OK, so today is the day. 90 minutes away from the start of all the announcements. Apple does events like this just a couple times a year and I'm always way too overexcited.
New laptop? New DVR? New LCD's? Movie rentals? iPhone upgrades?
I am waiting with baited breath. Apple is my one consumerist urge, the rest of my life is fairly spartan and paired down, and at least I can comfort myself with the knowledge that the apple stuff I buy is mostly used for work. But still, I know I go overboard.
Happy Apple Day!
Jim's Journal
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01/15/2008 10:28 #42891
ZOMG MACWORLDCategory: apple
01/12/2008 15:10 #42857
jim - 01/13/08 18:23
We saw it in Albany on Sunday afternoon, it was really good!
We saw it in Albany on Sunday afternoon, it was really good!
metalpeter - 01/13/08 10:35
When and where did you see Spamalot and what did you think of it. I thought it was very funny myself>
When and where did you see Spamalot and what did you think of it. I thought it was very funny myself>
01/11/2008 23:50 #42849
In-LawsCategory: life
OK this weekend we have to drive back down state to visit my in-laws for the third time in like 8 weeks. I am so not in the mood to be in a car for half the weekend.
The holidays should be over, amirite?
The holidays should be over, amirite?
fellyconnelly - 01/12/08 07:49
woah... i do not envy that drive... but if you swing by new paltz, could you stop by the Main Street Bistro and pick me up a Nomad Skillet? thanks guys!
woah... i do not envy that drive... but if you swing by new paltz, could you stop by the Main Street Bistro and pick me up a Nomad Skillet? thanks guys!
paul - 01/12/08 00:08
yes, holidays should be over - jesus.
yes, holidays should be over - jesus.
01/11/2008 16:15 #42843
50/50I'm going to be working half the week at Roswell, and the other half the week on a project outsourced from India to the US. What a strange world.
fellyconnelly - 01/12/08 07:50
taft? i thought it was wilfred brimly...
taft? i thought it was wilfred brimly...
dcoffee - 01/11/08 23:17
I'd vote for Taft in 08! He's from an era when republicans made sense, when they realized trust busting encouraged the free market, not the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Did you see in my post that the bottom 80% of america owns 9% of the wealth? and that statistic is from 2001!
FDR is my man though. I'm ready for a New New Deal that includes Health insurance.
this has nothing to do with your post, sorry, just wanted to give a shout out for William Taft.
I'd vote for Taft in 08! He's from an era when republicans made sense, when they realized trust busting encouraged the free market, not the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. Did you see in my post that the bottom 80% of america owns 9% of the wealth? and that statistic is from 2001!
FDR is my man though. I'm ready for a New New Deal that includes Health insurance.
this has nothing to do with your post, sorry, just wanted to give a shout out for William Taft.
paul - 01/11/08 21:56
I wonder if India is more expensive than Buffalo right now, lol.
I wonder if India is more expensive than Buffalo right now, lol.
mrdeadlier - 01/11/08 20:56
Nice! Hopefully more and more companies will realize the benefits of keeping their IT projects "in house," nationally-speaking that is.
Nice! Hopefully more and more companies will realize the benefits of keeping their IT projects "in house," nationally-speaking that is.
01/11/2008 09:44 #42836
Home Sick Part IIStill have the cold/nausea thing going on. Missed an important meeting today. Think I might try to get a bit more sleep. Feel like I'm going to puke. Shouldn't have eaten that banana maybe.
i totally spaced that it was today... and I was crazy busy at work all day. And despite the "get ready for your macworld updates!" text I got from macrumors yesterday- I did NOT get any updates today. DOH.
guess I'll have to go read about all the good stuff now. I hope I don't crave any of it.
I admit that I don't know much about Macs or Computers really. I do have to ad that I love the entire series of Mac Vs. PC adds they are great even the animated Christmas one. Some are good and some are great like the one where they tape the camera to his head and MAC has one built in.
MacBook Air looks pretty awesome. Would be sorely tempted if it took 4gb of RAM and had Dual-DVI out, but as it is I can admire from afar :)
I'm hoping for info on the iPhone SDK. If it's Cocoa, I'll have a lot more lucrative job options than I currently do.