First of all I see there has only been 4 blogs in the last 24 hours that is kinda scarry. I'm guessing that is because of not only the holiday but people have to work the next day. I know a lot of places are open. That being said I think a saw a bunch of hot ladies out and about at Target and that area around that plaza. With it being a day off for lots of people lots of people where out shopping. My point was trying to get at is thanks for all the people who are working today, I'm sure a lot of would rather be someplace else. The Movie i went to see was "The Spirit" it is based off a Frank Miller graphic novel I have never read. I will admit I'm no reveiwer because I find it tough to tell about how I like a movie with out giving stuff away. So I'm going to give stuff away. First of all Eva Mendas has sweet lovely amazing breats that you kinda see but not really. I'm sorry they should have shown all of her and made it R. I don't know how to explain the effect but this is true in a couple other places where it could have shown more. But then again maybe it would have been less artistic not sure really. Acting wise I think Scarlet Johansen was amazing or maybe it is just that she was so hot sometimes that can cloud a movie. Sam Jackson did a fine of job of acting, or maybe I'm just a fan of his. Plot wise with the love story and there being two love stories was pretty good. I like the idea that the hero and the viilian are made the same, and that the vilian was trying to live forever and be a god and in so doing so he created spirit (ok he brought him back to life as a new person)See it was part of the story but it wasn't the entire thing. I thought the action scenes where pretty cool all in all. One weird thing is the cats. The spirit had cats and everyonce and then he would fight and you would see this grey cat (very cute by the way) but see only we would see it, from how it looks it isn't like they would go hey we are trying to kill each other kill the cat and you kill him like in the crow. The part I really liked was the entire general feal of the movie. If you saw Sin City you know what I mean. Spirit talks about the city and how it calls to him and he can hear it (sorry can't explain it better go to the dam movie allready, HA) and he feels as if it is his. The other part that gives it such a feel is the animation and coloring. I wouldn't call it an animated movie at all. but there are parts that look that way and it fits. Like a sword goes through him and you see a drawn red sword and then he pulls it out and it look like a real sword covered in blood. Or someone gets shot up and and the person is in black and all the blood is white. Visualy it is an amazing film and for the visuales it is worth seeing it alone. There is a realy cool scene where Sam's character is dressed up as a Samurai that is just amazing to me. If you liked how some of Kill Bill and Sin city looked then you will like this. I give it 2 thumbs up or 4 out of 5 stars. I will admit since I never read it I can't rate this movie for fans of the book.
Metalpeter's Journal
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12/26/2008 17:21 #47190
The SpiritCategory: movies
12/25/2008 22:59 #47187
X-mas Day 1 Slumdog MillionaireCategory: peterazzi
So today Christmas was nice, even though it doesn't feel like that day for some reason, even though I know it is. My sis and her BF came over with their daughter and we exchanged gifts and ate and did the more gift opening thing. Then later they had family to go see and me and my mother went to go visit some people and eat some more and then go out to the movies. Since it is a holiday you can't go see some funny movie with some crazy family that is Christmas Themed well you could but to me that seems more like something you watch at home, but maybe that is me. For thanksgiving we went to see "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas", It looks like on holidays the new thing to do is to see serious movies. I admit I had no say this time in what movie to see. So maybe it being serious wasn't planned it was just what others wanted to see. The Movie was called " Slumdog Millionaire ". Yes some of it was violent and some of it was Harsh (not sure if that is the right word), but it was pretty good. Yes there was a love story in there but it was kinda different in a way. With out giving to much away there is this kid (a slumdog) [ok young guy] who is on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire he does pretty well on the show so the cops capture him and ask how he knows the questions (slumdogs shouldn't know the answers so it looks like he is cheating to them). As he reveals how he knew the answer to the question it tells another part of his life story. It is tough to Imagine someone having the type of life he had, it really is. From what the movie shows slumdogs are poor people who live in the slums, in his case he becomes and orphen. The one thing that took a bit to get used to was that some parts where in English and some where not, but it wasn't through subtitles when someone would talk it would show up in a box on the screen. I thought the movie was pretty good, oh yeah and after the story plays out the movie doesn't end there is like a dance scene or dance video I forget if there are credits on that scene or if they role after that. On Saturday the family is going out to a Christmas get together dinner thing and on Sunday I think we are going out to Springville to see some relatives but not sure about that yet so it will be a Christmas weekend. I want to go see a movie on Friday as well I'm hoping to see either "The Sprite" , that new Tom Cruise movie looks pretty good, or maybe "The Day the Earth Stood Still", who knows maybe if i wake up early I can catch an early showing of one or if I'm really lucky and the time works out two of those movies. Hope everyone had a great holiday and a great Holiday weekend.
12/23/2008 20:18 #47159
Birthday part 2Category: peterazzi
So first of all for anyone that thanked me a Happy Birthday thanks. So today is my real birthday But yesterday I went out to dinner at Fridays and then went to the penguins game. The dinner and Penguins game where both pretty good. I just wish that who ever won (Penguins in this case) would have done so with a clear victory. In overtime the Penguins scored a goal but the stick looked like a high stick. To me the first replay it looked high for sure and no goal but on the second one it looked legal. I had a good time and the funny thing is my boss was at the game and in the same section as me.

