Jim's Journal
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07/12/2008 13:08 #44979
iPhone 3g07/11/2008 21:59 #44935
LOLIRANIANSCategory: photoshop
07/11/2008 13:51 #44929
Fail Whale 2.0Category: internets
MobileMe fail cloud:

Twitter Fail Whale (original)

Twitter Fail Whale (original)

tinypliny - 07/11/08 21:48
Wow! I was not aware of all the fail-whale drama and history!
Wow! I was not aware of all the fail-whale drama and history!
jim - 07/11/08 21:25
Tiny, it's not my art, I just photoshopped in the Apple logo. The actual art is from Twitter's server error page.
Tiny, it's not my art, I just photoshopped in the Apple logo. The actual art is from Twitter's server error page.
paul - 07/11/08 20:21
It should have become a grey thunder cloud, lol.
It should have become a grey thunder cloud, lol.
tinypliny - 07/11/08 19:09
That is so cool, did you draw in those strings with the birds? Reminds me of this strange little ditty they used to play on Doordarshan, India's Govt run Television Channel :::link::: (from 3:03 onwards).
That is so cool, did you draw in those strings with the birds? Reminds me of this strange little ditty they used to play on Doordarshan, India's Govt run Television Channel :::link::: (from 3:03 onwards).
07/10/2008 20:43 #44923
iPhone 2.0Category: technology
Now witness the firepower of this fully ARMED and OPERATIONAL iPhone!

ajay - 07/11/08 12:12
No Yahoo Mail? Lame....
No Yahoo Mail? Lame....
carolinian - 07/10/08 22:01
iPhone/Cocoa developers are not permitted to ask each other questions on mailing lists or write tutorials about how to do stuff and put that on the web. We can't even meet each other in programming groups to show each other how to do stuff, because Apple could sue us, or even worse, deny us use of the Application store . All because the iPhone SDK is under NDA. Did I mention that anyone with a pulse can get said SDK, and that several hundred thousand people have done so? Or that Apple's competitors have access to the SDK?
I really can't understand how Apple's impeding my ability to write applications for their New Greatest Thing is a strategy for success.
iPhone/Cocoa developers are not permitted to ask each other questions on mailing lists or write tutorials about how to do stuff and put that on the web. We can't even meet each other in programming groups to show each other how to do stuff, because Apple could sue us, or even worse, deny us use of the Application store . All because the iPhone SDK is under NDA. Did I mention that anyone with a pulse can get said SDK, and that several hundred thousand people have done so? Or that Apple's competitors have access to the SDK?
I really can't understand how Apple's impeding my ability to write applications for their New Greatest Thing is a strategy for success.
tinypliny - 07/10/08 21:09
For some reason this reminds me of the Mad-TV iphone sketch. Hahaha
For some reason this reminds me of the Mad-TV iphone sketch. Hahaha
jim - 07/10/08 21:04
Only company I have a love/hate relationship with where the love side wins out so consistently which makes the sucky parts hard to bear.
Only company I have a love/hate relationship with where the love side wins out so consistently which makes the sucky parts hard to bear.
jim - 07/10/08 21:03
Yeah, not actually fully armed and operational. Apple giveth, and Apple taketh away. Fuck you Apple, thank you Apple. Grrr.
Yeah, not actually fully armed and operational. Apple giveth, and Apple taketh away. Fuck you Apple, thank you Apple. Grrr.
paul - 07/10/08 21:01
I am totally disapponted by the lack of a terminal/ consol. It is time my first phone, since the sidekick 1 in like 2003, doesn't have a terminal for accessing servers. Even this phone had it yesterday before being in jailbroken for the 2.0 firmware.
I am totally disapponted by the lack of a terminal/ consol. It is time my first phone, since the sidekick 1 in like 2003, doesn't have a terminal for accessing servers. Even this phone had it yesterday before being in jailbroken for the 2.0 firmware.
jim - 07/10/08 21:01
Pretty happy so far, except signed up for trial of MobileMe and can't seem to get it activated, so I haven't tried out the over-the-air sync stuff yet (which is what I'm in the end most excited about).
Pretty happy so far, except signed up for trial of MobileMe and can't seem to get it activated, so I haven't tried out the over-the-air sync stuff yet (which is what I'm in the end most excited about).
07/10/2008 20:01 #44922
LightningCategory: links
Wish I could embed the video here, but you've got to see this: someone getting struck by lightening (they didn't get seriously hurt)

tinypliny - 07/10/08 20:14
YIKES. SUPER YIKES. I would have just died of fright!
YIKES. SUPER YIKES. I would have just died of fright!
That moustache. That moustache! :)
thanks for going with me