If you are reading this thinking it's going to be porn style you're about to be greatly disappointed. On BFF Day 2009
(e:paul) introducted me to a level of geekdom that I did not know exsisted. Google Analytics. Long story short sex sells and his journal with the title above ranked high. I'm now playing dirty to climb to the top of the
(e:strip) ladder.
And now for the point of this post:
I'm too lazy to blog right now. I just like commenting on
(e:businesscheese)'s blog.
Where's that story??? (e:paul),xxxxx??
Except for the snaggle one that I punched the tip off of.
Did I ever tell you - you have the prettiest teeth. :D
Have you heard Department of Eagles, Josh? If you like Fleet Foxes I think you'd really like DoE.
Jessica, I'm sorry I don't like Bishop Allen. Cate burned me a copy of 'Charm School' in 2003 and that was that. Just not my thing. Pitchfork's supreme snobbery has nothing to do with my dislike.
What's wrong with Britney? Toxic is frigging brilliant. How much of that Britney actually had a hand in is debatable, but who cares? Pop perfection.
No, you don't have bad taste, unless you listen to Britney or something in that vein. It's not my favorite in the world but it's completely non-offensive.
Take Pitchfork with a grain of salt. Here you have the most feminized men in the world waxing poetic about Deerhunter, who fucking blow. I'm sorry. In a vain attempt to sound sophisticated, if you understand music, a lot of times the reviews are absolutely useless. Sometimes I really do think a bunch of them are tone deaf, although they do get some things right.
Nah, like what you like - in the end that's all that matters anyway.
Actually, really... if you haven't yet I'd recommend the Fleet Foxes album. It scored a ton of Album of the Year awards and was in most top 5's. The lead singer, Robkin Pecknold, sings like an angel... the guy has an amazing voice and the band is capable of some amazing 4-part vocal harmony.
(e:Jason) I exclusively hang out with charming and witty people so no, thats not enough.
(e:Josh) I've heard it all before. Like I said (e:business) cheese "hates" them. I disagree with pitchfork. One thing I really like about their lyrics is the story they tell. Or maybe I just have bad taste in music. I'm ok with that.
Pitchfork hated it! :::link::: This is some vicious hipster on hipster hate - "I'm cooler than you" - "NO I AM COOLER THAN YOU!!U!"
"So this batch of smug tunes comes aimed above or around the lot of us, but it's not a significant loss. In their neat instrumental outfits-- where everything is mannerly and tucked and where a distorted guitar actually sounds parodic-- these songs serve mostly as reminders that songwriters singing about love, wounded friends, and hitting the road have long done this stuff better, both through more relevant references and less banal sonics. Musically, these songs don't deserve to pretend they're better than anything else."
I love slapfights between self-styled musical tastemakers! Keep in mind though, that this same crew thought the world of the Battles album, which was pure unadulterated shit and proved they had no taste. My two favorites over the last six months or so are the new Animal Collective and Fleet Foxes.
What, my charm and wit aren't enough? =P
(e:jason) I always knew there was a reason I liked you. Until today I just wesn't sure what that reason was.
They are soo good!
I've been listening to them today. Pretty cool
so if i had to choose a fav band of all time, im pretty sure i would choose them!!!!! so buying asap! smiles all around!!!!!
with butterflies.... and monitors.