Movies don't scare me. I love horror movies for the pure cheese, without a trace of felt terror. Movies like The Exorcist, The Shining, The Omen, are all good horror movies, but I don't get a chill up my spine at any point. Never have I been actually terrorized.
Until Freaks.
Todd Browning's Freaks is the only movie to creep me out. To make me so uncomfortable I had to take a break and untangle the disgust in my brain.
The film takes place in a carnival. There are the big ring circus folks, and the sideshow freaks. Plotting brings the big ring people into the world of the freaks. The freaks are so other that we can't help but empathize with the plotting, evil characters. The viewer is the villain.
The movie is filled with little scenes of simple humanity. Like a man born without limbs rolling a cigarette.
Or take a look at this iconic scene. Just prior to it, the woman was mocking her new dwarf husband (all part of that evil plotting) at their wedding. The sincerity of the freaks response is one of the most chilling things on film.
And the ending... if the ending doesn't keep you up all night you aren't human. But I wont spoil it. Go out and rent it.
James's Journal
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10/28/2008 12:49 #46385
Halloween Movie Madness10/27/2008 13:11 #46366
MustmayostarayonnaiseIn regard to Jim's most recent post on Baconnaise (e:jim,46365)
A trifecta of an outstanding sketch.
god I love throw away culture
A trifecta of an outstanding sketch.
god I love throw away culture
10/24/2008 10:56 #46298
WTF McCain-Palin?Does it ever end?
It was recently revealed, through the magic of campaign financial disclosure, that $150,000 was spent on wardrobe and accessories for Sarah and family. Which, from the convention to election day is over $2,000 a day in clothing. Hockey Mom indeed.
But what gem surfaced this morning?
Who would you guess is the highest paid staff member on the McCain-Palin team?
A hot economic advisor?
Campaign manager for Ohio?
Makeup artist?
That is right, the highest paid staff member is Palin's makeup artist. Amy Strozzi picked up $22,800 in the first two weeks of October as Palin's traveling makeup artist. To put that in perspective, McCain's top foreign policy advisor only made $12,500 in the same period.

McCain's new campaign slogan: MILF the vote!
It was recently revealed, through the magic of campaign financial disclosure, that $150,000 was spent on wardrobe and accessories for Sarah and family. Which, from the convention to election day is over $2,000 a day in clothing. Hockey Mom indeed.
But what gem surfaced this morning?
Who would you guess is the highest paid staff member on the McCain-Palin team?
A hot economic advisor?
Campaign manager for Ohio?
Makeup artist?
That is right, the highest paid staff member is Palin's makeup artist. Amy Strozzi picked up $22,800 in the first two weeks of October as Palin's traveling makeup artist. To put that in perspective, McCain's top foreign policy advisor only made $12,500 in the same period.

McCain's new campaign slogan: MILF the vote!
gardenmama - 10/24/08 20:51
That's because the makeup artist has done a better job than the foreign policy advisor at making her look good. And the stuff the makeup artist has to say is way more interesting too - you betcha!
That's because the makeup artist has done a better job than the foreign policy advisor at making her look good. And the stuff the makeup artist has to say is way more interesting too - you betcha!
tinypliny - 10/24/08 17:41
Why Why Why, didn't *I* go to beauty-make-up school? I make much less than that in a YEAR!
Why Why Why, didn't *I* go to beauty-make-up school? I make much less than that in a YEAR!
10/23/2008 16:37 #46282
On a happier noteSo, I find it difficult to not get angry sometimes. And I don't fault myself for getting angry. The trick isn't never being angry, but dispelling that anger. And so, to no longer be angry at Sarah "me so awesome for not aborting fake person" Palin I just had to look at this video.
You should watch it, even if it looks familiar. Trust me.
You should watch it, even if it looks familiar. Trust me.
metalpeter - 10/24/08 18:16
That was awesome
That was awesome
libertad - 10/24/08 09:07
OMG it is the scary black man that carved the B on that poor little girl in PA!
OMG it is the scary black man that carved the B on that poor little girl in PA!
tinypliny - 10/23/08 19:53
HAHAHAH.. That was so awesome. :)
HAHAHAH.. That was so awesome. :)
james - 10/23/08 17:17
After all the money my parents spent on braces? No way!
