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Fellyconnelly's Journal

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10/12/2008 19:23 #46077

Hairy naked showering neighbor guy.
the neighbor doesn't seem to be aware or doesn't care that when he showers and leaves the shower window open, we see him scrubbing his hairy asshole.

seriously... between mid thigh and navel is what we are subjected to. And before any of you get excited and invite yourself over - even I can tell you that if that isn't a cold shower he is taking, he should probably just be a priest.
metalpeter - 10/13/08 11:21
What I will say is this: It takes two to be viewed. In other words why are you looking in through his open window? Granted sometimes it can't be helped because of how things are laid out. But the thing to remember is sometimes if you can see into his place he might be able to see into yours as well so keep that in mind. I'm guessing he doesn't know if he did I assume it would be a turn on and he would get a hard on. In terms of size yeah he could be small, but it is tough to know. From what I have heard some guys get a little bit bigger and some grow a lot when erect when compared to when soft [I think the terms for that are showers and growers]. On a side note maybe you can find someone who enjoys small hairy guys or maybe you should get some blinds.
james - 10/12/08 19:30
two best journals of the day! Poo fountain and nasty bits.

10/12/2008 09:55 #46074

Haunted House of Horrors and Haunted Catacombs and Shady Acre's blah blah blah.

If you may go there, you may not want to read this, as I will be giving away some of the details...

Okay this was a pretty intense haunted house. I'm not one who gets scared very easily - and there were a few times that I jumped. I mostly enjoy other people getting scared. There were a few things that were odd here. There were so many really dark and really confusing mazes.
sometimes there was strobe lights that fucked you up. Sometimes its was black as the blackest night. Sometimes they put strobe lights up, and made all the walls different shades of black, so you think - oh this way looks lighter! but no you are just walking directly into a wall.

There are mirrors that fuck with you too. At one point we couldn't get out of the strobe light filled, different colored wall maze and we couldn't find help and we felt like we were going crazy! When a worker finally emerged, (e:lauren) must have looked like a lunatic running up and asking for help.

Then there was crawling through a wet maze of hanging vines so thick you couldn't see where you were going.

Or, the most disturbing part of the whole thing - was when you came across the outhouse and you looked inside and it was full of poo and you felt revolted, but then they squirt water at you from out of the middle of the poo and then you throw up in your mouth a little.

Very elaborate set, very cool. Definetely worth the $20 a ticket.
Peace my friends.
james - 10/12/08 19:08
poo? An unconventional haunted house choice but, um, poorific none the less.
theecarey - 10/12/08 18:33
was there a big naked guy wearing a dirty diaper flinging and eating "poopy"? hehe

10/10/2008 21:37 #46052

we have decided to head to the Haunted House of Horrors and Catacombs blah blah tomorrow at 7pm. So if anybody is interested in heading over, it will be awesome.

I'm really excited for it all. I especially enjoy people who scream and cry. Seriously, I'm all about it. So ah... yeah... come on and lets go! and stuff.
fellyconnelly - 10/11/08 18:16
i think fright world was what mike said, and I hope like hell that (e:lauren) screams like hell so i can laugh like crazy
tinypliny - 10/10/08 21:45
I thought fright world was the one where (e:Mike) and eLJill had to escorted out because they were scared to the max and refused to be scared any further...

10/09/2008 10:49 #46014

Very important pix for you.
Category: good times
Two fun pics for you....
First, what I have so far for a label on my 2nd beer.

And Ralphie in his little shirt that I hemmed for him.
Hand hemmed. Thats right bitches, felly can sew.
tinypliny - 10/09/08 22:09
VERY cool! Man, I am in awe of your skills.

And Ralphie in that tiny shirt -> Cuteness PERSONIFIED!!!! :)
james - 10/09/08 15:18
you can sew, make beer, and sell cell phones! Your dream warrior skills just exponentially increase. Freddy doesn't stand a chance.

10/09/2008 09:26 #46012

i just woke up after having a dream that I was setting up a 22 line business deal, because I got too excited in the dream from all the commission I was going to make.

I work even in my sleep.
tinypliny - 10/09/08 22:09
What is a Bogo? Like a boogie rockstar past his prime in a business suit?
fellyconnelly - 10/09/08 10:46
Hell yeah! And with Bogos!
Oh man talk about a wet dream...
james - 10/09/08 09:42
If you were in the "Dream Warrior" sequel in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise you would have kicked freddy's ass with accessory purchases.