I had a really good time and the ticket I bought was pretty good, or atleast to me it was. I was 14 rows up in pretty much center ice ara and it really makes following the game much better then being at one of the ends. I will admit that I wish I was doing something cool on my real birthday and that I could come up with a Part 3 but that isn't going to happen so..... But I did get to have some fun and shovel and I admit I have no idea where to put the snow anymore.

Then In the spirit of snow I guess I could put up a few more shots of the Snow the two of the College are from today, the other ones are from after the previous post of mine about the storm.

Well I forgot what my next point was, maybe it was the great time I had last night, it really was a great time. Oh yeah I'm not going to get into the Happy Holidays vs. Christmas debate but in case I don't get to say this on the site on the day or the eve since I'm working, I hope everyone has a great holiday. Oh and hopefully lots of (e:peeps) go do the same on New Years and do so by going to "The Party" and yes even the people who don't post that much or forgot about (e:strip). So Enjoy the holidays everyone and I hope that none of you where to bored by this and if you where then I doubt you are still reading be safe and stay warm.

I had a really good time and the ticket I bought was pretty good, or atleast to me it was. I was 14 rows up in pretty much center ice ara and it really makes following the game much better then being at one of the ends. I will admit that I wish I was doing something cool on my real birthday and that I could come up with a Part 3 but that isn't going to happen so..... But I did get to have some fun and shovel and I admit I have no idea where to put the snow anymore.

Then In the spirit of snow I guess I could put up a few more shots of the Snow the two of the College are from today, the other ones are from after the previous post of mine about the storm.

Well I forgot what my next point was, maybe it was the great time I had last night, it really was a great time. Oh yeah I'm not going to get into the Happy Holidays vs. Christmas debate but in case I don't get to say this on the site on the day or the eve since I'm working, I hope everyone has a great holiday. Oh and hopefully lots of (e:peeps) go do the same on New Years and do so by going to "The Party" and yes even the people who don't post that much or forgot about (e:strip). So Enjoy the holidays everyone and I hope that none of you where to bored by this and if you where then I doubt you are still reading be safe and stay warm.
metalpeter - 12/24/08 20:46
Again thank you all for the Birthday wishes. I still am having trouble with the idea that it is Christmas Eve. I guess I need to go watch A Christmas Story once.
Again thank you all for the Birthday wishes. I still am having trouble with the idea that it is Christmas Eve. I guess I need to go watch A Christmas Story once.
tinypliny - 12/23/08 23:14
james - 12/23/08 21:11
happy birthday!
happy birthday!
12/21/2008 11:52 #47126
SnowCategory: pros & cons
First of all I will admit I have been thinking about trying out the old Pros and Cons Idea for some time and finally found a good topic to do it on the snow, we shall see how it works out. But 1st of all I missed Jeff Foxworthy last night I was tired oh well. Second if you are not tired of the snow here is a link to a story on Yahoo about the snow
. These pictures are not mine but are from Yahoo I think they are pretty interesting Is snow a regular thing there, I just think it rains a lot.