After all the money my parents spent on braces? No way!
jason - 10/23/08 17:16
Ah, alright. I'm glad you aren't gnashing your chompers. Whaling in the dark, ha
Ah, alright. I'm glad you aren't gnashing your chompers. Whaling in the dark, ha
james - 10/23/08 17:07
I have a right to my emotional responses. But it seems like there is a difference between my actual emotional response and a perceived emotional response. There was no gnashing of teeth and wailing in the dark. Just an angry estrip post.
I first typed "whaling in the dark" and then corrected my error. But that image makes me giggle.
I have a right to my emotional responses. But it seems like there is a difference between my actual emotional response and a perceived emotional response. There was no gnashing of teeth and wailing in the dark. Just an angry estrip post.
- note
I first typed "whaling in the dark" and then corrected my error. But that image makes me giggle.
jason - 10/23/08 17:02
Nobody should have the kind of control over you where they get you that pissed off, especially not a politician. They have no scruples.
Nobody should have the kind of control over you where they get you that pissed off, especially not a politician. They have no scruples.
10/23/2008 14:29 #46278
Palin: I'm so AWESOME!Way to go Sarah Palin!
You are such a great, principled woman. You could of had an abortion, but you didn't! You would have been tempted to abort one of those horrible, ugly, demi-human's with Down's syndrome. But you are so filled with conviction that you didn't kill this disgusting offspring.

maybe I am just a little pissed off at this woman, maybe I am a little sensitive about this issue lately, maybe it is the way this article was framed. But these remarks do not come off well, as if there was doubt that an absolute stance against abortion applied to other human beings we value less.
You are such a great, principled woman. You could of had an abortion, but you didn't! You would have been tempted to abort one of those horrible, ugly, demi-human's with Down's syndrome. But you are so filled with conviction that you didn't kill this disgusting offspring.

Dobson reminded Palin that he sent her a letter after her infant son, Trig was born saying the baby's birth was "a powerful testimony" to the "sanctity of human life." Trig was born 6 months ago with Down Syndrome.
She told Dobson that Trig's birth was "an opportunity for me to really be walking the walk, and not just talking the talk" on her opposition to abortion.
maybe I am just a little pissed off at this woman, maybe I am a little sensitive about this issue lately, maybe it is the way this article was framed. But these remarks do not come off well, as if there was doubt that an absolute stance against abortion applied to other human beings we value less.
gardenmama - 10/23/08 16:55
Absolutely with you on that - mom could use a little humility and compassion. I have alway had the same difficulty with the limiting access issue - it's a brutal class distinction that frequently makes me want to just scream.
Absolutely with you on that - mom could use a little humility and compassion. I have alway had the same difficulty with the limiting access issue - it's a brutal class distinction that frequently makes me want to just scream.
james - 10/23/08 16:48
Mr.Mike. She is a voice by proxy. Because of her genetic closeness to Trig she is magically an advocate. And having lived with this for six months I doubt she has any real idea what to advocate for, not that her life's entirety has given her particular insight into much of anything.
G-Mama: That is why I have always found the state's right argument to be false. Limiting access only grants access to those with the means to obtain them. And while I don't believe in a utopia where anyone can get anything, this is an unnecessary restriction. I will say for Trig though, how great that he is born into a family that can afford to give him a high-quality life that families of lesser means can't afford. Good for him. I hope he teaches his mother a little humility and compassion.
Mr.Mike. She is a voice by proxy. Because of her genetic closeness to Trig she is magically an advocate. And having lived with this for six months I doubt she has any real idea what to advocate for, not that her life's entirety has given her particular insight into much of anything.
G-Mama: That is why I have always found the state's right argument to be false. Limiting access only grants access to those with the means to obtain them. And while I don't believe in a utopia where anyone can get anything, this is an unnecessary restriction. I will say for Trig though, how great that he is born into a family that can afford to give him a high-quality life that families of lesser means can't afford. Good for him. I hope he teaches his mother a little humility and compassion.
gardenmama - 10/23/08 16:31
Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but it seems to me that the real point here is, she had a CHOICE. She can blow her own horn, and so can everyone else who wants to - but she still had a CHOICE!!!
Maybe someone else wouldn't have made the same decision because they know how difficult it can be on a family and on the individual with a disability, or because they just don't feel they have what it takes to give a child what it may need (disabled child or not). Life is different when you have money and power and can access what you and your children need.
