For those who may not know the AUD is being torn down. Here are the pictures form the Peterazzi from the AUD and from around that general area before the Bandits game. You might be able to see the inside of the AUD.

One thing that the Peterazzi noticed last week was the tagging way up there. He wonders how did someone get all the way up there and how long has it been up there.
Yeah the Bandits lost a tough game. Yes it was a good game and a tight game with lots of hits and lots of shooting and the bandits where out shot. The Bandits had a lead and let it slide away or maybe the Swarm wanted it more or played better not sure but in the end they won, here are some random pictures from the game and the warm ups and I'm sure some Bandettes will make it in as well in the random selection.

Well the Peterazzi hopes you enjoyed this post about pictures and about the Camera issues and that you have learned that it isn't all ways easy being the Peterazzi. The Peterazzi also hopes that things go well on Saturday so that there are some great pictures to be shared. On a side note if you go in fetish gear it is cheaper to get in, hey we shall see what happens.
Thanks. I'm sorry I forget the site address but there is some website that has pictures and video taken from I think that tall HSBC building where I'm guessing you don't see the fence. I didn't think of it then but I should have climbed up on the flat bed and tried shooting over the fence. The shots with out the fence I shot through the fence opening. I wasn't the only one taking pictures either. I agree that it is weird to see it that way (not sure how it looks today but I'm guessing it is even more gone) now. I'm sure you have gone to a lot more things there then I have I'm guessing. I could be miss assuming. But depending on what you count I think I was still kinda a kid when they closed the AUD. I was there for Hockey Games and Bandits games and I'm sure I was there for Wrestling, but for concerts is where they really start to Blur. Like was Queensryche in tour for empire there or Did I see Metallica there (I think I did). I will end with this, it is to bad that there was nothing they could use it for and that their wasn't more looking ahead once it closed. I would love to have Had the Gold or Red seats with the nice comfy feeling (or at least to the wooden blue seats). I encourage everyone to go down and see it and take pictures before it all comes down. No mater what Paterson thinks about Bass pro and no matter what happens that area will most likely be a lot different and The AUD will be one of those cool building that got destroyed before people where born.
Great aud shots. Its a little weird to see it like after so many games and concerts.