While I'm trying not to let this stuff make me crazy, this is the third incident of this type reported in the news in as many days. I can say that I won't be staying late at work anymore unless there is at least one other person staying who plans to leave when I do - a sensible position no matter the circumstance.
Reported in the
Buffalo News
12/17/08 06:47 AM
A man was attacked and robbed Monday night on Niagara Street after he was approached by a group of about 15 males, according to Buffalo police.
The victim, whose age was not immediately available, told Central District police the incident happened at about 8:15 p. m. between Carolina and Virginia streets.
He told police he was punched in the face at least eight times, including once with brass knuckles.
The victim also said he was kicked in the back, and his cell phone and baseball cap were taken.
He may have fractured his right ankle while running from the suspects, who fled east on Carolina on foot, according to the report.
Wishing you the best of everything this holiday season and for the new year! :)
Happy holidays
Happy Christmas Gardenmama!