makes you look like a dumb ass. And $200 a hour for a major metropolitan area is cheap. youd make more money turning tricks on the corner..
I totally thought you were a whore? :::link:::