Maybe it's because I'm a woman, but it seems to me that the real point here is, she had a CHOICE. She can blow her own horn, and so can everyone else who wants to - but she still had a CHOICE!!!
Maybe someone else wouldn't have made the same decision because they know how difficult it can be on a family and on the individual with a disability, or because they just don't feel they have what it takes to give a child what it may need (disabled child or not). Life is different when you have money and power and can access what you and your children need.
mrmike - 10/23/08 15:52
I don't know. I'm the sibling of two special needs guys and she isn't the advcocate that my folks could used when my brothers were young. Only six months in, she is just starting down a what is going to be a tough road for parents, child, and the whole family. I don't say this to denigrate but it rings sort of hollow at the moment. If you are an advocate, you advocate. To pronounce yourself as going to be a voice seems a little empty. Be a voice, that brings people in and would give her some actual credibility.
I don't know. I'm the sibling of two special needs guys and she isn't the advcocate that my folks could used when my brothers were young. Only six months in, she is just starting down a what is going to be a tough road for parents, child, and the whole family. I don't say this to denigrate but it rings sort of hollow at the moment. If you are an advocate, you advocate. To pronounce yourself as going to be a voice seems a little empty. Be a voice, that brings people in and would give her some actual credibility.
jason - 10/23/08 15:23
I don't particularly like John Roberts pretty much immediately talking about Trig's paternity, or Capitalists talking about how he and others like him are a financial burden to society, or any of that stuff.
I don't think anyone should be given "credit" for not destroying their baby. Okay Sarah, yeah you walk the walk, that's nice I guess, but most parents don't destroy their children. Oooh fer sure!
I don't particularly like John Roberts pretty much immediately talking about Trig's paternity, or Capitalists talking about how he and others like him are a financial burden to society, or any of that stuff.
I don't think anyone should be given "credit" for not destroying their baby. Okay Sarah, yeah you walk the walk, that's nice I guess, but most parents don't destroy their children. Oooh fer sure!
james - 10/23/08 15:04
Bravo, way to not abort a disgusting retard!
I don't think the value of an individual is any less because they have Down's syndrome (and I am not implying that you do). But there is an element to these stories that prop up the notion that they are worth less.
And this baby has been on a non-stop PR campaign for mommy dearest since the convention. She is using him constantly to talk about abortion, and that I find deplorable. "See, I should have flushed it but I didn't! Way to go me." barf.
Bravo, way to not abort a disgusting retard!
I don't think the value of an individual is any less because they have Down's syndrome (and I am not implying that you do). But there is an element to these stories that prop up the notion that they are worth less.
And this baby has been on a non-stop PR campaign for mommy dearest since the convention. She is using him constantly to talk about abortion, and that I find deplorable. "See, I should have flushed it but I didn't! Way to go me." barf.
joshua - 10/23/08 14:56
I think she should be applauded for that particular choice she made. She did do the hard thing, after all. I don't think the insinuation is too unreasonable, given that it seems that many people might not have made the same choice knowing the truth about the health of the baby.
We know you are chafing at the mentioning of the lady's name, but c'mon man. Please set it aside for just a second!
I think she should be applauded for that particular choice she made. She did do the hard thing, after all. I don't think the insinuation is too unreasonable, given that it seems that many people might not have made the same choice knowing the truth about the health of the baby.
We know you are chafing at the mentioning of the lady's name, but c'mon man. Please set it aside for just a second!
i would think i would die if i ever saw that film!
That looks so scary.
Well, most of the people have actual disabilities. Coo Coo is just a person with disabilities in a crazy chicken costume.
Thing I love most about this movie is that it is not exploitative. The fully abled people are such horrible monsters and the freaks are shown with such humanity that you don't feel like you are watching a sideshow.
And there are some cut scenes on youtube. Not sure where they are pulled from, but some are worth taking a looksie at.
Oh Ho! I Loved this film. It's truly creepy! You forgot to mention that the "freaks" in the film are real people with deformities and circus performers, not people in makeup.
This film could only have been made during the 1930's.
Apparently the original version was released at 90 mins long but the studio forced it to be cut to 60mins because the reactions to the film was so intense. The cut 30 mins have been lost to time. :( This movie was so great, just imagine how great the cut scenes must have been!
England banned this movie for 30 years!