I currently share office space with a roofing contractor and a daycare/preschool owner. We also work on our nonprofit org from there. I wish I had an estrip.org type platform for my town! I'm just not sure how many people would write fairly consistently.
One of the joys of where I live is that I can walk to my neighborhood bar and the grocery store. My nonprofit is partly focused on revitalizing our downtown (like the Elmwood Village campaign but on a much smaller scale - our population is about 1500) and I really do value walkability. I lived in the DC suburbs from Silver Spring to Laurel and I don't want to have to drive everywhere again. I've got a bike (with basket for the puppy) but I've never ridden in a city.
(e:imk2) asked why I'm moving to Buffalo... graduate school. I plan to show up 8/15. Uh... I guess I need to find housing before then... would you consider craigslist a good option for looking? the weekly housing section of the newspaper? or is it best to spend some time in Buffalo and look in person?
(e:joshua) - I'm in Tioga County *waves*
all - thanks so much for the warm welcome and advice!
My next question: Is there a practical public transportation option from Elmwood to UB North? Or should I look for carpools? Or just expect to drive?
Like (e:paul) says if you choose to live closer to Elmwood it will be a hassle to get to UB North. You would have to get a bus to Main street where the subway line is, then you would have to take the subway to S. Campus and then take the shuttle bus to North. I'm not sure how frequently you have to go but the more often the more you are going to get burnt out doing it. Linwood probably would be a great street for you. You have to check ads constantly on craigslist because the good ones go fast. Chico is right to check the artvoice late on Wed. Buffalo News was never a great source for me. I wish you best of luck. We definitely welcome you and I will keep my eye out for apartments for rent for you.
Hi! welcome to e-strip and to b-lo!
In response to "would you consider craigslist a good option for looking? the weekly housing section of the newspaper? or is it best to spend some time in Buffalo and look in person?"
Yes, yes, and yes. (e:tiburon1724) gives good advice. Artvoice is the newspaper to use; check online on Wednesday afternoons for the newest listings before many people see them in print (Thursday). If it were me, I wouldn't bother with the Buffalo News. Craigslist is pretty good; it's at its best when there are photos, and some people will send photos on request. Visiting is a big plus, even if you have a limited number of appointments you can make some on the fly and you can drive, bike, or walk around neighborhoods to get a feel for the place.
Finally, if you get a rough idea of where you want to be and how much space/amenities you need, post it on (e:strip) or communicate directly with some of us. We might see signs go up in the local neighborhood and help you get phone numbers and leads for places that never get listed in the paper. There are good people here at (e:strip) ... when I moved to B-lo in 2006, an (e:strip)per helped me find my first apartment (thanks again David!)
Good luck and be in touch.
welcome to estrip, UB, and Buffalo.
I made it from Linwood to north campus a lot. You probably would be best nearer to delaware or Linwood as the subway goes straight down main street to South campus and then their is a free bus to north campus. Plus you aren't very far from the strip when you want to be. As long as you can get to the subway you are fine.
I'd definitely suggest coming up to look...schedule some appointments and come on up...and ask us about the neighborhood :) Buffalo, oddly, can be perfectly safe on one street and the next over be a ghetto, so it's tough. When I moved here about a year ago, I came up and checked out some places. I have to admit, I opted for an apartment in the suburbs because I knew them better and knew it would be safe. Now I've bought a house in the city so I guess I've atoned for my suburban sins. That being said, in my opinion you can find the best listings in Artvoice. Craigslist can be pretty good too. I found one listing on Craigslist that linked to a complete video tour of the apartment.
It's a good hike to UB North, it's north of the city. Really no viable highway route. I really hate that campus. UB South is at least in the city and more compact. Will you have any classes on South?