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04/24/2007 21:26 #39033

Viva Italia
Category: travel
First of all, Italy <hearts> naked people:






Now that I got that out of the way...

It's pretty freakin' gorgeous too. Just about anywhere you look is a picture postcard. Where else can you step out of the Metro station and have your jaw drop at this awe-inspiring site?

The origin of stadium seating

The coast is beautiful too:



Reminds me of another hilly location with a Mediterranean climate on the coast. You'll just have to guess where I mean. Some people might complain about the hills, but I think they're worth it.


metalpeter - 04/25/07 17:44
Nice Pictures thanks for sharing.
james - 04/25/07 15:37
To think, if John Ashcroft were king of Italy he would robe all of those lewd, lascivious statures.
ladycroft - 04/25/07 12:44
awww...i havent' been there in 12 years! did you have the super delish pizza folds at the shop by the colosseum?
jenks - 04/25/07 12:13
sigh... jealous jealous jealous.

(I love that statue with the snake though... the Laocoon maybe?? something like that.)
paul - 04/25/07 09:24
I am so jealous, it has been so long since I have been to Italy.
leetee - 04/24/07 21:36
Oh... yeah... right. Welcome back, too. And thanks for posting pics of other things. At least the hills are big..
leetee - 04/24/07 21:35
More naked people!!

04/22/2007 17:24 #39002

I was looking for something to spice up my kitchen backsplash and ran across these ceramic tiles:




Maybe I could sprinkle in a few.

ladycroft - 04/25/07 12:45
metalpeter - 04/22/07 18:08
The first one and the third one both look pretty cool but why not go for all 3.

04/21/2007 20:59 #38992

Happy Birthday Iggy Pop
Category: music
For your birthday present I'm shelling out $55 for the pleasure of seeing you. Jesus Keerhist! For that amount you'd think he'd put a few flowers [inlink]paul,38972[/inlink] in his hair, but somehow I doubt it, haha.


p.s. -- when I get my camera back I'll post some Italy pix. Ciao peeps.

03/29/2007 02:00 #38676

Category: california
of a San Francisco medicine cabinet. (No, not my medicine cabinet. If it was, I would reshoot this photo with better lighting so you could see the Romulan Ultras and Sour Punk labels for sure.)



I took a few other pictures too.



p.s. - wish you were here. (you know who you are.)
metalpeter - 03/29/07 18:40
You have some nice pictures. What I find interesting is that so far none of the SF and Area pictures look the same. Sometimes when people take pictures they will get simular looking pictures.
mrmike - 03/29/07 14:05
Definitely wish I was there. Looks like good eats
hodown - 03/29/07 12:33
omg that sea food looks amazing!!!
jason - 03/29/07 11:47
I'm beginning to get the impression Paul is happiest when he's eating good seafood!!

03/23/2007 06:09 #38590

Category: california
Just 'cause the week will go fast, I'm listing out a few options by date/time. For instance, if you want to do a dance thing, Saturday is probably your best bet. Or next Thurs-Fri on your own.

SFO 11pm (what airline are you on?)
Maybe a quick Driving Tour and/or walk down to Marlena's for a night cap

Pacific Heights Mansions Walking tour (11am)
Telegraph Hill hike (1pm)

OAK 8:25pm JetBlue (that's awesome! I thought you weren't getting in until 11pm for some reason. I take back my earlier comment, haha.)

Pop Rocks at DNA? ($7, 9-4am, the color is green, band at midnight, 375 11th St @Harrison)
Bonus - Look for us on their webcam.

Art Patch Benefit at 12 Galaxies ($15)
Spike's Vampire Bar (burning man camp) Blood Drive at Porn Palace ($15/$20, 9-3am)
Club 6ix ($7/10, 60 6th St @Market/Mission)

Victorian SF Walking Tour

Mon / Tues (since you'll be right downtown for the conference
Union Square

OAK 11:15am (get you there around 10:15am)

I will be at the Rickshaw Stop Thursday night but you can do whatever you want.

I have to leave at 6am to catch my flight to Rome. Wish I could stay longer, but I can't keep the Pope waiting, haha.

My Neighborhood (Hayes Valley), Civic Center, Alamo Square Park, Deco Ghetto, Japantown
Tea Tasting at Aroma near Clement
Marina, Chrissy field, Golden Gate Bridge, Marin Headlands, Sausalito House boats
Golden Gate Park, The Haight, Ocean Beach
Castro, The Mission
Chinatown, North Beach
Pacific Heights, Fillmore, Union Street
Nob Hill, Cable Car museum
Russian Hill
Amoeba Records
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Winchester Mystery House
Gay Bars

After Hours
Most places close at 2am, but there's always The Endup and a few other After Hours clubs. (Don't worry, you'll still be acclimated to East coast time anyway, haha.)
hodown - 03/23/07 09:42
Yea every thing sounds super fun! I'll make sure to bring comfy shoes. One thing I want to do if theres time is see Golden Gate Park- but if we don't have time no biggie. Can't wait to see you :)