I find you a little hypocritical. First off, those fire pit things you get at Home Depot can be considered illegal in the city. Not to mention the burning things isn't the greatest thing for the environment, remember? Secondly, your talk of living in a mansion is wonderful, i guess i would like to hear about some serious energy saving improvements, windows? insulation?
Dear anonymous person,
I suppose you are talking about the fact I criticized the Central Terminal for being heated by a coal plant all its own and for having a solid stone structure over a hundred feet high which is hard to heat.
We keep our house really cold in the winter to save energy. I wear a hat and scarf in the house and we keep all the lights off in the places we are not. We plastic the windows in the winter, use heavy drapes, recycle and have a compost pile for all the food scraps that the squirrels and tortoise don't eat.
We also bought vent-free gas stoves to heat localized area in the house that are 98% efficient and cost only about $1/day to run on high because of the way they use the gas so efficiently. In fact, our heating bill was only higher than $300 for the coldest month and that is for about 3500 sq. ft. of living space.
But really I don't care what you believe. I think you are just jealous but we can't all live in mansions.
Fuck you.
Here is the offensive chiminea being assembled by (e:matthew) and (e:terry) as they plot to destroy the earth.

Where is (e:matthew)

In my crazy earth destroying rage, I threw out all the Teflon pans in our house. In this case my environmental concerns were overpowered by my unwillingness to battle cancer.

Luckily, I replaced them with long term copper-bottomed, steel pans. I figured that way I should never need to replace the pans again, like you have to with the Teflon ones as they "decay." Normally they cost $360 pans but my bargain hunting mother found the on sale for $154. Here they are being washed in our environmentally sound dish washer. Paid $700 for an energy efficient one, instead of the cheaper high energy/water use ones. It is supposed to adjust the amount of water based on the weight of the dishes.

(e:matthew) found this root with a boner in the yard

This robin likes our worms

Got rid of all the remaining trash from the previous owner. Finally, we are done. None of the remaining crap was even worth bringing to amvets, most of it was molded due to a leak in the garage roof.

When we brought the garbage to the garbage transfer station on South Ogden I noticed someone lives right next door. Holy crap. It smells so bad there. The only way I can describe it is liek a mix of bologna and oregano with diarrhea. The previous time we were there it was a Saturday, I would not suggest ever going to the dump on a garbage day - although it was so busy they didn't weigh us or even check if we were citizens.

Here is (e:lilho) saying she wants to move to the rianforest, lol.
And then the food
Globe market on Elmwood - ate the turkey sage and cranberry mayo sandwich

I also bought the strawberry, whip crea puff

Then I ate at Ming Tea Cafe on Main Street again. This was (e:enknot)'s chicken with eggplant. This place really renews my faith in the tastiness of chinese food. Lunch is only $8.

Found this picture of chinese girls on the wall there that reminds me of the painting in (e:twisted)'s bedroom.

I'll leave you with basra eating.
is that a baby basra next to him while he eats?? And yeah, the anon commenter is a jackass, as they all tend to be.
"Can be considered illegal." Spoken like a true idiot. The more I read his nonsense the more I laugh. Either something is illegal or it is not illegal!
He/or she is just plain wrong. The chimney-a is not illegal within our city limits. True our house is not 100% eco-friendly. But we've only bought it less than a year ago, and the improvements that have been made are leaps and bounds over the previous owner's efforts. One day we'll have a green roof to live under when our budget can afford it. For now we are doing all we can. Small steps. Also i should note that our house saves more on energy and heating than any other house owner that i personally know in buffalo (based on bills and home improvements), and ours is twice the size. This asshole should check their facts before making a personal attack against us.
I don't think what he said was all that bad. He is just expressing his concern.
Wrong place.
If he cares so much about the environment, he should write his congressman.
Ha! Oh my god... what a tool.
Forget the damn enviro-nazi. There's no pleasing those losers no matter what you do.
I have to wonder if the anonymous poster is even from Buffalo, as they don't understand that virtually every house in the city is 60-100 years old and doesn't have insulation and is an energy pit by definition. The only way to have a house in Buffalo that doesn't leak a volcano's worth of heat is to move to the suburbs and buy a house built in the last few decades that has insulation. And in that case, you'd get some other rant about destroying the earth through suburban sprawl.