In order to make the site more intriguing and welcoming to new members in our push to expand to at least 500 writers we are going to put the top 20ish categories right on the front page so people can click on a category that interests them and see all the journals relating to that category.
Up until now you could create any category you wanted for your journal and you still can but we combined some categories for the rating purpose. You may notice some of the categories on your journals were changed to match this new system. For example, we combined the categories of phtos and photo and put them all under photo. You can still create any category you want but if you want it to be linked on the front page, try to keep it in one of the categories that already exists. The greatest part is the top 20ish list will always be changing to reflect what people are talking about. For instance, if there is some sort of freak disaster in Buffalo and everyone starts writing about that, that category would move up the list.
Here are the first categories we combined
PHOTOS took over for photo, photos2005, photos2006, photography, photography2005, photography2006, pic, pic post, pics, pic time, pictures
WORK was combined with jobs
POLITICS was combined with political
PEEPTALK was combined with peeps and epeeps
POETRY was combined with poems and epoetry
there may be more in the future we will keep you updated.
IMPORTANT: for miscellaneous we are choosing to go with
(e:jason) 's category of
Remember, it is important to put a category on your journals so people can find categories they like later on. It also makes it easier for you to go back and find a certain journal you are looking for.
Any categories that have more than 30 journals assigned to them get displayed in the top categories cloud on the front page.
We will also be releasing a new system for quickly updating categories. Currently there are still 12,700+ journals that do not have categories and hundreds that have a category which is more like a subtitle.
That sounds like a great time but mondays are bad for me. I know the site and Paul has some tough competition I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Paul won. It is hard to know cause I have no idea how many people read artvoice and out of that how many people vote. I will have my finger crossed hoping of a victory in both.
I can't make it but I'll have my fingers crossed!!
(e:strip) is so going to get it this year!