So Tonight the Bandits play the Swarm it should be a good game and I'm looking forward to it. I hope the Bandits win of course. So on Tuesday I went and watched the Ducks beat the Sabres. I can't go to all the sabres games I would like to it would get way to costly. I try to get to a couple at least a season. The way I chose what game to go to is based on who the sabres are playing. That is why I picked the Ducks plus I think it was a Value game not sure so that meant I wound up having pretty good seats. I was behind the ducks bench about 3 rows up. I still like there old name and uniforms better yes "The Mighty Ducks" and like the movie?Yes. They got the name from the movie and the uniforms also since If memory serves me right the Team was owned by Disney. I don't remember why things changed my guess is they sold the team? In any event here are some random pictures from the game.
The way I wrote at the begging it sounds like I'm a ducks fan and that I wanted them to win. That isn't true even though there where some ducks fans near where I was sitting I was there wanting the Sabres to win, they had their chances but lost. If for any reason this isn't enough sabres pictures here is a link that should take you to them all , ops for some reason the paste/copy won't work on firefox/(e:strip) for some reason but I know I do have a link to my webshots page on here. If you want to see the Bandits game from Valentines day with the 3rd uniform those are up also.
metalpeter - 03/01/09 13:55 To be honest I haven't seen any News this week so I'm not really sure how long Miller will be out for. The Last thing I heard was that with his High Ankle sprain he is out indefinatly , when most people use that term they mean that they don't know how long the person will be out but that it will be a long time possibley.
paul - 03/01/09 12:08 Wow, those are so up close, that is awesome. Is Ryan Miller out for the season. (E:terry) told me that the other day.
metalpeter - 03/01/09 11:31 Thanks my best shots I think where during warmups, since there wasn't anyone in front of me, it made it easier to take pictures.
Religulous Is one of the two movies I saw this weekend. I had all ready seen it, but I got it on DVD. I found the movie pretty interesting. Yes they had some deleted scenes and wished some of those had gone longer I think they might have gotten interesting. The one thing that I kinda thought was that the end of the movie got kinda preachy. But that being said I still liked a lot of the interviews.
It was interesting to see him pimp his movie last night at the Oscars. I think he did a good job presenting. It must be tough to present in a category that you think your movie should have been at least thought of to be nominated in. On his latest show he did mention that he would be on the Oscars . The Buffalo Area was also mentioned twice. One of them was mentioning the plane crash is some point of his about if it would have been terrorism. But the story that he talked with someone about was the Beheading in Orchard Park. I find it Ironic that this guy forms a TV Station to show how Islam isn't violent and then he calls and brags to the Police about how he cut off his Wife's head. That discussion was pretty interesting I thought. To me that kinda ties back to his movie. On a side note he also talked with Ron Paul and I was surprised that I kinda agreed with some of the stuff Ron was saying.
I guess before I forget I should mention the other movie I saw. It was called Coraline. I thought it was a pretty good animated movie. It kinda follows The Night Mare Before Christmas style of Animation. I liked the story and thought the Animation was amazing. I think it really would have looked great If I could have seen it in 3D. Oh yeah Lets go Buffalo (hope the sabres play a good game since I'm going to see them play the ducks).
So to sum up it was a good Bill Maher weekend, and I don't agree with all his politics and beliefs but he is funny and entertaining.
tinypliny - 02/23/09 20:58 Often preachers don't really practice what they preach. That does not necessarily make the preachings incorrect...
02/20/2009 19:24 #47837
Funny Video 2nd post of the day Category: entertainment
So my sister sent me to youtube to watch this video. I think it is pretty funny. MTV has this show on sunday called College humor. In this video they set this guy up at a Yankees game. With out giving to much away their is this guy with his girl friend and he proposes to her through the video screen. But see he knows nothing about it. So to him it is a shock and something he knows nothing about and to her it is a yes you should really watch it it is very funny, or maybe it is just the all 3 of us watching it together thing.
02/20/2009 18:16 #47835
Bill Maher Part 1 Category: entertainment
First of all I put this in entertainment instead of TV because I have a bunch of TV stuff. Plus I hope to write more about Maher. I want to write about faith but it isn't so simple so that is a post I have been holding off of. This weekend I hope to buy his new movie that is on DVD. Yes I have seen it, but I'm hoping it has a lot of great extras. The reason I want to see Bill's show that starts tonight is that I do agree with a lot of what he says, but not all of it. The other reason is I want to see how he treat Obama. I just wish I had my own computer so I could go on line after and watch the extra stuff, sorry I can't remember what it is called, I'm still I little messed up. I tried this stuff Called Joose and it is pretty strong like 9.9% alcohol by volume as opposed by weight not sure what the differance is there. I also would like to see a movie on Saturday so maybe it might all become one post who knows. Yes I do like Bill's comedy and I think that is good. I do agree with some of his stuff but not all of it, so tonight could be interesting.
metalpeter - 02/20/09 19:30 I'm not sure if there is anyway to watch Bill's show on HBO. But I know they have what is called overtime and that is live online once the show ends. I have never watched it because the computer I use is at my mothers house. I don't think that there is a way to watch overtime after the night it is on live. The movie was pretty good. What I would like to see, not sure if there is a way or not to, is each interview completely instead of edited like it was in the movie.
gardenmama - 02/20/09 19:09 The show is Real Time with Bill Maher. I love his wit. Even if someone doesn't agree with him (or like him), it's hard not to at least admit that he is clever. I don't get HBO so I can't watch the show, but I sometimes check out his "New Rules" on his show's website. I thought the movie was good too - it definitely made me laugh - but was also thought provoking.
02/16/2009 19:40 #47765
V-day Weekend Category: peterazzi
Well there where supposed to be pictures with this post but I'm having an issue with getting them onto the computer so hopefully maybe this post might get an update, we shall see. On Saturday I bought my self some food for the house I really needed it. One thing I bought was a Michael Phelps box of Corn Flakes. For those of you who may not know Kellogg's dropped him from his deal. They claim they didn't resign him, I call "Bullshit" it is because they don't want a weed smoker associated with there brand. That is funny for some reason I think a lot of people who smoke up eat their products. There have been some people who because of this decision are now boycotting Kellogg's . I'm sure a web search would pull up lots of stuff.
So then later on for Valentines day I went to the Bandits game. It was such a great game. Buffalo beat Toronto by 15 goals. Buffalo out shot Toronto, and played better in goal. Oh yeah it was a hard hitting game with lots of fights. If memory serves there was one that was kinda a draw and then Buffalo won the fights. They play again on Friday in Toronto that could be an interesting game. The Bandits now Have a 3rd Jersey and I thought it looks pretty cool, and since it went on sale I bought one. Yes there are better ways I admit to spending money, but I wanted to treat myself to something nice. So I had two great Valentines days in a row. Then last Night I got the WWE Pay Perview that was pretty good and a lot of fun to watch. Today for presidents day I got to work, hey the money will be nice.
To be honest I haven't seen any News this week so I'm not really sure how long Miller will be out for. The Last thing I heard was that with his High Ankle sprain he is out indefinatly , when most people use that term they mean that they don't know how long the person will be out but that it will be a long time possibley.
Wow, those are so up close, that is awesome. Is Ryan Miller out for the season. (E:terry) told me that the other day.
Thanks my best shots I think where during warmups, since there wasn't anyone in front of me, it made it easier to take pictures.
Great action shots!