So in the last 24 hours we have a game of chicken in regards to the debates. Are they going to go down to Ole Miss and debate tomorrow? Will the just say screw it and have something on the spot right in D.C., i mean why bother hopping on a private jet at that point? The logistics would be pretty brutal for either candidate. This has almost gotten to the point of reminding me of "wrasslin" back in the day when it was descent, during the Monday night wars. When the seed of doubt would be planted if such and a such wrestler would show up on Nitro/Raw. Some sick part of me can see John McCain busting in on Obama's 1 hour free commercial right @ :49 past the hour. You know the whole, shot of the limo on the jumbotron and then suddenly an emergence from the crowd. It's is just so mind boggling to think of the different angles being played in regards to posturing for the presidential election, along with the party values of the extreme wings. Just flipping on cable news you seen Barney Frank giving one update and Richard Shelby giving another on another channel. How could you even being to think that Bush would let either McCain or Obama get in the mix of this insanity and take away any credit in helping with this "Bi-Partisan" effort.
Plus just when you think things get worse, we play "Deal or No Deal" with the whole Wall St Bail Out thing. We then have a middle of the night, bank failure with Washington Mutual going under. So it now becomes the "biggest bank failure", hey wait a minute wasn't Indymac the "biggest bank failure?"

I just though that I couldn't talk about this crap anymore until after the election, but it keeps getting more insane by the day.
The craziest part of this mess is that the foxes are watching over the hen house!! Unreal!!