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Southernyankee's Journal

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10/11/2007 11:18 #41594

The Life of KLS...
If only we were so fab to have her life (or similarities there of) then we would have minions pack our wardrobe for us when we travel; and they would make lists and take photos of carefully coordinated ensembles with several matching shoe choices...

sigh - but alas, I must pack my own darn clothes and shuffle to the airport where (hopefully) my chariot (coach seat) awaits me.

The other chariot (estrip mobile) should be @ Buffalo International Airport @ 5:15pm!

And who was dancing all around praying for blasted rain this weekend? huh? who? 'fess up now!
mike - 10/11/07 15:16

10/11/2007 10:49 #41593

Birthday Eve!

10/10/2007 12:22 #41571

Rude Faxtor!
I seriously have grown annoyed with people and their rude behaviors.

So, I had to leave work early today due to an eye reaction.
My eyes became inflamed, red, etc...

The Nurses Office didn't have the proper eye drops, so I had to stop at a local CVS to get the right aids for my eyes. I go to pay for my items and I inform the cashier that my card is demagnetized. It is old and I need a new one. Kindly I asked that she enter the card number in the system for processing. She asks me for another card. I repeated my initial inquiry.

Then she had to summons someone over to help her enter the numbers in the system. I have to add to the scene here, that there is this older lady behind me constantly laughing in a nervous like manner. truly weird and scary.

So here comes Mr. (self described) "Doppleganger" to the rescue. He proceeds to assist her and then loudly exclaims, so that everyone in the area can hear him, "Yeah, You have to enter the security no. in the system because sometimes customers have stolen credit cards!"

I give him the evil stare...

& think to myself, why would I present a stolen credit card to purchase measly goods @ a cvs while wearing a federal id badge that has my name and photo on it??? How retarded would that be?

So I rebut - "Like I said earlier, my card is demagnetized and needs to be entered manually." (Rude Fucktard)

Then he states "Wow, I have never been so humilated!"

no moral to the story just can't stand when people in customer service oriented positions are unnecessarily rude.

10/10/2007 12:01 #41570

You Are Never Alone
Category: music

jenks - 10/11/07 09:32
whoa! That is super creepy. And super cool.

10/05/2007 12:59 #41506

Queen of Procrastination!!!
I have wasted 6 hours of today on Flickr!
Help me...
I have things to do today.
Missions for accomplishment.
and now estrip ?

hmmm, fill my glass won't you sir? pleeease sir???

I have already had two Tab Energy pops and I still want a nappy nap. Maybe three in less than 24 hours is not a solution as I originally thought.

New plan needed.

Must clean, Must plan, Must get "CAKE"! Yummy, Yummy - In my Tummy - Rum Cake!

But alas, the pj bottoms and the tight shirt feel like cozy clouds in heaven right now.

NYC this weekend & it better not suck!

<My jam of the day: Duran Duran sings "Fame">

tinypliny - 10/06/07 13:38
Hmm... I need to check out these rum cakes you talk about.