We're on on the other side for sure. To me it's just a matter of time before people totally start to panic and lose it. By the end of the year we should start seeing bank runs or attempts at it. The kicker is that when the banks decide when and how much they will give you back the money you deposited and people freak, you we will shit that only my Grandparents saw in Poland/Germany during WW2. I know Ron Paul is kind of a shit disturber but I did find this explanation of the real "Bailout Bill" had deep down inside of the language just frightening.

Society is just going to be ugly next year and beyond. You haven't seen the beginning of the stress in marriages from the 8%-12% unemployment we are going to see shortly or the people that though they were going to have a nice sunset into their golden years. People may not even make it when they react like this

Then again there may be violence that most people will feel that is justified, when a guy cold cocked a Lehman Douchebag

So, I made $2,000 today outside of my job. It's not going to be like I'm going to retire on it or anything. Maybe I should listen to the Pope

The point is that the opportunity to make money on the downside is ending. At the end of the day the most you can make is when it hits 0. Yea, you can own a stock in a bull market and your profits theoretically could be infinite, but at the same time the "infinite growth" that we have been experiencing for the last 25 years has abruptly ended. I content that this "growth forever" in stocks or real estate is bunk, because we live in a finite world. All of this debt paid by more debt was a house of cards and it now has crashed down.
Deep down I think the real cynic in me knew that "they" wouldn't let the baby boomer retire millionaires. There just isn't' enough peope underneath them to keep the ponzi scheme going. I just cringe when I hear all the financial guys yap about "putting money away in your 401k for the long term, especially when you're young." Don't these people know that it took until 1957 to recover from 1929 and actually in reality 1961 when you factor in inflation? That's 32 Freaking years just to get even, let along making any return on your investment. We may be at the same point soon. Crap how many people even recently though about the "long term" when they look at their NASDAQ stocks? Remember 5000 on that exchange in March of 2000? OK it's all time high was 4572 but still 1862 today's close is a long way from that point. If you believe that B.S. I have some JDSU, LUcent or CIENa to sell you...if you have 25-30 years to wait to get your money back!!!
Well, the silver lining is that I'm 30 years away from retiring (theoretically) - maybe before I die I'll see the market return to normal!