Lately, all i do is write about work.
So here is a brief break...
Still have train or carousel ride tickets for the Buffalo Zoo if anyone wants some. I sent half of them to
Now, back to our regularly schedule kvetch.
We have another new resident. Another person with 1:1 supervsion -- 5 of the 7 we have.
Staff meeting said that one of them is leaving soon, to go back to People, Inc., who came in for 1:1 training. Thank goodness, the paperwork on that resident was enormous!
The newest 1:1 is wearing a cast. Suffice it to say, casts hurt when someone swings a bit ole roundhouse punch at the side of your face.
Tonight, the outing is the Bisons Game. I told the Recreation Liason on our unit that i would like to go if i don't have to drive and park that giant state van in busy downtown traffic. Since she likes to drive, she said she would do it, so i volunteered. I reckon i should bring a sweater and an umbrella, eh?
Last night, one of our staff members was acting very odd. I recognized her behaviour from my own as a teenager. She said she was just tired and was having a bad allergy attack. I didn't know the oh so classic nod had anything to do with lack of sleep or generic claritin....
I go on vacation soon, thank goodness. Being second fron the bottom in senority, i had my choice of the week beginning May 14th or the week beginning May 21st.
"What?", you say, "those are not the beginnings of weeks!" Ah, but they are in state worker lingo. Our weeks begin on Thursdays and end on Wednesdays.
Speaking of Wednesdays... tell me if this ain't my job trying to screw me out of a few bucks.
I am a part time employee hired to work 20 hours a week. Any work i do between 20 and 40 hours i get paid my regular hourly rate. However, if i work anything over that, i get paid at an overtime rate. Make sense so far, right?
Well, our moronic computerized system for keeping track of our schedule and hours does not mesh well at all with our shifts. First shift is 11pm to 7am; second shift is 7am to 3pm; third shift is 3pm to 11pm. I work third shift. However, the times system will not allow me to record any extra or overtime not already on my default schedule after the "10pm day divide" and must be recorded on the next days hours. I work a lot of extra time, and a decent amount of overtime.
BUT. Because Wednesday is the last day of our week, if i work any OVERTIME that day, that single hour goes on to Thursday's hours. But, Thursday is a new week, so do not get overtime pay, i will get extra time pay. I only get screwed for a few bucks, but they should be my bucks. Perhaps i will call my union....
Kvetching over. Have a nice day.
Thanks for this (e:leetee), I am very interested!
Wow there is lots of time to take photos. I wonder what the surprise is?