Here is the slideshow
It is pretty Until it all gets nasty
Dogs love to play in it Someone has to take them out
keeps relatives together Keeps relatives together
Shoveling is good exercise Shoveling can kill (heart attack)
Keeps away panhandlers some one has to deal with them
good for pictures Can kill/destroy Camera
White Christmas Has to snow on Christmas day
Crazy Elmwooders vanish They Just Bother someone else
Skiing Paradise I have no way to get there
Snow boarding paradise Assuming one doesn't get stuck
can't get out sleep in Boss might fire you
Stay in with loved ones "The Shinning" Happens
The Pussies stay home tough to get places
The Casual fan stays home = ( Only the Die Hard fans show)
Plow Guys earn their money Have to shovel Again Dam
Good time to make fruit cake Drink to much and puke
Play in the snow get soaked and a little sick
Stay in listen to Christmas music It can be torture some times
Marathon Sex Another Kid to feed
As some of you might have noticed this isn't a normal list of things that are positive and other things that are negative. It is seeing something that is positive and that it has a Negative side also. I think life is often that way. For example if you go to the Galleria mall and get lucky as someone pulls out and you have to only walk 10 feet then what about the next 7 cars that can't find a spot. Or say you are walking down the street and find $50 well that is your lucky day but when that person who lost it goes to check out and doesn't have enough for the food in there house and there kids go hungry then they aren't so lucky. I need another good example but it will most likely be only an ok one. Here is a multiple teared one: On Friday I had the day off (good), but with all the snow I had to shovel a lot (bad) but it was good exercise (good) but I would rather have been watching movies or porn or something (bad), but if I wouldn't have been off then my mother would have been stuck in the house (bad) and after the hockey game or the next morning shoveling would have been very tough (bad). Hopefully I will in the future post more of these and maybe the humor side will be a little bit better we shall see. Hope what ever is left of this weekend is good for everyone. I have a feeling I will have to shovel some more later today. Assuming things work out the way they are supposed to Part 2 of the Birthday I am taking my self to the penguins game on Monday. Stay safe and warm.

Here is the slideshow

It is pretty Until it all gets nasty
Dogs love to play in it Someone has to take them out
keeps relatives together Keeps relatives together
Shoveling is good exercise Shoveling can kill (heart attack)
Keeps away panhandlers some one has to deal with them
good for pictures Can kill/destroy Camera
White Christmas Has to snow on Christmas day
Crazy Elmwooders vanish They Just Bother someone else
Skiing Paradise I have no way to get there
Snow boarding paradise Assuming one doesn't get stuck
can't get out sleep in Boss might fire you
Stay in with loved ones "The Shinning" Happens
The Pussies stay home tough to get places
The Casual fan stays home = ( Only the Die Hard fans show)
Plow Guys earn their money Have to shovel Again Dam
Good time to make fruit cake Drink to much and puke
Play in the snow get soaked and a little sick
Stay in listen to Christmas music It can be torture some times
Marathon Sex Another Kid to feed
As some of you might have noticed this isn't a normal list of things that are positive and other things that are negative. It is seeing something that is positive and that it has a Negative side also. I think life is often that way. For example if you go to the Galleria mall and get lucky as someone pulls out and you have to only walk 10 feet then what about the next 7 cars that can't find a spot. Or say you are walking down the street and find $50 well that is your lucky day but when that person who lost it goes to check out and doesn't have enough for the food in there house and there kids go hungry then they aren't so lucky. I need another good example but it will most likely be only an ok one. Here is a multiple teared one: On Friday I had the day off (good), but with all the snow I had to shovel a lot (bad) but it was good exercise (good) but I would rather have been watching movies or porn or something (bad), but if I wouldn't have been off then my mother would have been stuck in the house (bad) and after the hockey game or the next morning shoveling would have been very tough (bad). Hopefully I will in the future post more of these and maybe the humor side will be a little bit better we shall see. Hope what ever is left of this weekend is good for everyone. I have a feeling I will have to shovel some more later today. Assuming things work out the way they are supposed to Part 2 of the Birthday I am taking my self to the penguins game on Monday. Stay safe and warm.
metalpeter - 12/21/08 20:24
First of all thanks for the Happy Birthday (2 days away but doing stuff on Tuesday date wise didn't work out). Not sure about the staying in part but hopefully work and the sabres game will be warm and where ever we(the family) eat will be we shall see.
Now I have a question for maybe (e:Paul) or someone else who knows a lot about this site. When I did the pros and cons I thought I hit enter each time and I left space between them so they wouldn't run together 1. Why do they run together ? 2. What can I do next time so they don't run together?
First of all thanks for the Happy Birthday (2 days away but doing stuff on Tuesday date wise didn't work out). Not sure about the staying in part but hopefully work and the sabres game will be warm and where ever we(the family) eat will be we shall see.
Now I have a question for maybe (e:Paul) or someone else who knows a lot about this site. When I did the pros and cons I thought I hit enter each time and I left space between them so they wouldn't run together 1. Why do they run together ? 2. What can I do next time so they don't run together?
heidi - 12/21/08 14:55
happy birthday, (e:metalpeter)! i hope you have a chance to stay inside with some hot cocoa and cookies!
happy birthday, (e:metalpeter)! i hope you have a chance to stay inside with some hot cocoa and cookies!
12/20/2008 14:11 #47120
4th time Birthday part 1Category: peterazzi
So fire fox and my computer and (e:strip) don't want to work together. So I had a great time at the sabres game that was a birthday gift. Since they don't want to work and every time it is so issue I give up if you care about it at all read it on my myspace page. 
or just the pictures

