I was looking at these and wondering what you "wash'em" down with, a shake made of lard? Notice nobody is picking them up
Got to admire the plentiful availability of after dinner smokes too :)
tinypliny - 10/02/08 15:20 That reminds me. Another item for the to-do list. I need to make a post about the Ant-McD exhibit at the CEPA.
tinypliny - 10/02/08 15:19 Whoa. Is this for real?
leetee - 09/30/08 22:02 I assume they do not have a veggie burger on the menu?
metalpeter - 09/30/08 18:58 What an awesome place I want to go just for the girl in front of the sign to have her way with me. That burger is huge and looks like one of those things Shaggy and Scobbie eat that they have to push down to fit in there mouths. Again I did I mention the hot nurses.
hodown - 09/30/08 14:16 It kinda looks like the man porn grill!
Cops is filmed on location..... Category: potpourri
outside my apartment late on a Sunday night.
I was basically spent yesterday. I had an event at the Zoo that I was the big cheese Saturday afternoon and evening. It was basically 7 hours of running around the grounds that I knew was coming but didn't make it less painful trying to hang through the B-52s (but I made it).
Woke up yesterday feeling like somebody beat me up, but muddled through. Went to one meeting, Wegman's and stumbled home. Alternately watched & dozed in front of the Bills game. After Brothers & Sisters, I put my carcass into bed. Just as I'm settling into that nice feeling of sleep getting ready to overtake, my intercom goes off. I stagger into the living room thinking who the hell would be calling at 11:45 on a Sunday night. Turned out to be one of the more "colorful" residents of the neighborhood who, aside from being three sheets to the wind, was ringing doorbells asking (I kid you not) for help "Getting back to Lancaster." Sure, I'll open the door and give you money.....NOT. I politely declined the offer, but she went to the next door and rang a bell, promptly picking a fight with the next respondant, screaming "What's Wrong with you?" into the intercom. I'm thinking the bastard didn't want some fool ringing his doorball late at night but I'd just be guessing.
She stomps off and within seconds I hear cops arriving. With lights flashing on the Delaware side of my building, a metro cop car and a regular buffalo cop had pulled up and were questioning her. Don't mess with my building mates. It must have been a slow night because while this was going on, FOUR more Buffalo cars showed up. I suspect largely for the entertainment value, but you can't help but think ugly thoughts. Yeah, the woman was disruptive, but there was no way 5 to 7 Buffalo guys needed to be standing around. Scenes like that can make your sleep deprived imagination run truly amuck. One guy talked her down and sent her on her way without incident. Thankfully.
tinypliny - 10/01/08 18:53 When I lived in Rochester on the ground floor, I regularly got weird (and sometimes sane) people ringing my bell at all hours of the day. The latest someone rang my bell was around 4:00 AM when some international student got my address by mistake and taxied directly to my flat from the airport thinking it was her international host-mom's home! Now I am glad no one can even call my intercom, since I don't have a land line. But I do dislike the occasional drunk bloke who thinks he can sleep in the foyer of my building on Friday nights.
gardenmama - 09/29/08 20:28 Sure makes Monday morning come awful early. I guess there are some advantages to a broken doorbell.
paul - 09/29/08 20:13 This reminds me of the bottle and cans man that coes ringing my doorbell on saturday mornings. I would think that ringing someone's doorbell is the worst way to get ahold of someone.
09/25/2008 09:45 #45789
You don't mess with Letterman Category: tv
John McCain cancelled on Letterman in yet another series of brilliant decision making. Apparently you don't phone it in to Dave. So much do even Keith Olbermann was quiet.
tinypliny - 09/25/08 20:02 Oh my, that was awesome. LOL
metalpeter - 09/25/08 19:38 He ripped him pretty good. Lucky for him Oberman was the guest and not someone who is a comic or on the roasts/
09/24/2008 08:39 #45781
The Crystal Beach Comet
This is so cool. This is a ride on the Crystal Beach Comet. The Comet was king back in the proverbial day around here. Crystal Beach's Amusement Park was king around here before Darien Lake got serious. This was my first serious coaster ride, lord knows how the camera stayed so still, but the video is the real view from the front seat.
gardenmama - 09/24/08 22:58 Very cool! Wasn't it a rush?! It was my first "serious" coaster ride too (I believe it probably was for a lot of us WNYers of a certain age). I think maybe I didn't breathe the entire time I was on it. I kept having visions of flying off the track into the water - woooosssshhhhh! Thanks for the wild ride down memory lane.
I went out to BJ's tonight to pick up a few things. No big deal, went to the self check out and took care of business. I was expecting four singles and some change. Pocketed both four bills and change without really looking. Drove home and pulled out the results of my transaction. Where four singles were supposed to be, four fives were sitting there. Some rhodes scholar filled the single dispenser with a few fives. Of course, I have evil thoughts as my groceries were paid for and I was more than reimbursed for shopping. Almost immediately it seemed like cartoon angel and devil appeared on my stressed soldiers. "You deserve a break", etc. My desire to be a good guy shouted down the lil devil
I called the store and reported the error. The manager was a little gobsmacked. "Not many people would have done that" says she. "I'm a special kind of dork that way." Damn parenthood forcing my conscience into setting a good example.
gardenmama - 09/24/08 00:48 Doesn't it suck when your good conscience gets in the way of your little devil - it happens to me all the time. People make fun of me because I give cashiers money back if I notice they gave me too much. Daughter and I were at the drug store recently picking up some prescriptions and I was buying her some totally unnecessary cosmetic torture device (to curl her eyelashes). After I got home I realized the cashier didn't charge me for the eyelash thing. I almost got it the car to go back but finally decided it wasn't worth what I'd use in gas to give the store their $2.99. I felt guilty all evening. Nuts.
paul - 09/23/08 22:48 Wow, you are honest - I would have just gone back and bought more stuff that required 4 dollars in change.
hodown - 09/23/08 21:29 Youre totally not a looser. Trust me the good karma will come back to you!
That reminds me. Another item for the to-do list. I need to make a post about the Ant-McD exhibit at the CEPA.
Whoa. Is this for real?
I assume they do not have a veggie burger on the menu?
What an awesome place I want to go just for the girl in front of the sign to have her way with me. That burger is huge and looks like one of those things Shaggy and Scobbie eat that they have to push down to fit in there mouths. Again I did I mention the hot nurses.
It kinda looks like the man porn grill!