Besides most of you would find the sablere boaring. One thing to mention tonight the Jeff Foxworhty roast is on comedy central , when it is that late at night is is usaly uncensored so it should be pretty good like the pam anderson was last night.
[b]EDIT: I'm going to try the my media part again and hope it doesn't freeze up again and see if I can add the pictures down below. [b]

Well now it works So I Guess I'll try adding a few pictures that where close to the end of the game.

How very odd now everything works fine. It is time to go get my pictures from Walgreens (not that I feel like doing it but I think I may need some snacks anyways). IN case I didn't say Part 2 will be on Monday when I go to see the Penguins. That reminds me on Jan 1st the Winter Classic takes Place in Chicago that would be really amazing to go to (no $$$ anyways) and there is a Buffalo Connection for those that like to keep your hockey local Patrick Kane who plays for the Blackhawks is from the Buffalo area. Well hope everyone has/had a great weekend.

or just the pictures

Besides most of you would find the sablere boaring. One thing to mention tonight the Jeff Foxworhty roast is on comedy central , when it is that late at night is is usaly uncensored so it should be pretty good like the pam anderson was last night.
[b]EDIT: I'm going to try the my media part again and hope it doesn't freeze up again and see if I can add the pictures down below. [b]

Well now it works So I Guess I'll try adding a few pictures that where close to the end of the game.

How very odd now everything works fine. It is time to go get my pictures from Walgreens (not that I feel like doing it but I think I may need some snacks anyways). IN case I didn't say Part 2 will be on Monday when I go to see the Penguins. That reminds me on Jan 1st the Winter Classic takes Place in Chicago that would be really amazing to go to (no $$$ anyways) and there is a Buffalo Connection for those that like to keep your hockey local Patrick Kane who plays for the Blackhawks is from the Buffalo area. Well hope everyone has/had a great weekend.
ladycroft - 12/22/08 04:36
you have good seats!
you have good seats!
metalpeter - 12/20/08 14:47
Thanks (e:Paul). I don't think that it was (e:strip). I think something funky started happening with my computer. I'm going to try now that the computer has been reset for the second time to back to the my media section and try adding some of the pictures again and see what happens.
Thanks (e:Paul). I don't think that it was (e:strip). I think something funky started happening with my computer. I'm going to try now that the computer has been reset for the second time to back to the my media section and try adding some of the pictures again and see what happens.
paul - 12/20/08 14:44
Not sure what is wrong but you can always try the "lite" version of the site :::link::: It should work with any browser computer configuration.
Not sure what is wrong but you can always try the "lite" version of the site :::link::: It should work with any browser computer configuration.
I think you might a like a lot of other newer bollywood films if you liked this one. :)
I will admit I not no about the culture of that part of the world let alone that part of India but you really don't need to in able to watch and enjoy the movie it was pretty good.
I really loved this film and the dance video at the end was awesome! Everyone should go see this and I do not say that often.