A big ol' two-handed "HONK HONK!" to the (e:strip) ladies! How you doin'?
I met (e:ingrid) last week (or was it the week before?) at Cozumel while I was there with some friends for a birthday. A very nice girl. Sorry for having to dash, but we were moving to another bar. Soy un bobo, especially when I've been drinking. I think she asked if I was a pothead. If I said that I can't remember, would that be considered evidence of guilt? Not if you don't feel guilty, which I don't.
I've been enjoying the hell out of my porch now that the weather is better. I feel slightly bad that our new upstairs neighbor had to sit on furniture that hasn't been cleaned yet (street dirt is relentless when your porch is 6 ft. from the curb) but then again, its all supposed to be mutually maintained and she hasn't lifted a fucking finger in six months.
The good news is that our apartment is in significantly better shape for entertaining, so I'm really looking forward to getting people fed/drunk/etc. as summer rolls in. I think I have a summer drink idea - its carbonated but I promise that it will be tasty, in a vodka-y, peary, peachy, grapefruity kind of way. The "750" is past its shelf life and will be retired as our house beverage.
Otherwise its been status quo for a while - I've had a hard time shaking things up so I'm glad that the better weather is giving us an opportunity to enjoy more of what the area has to offer. I've had cabin fever for so long that I almost forgot what it was like to have options!
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/24/2007 14:45 #39026
Perv04/09/2007 13:16 #38819
HelloHi everybody - I hope that your festive period was a good one!
To be honest I'm suffering right now - this cold that has been going around has swept 750 into uncontrollable coughing, rough lungs and raw throat. I don't think I've been this sick in many years... its a shame that I don't consider boosting my immune system until after I catch something. I'm taking Zicam, a decongestant and 1000mg of vitamin C besides eating well and drinking lots of my double bergamot earl grey tea.
Needless to say, I couldn't taste my Easter meal.
An event also occurred which I could never have imagined. My father gave my uncle (e:jason)'s digital camera (the one that I broke...) to see if he could fix it. Unfortunately there was a picture on the memory card that my uncle objected to. He's a Mormon, which these days is about as close to being Puritan as one can be. Leaving the memory card in the camera was an oversight, but I have no idea why he decided to snoop into the memory card to begin with. Anyway, he found out that I'm not an angel and I was completely unapologetic about it. I'm 28 (soon to be 29!) and I'm not about to be lectured to by anybody let alone my uncle. I love my uncle but I honestly don't give a damn about what he thinks about my personal habits.
The girl whose last name I cannot pronounce
I missed all the outrage surrounding the inappropriate and clumsy comments made by (e:jenks). There was a comment made by me on the original thread but for the record that was actually (e:jason) - he wrote the comment while my account was signed in and actually informed me later about what she said.
I want to be clear - I'm not exactly slamming (e:jenks) and I'll illustrate why that is. Obviously she was offensive, but she apologized and that should be good enough. Besides that, there is something about her entry that we all agree with! Allow me to speak for the entire region when I say that we're sick and tired of the winter. We got teased with some great weather a week ago (the San Fran expats were stunned), and I think we all believed that we had seen the end of the winter. This is as if it was all a cruel tease.
Allow me to use a crude metaphor - for me its like having that girl you've desired in your room, pants off and she is just about to take her shirt off. You're finally about to get that bit of love you've been craving, specifically from her. You are gently kissing her behind her ear... she's got her arms around you... you are running your index finger along the top line of her panties.... she is breathing heavily.... the green light is definitely on.... if you don't give it to her right here, right now then she just might take it anyway.... then suddenly, BZZZTTT! Yeah - that was your alarm that just went off, its 7:00am on Monday and the weather is incredibly bad. Oh, and by the way - you're definitely alone!
That is how I've felt about the change in weather anyway. Its a letdown of Scott "Norwide" proportions.
Buffalo and *gasp* summer!
One thing that can be said about our city is that we have a vastly underrated sense of humor about our winters and our bad luck in sports. It has to be that way, otherwise Buffalo would soon look like a reincarnation of Jonestown.
One of the things I enjoy the most in warm weather is grilling - I'm the fucking grill master. I really look forward to making my neighborhood smell like barbecue. People always pass by and yell up at us - "gimme some!" Part of our suffering is the cabin fever we all deal with - its nice to be able to be on your porch and entertain outside.
I also look forward to creating our new house drink. The current one - creatively titled the "750" - has lost its luster and we need a new beverage. I have some ideas that I'm going to test and I hope to debut it on my birthday!
Enjoy yourselves -
To be honest I'm suffering right now - this cold that has been going around has swept 750 into uncontrollable coughing, rough lungs and raw throat. I don't think I've been this sick in many years... its a shame that I don't consider boosting my immune system until after I catch something. I'm taking Zicam, a decongestant and 1000mg of vitamin C besides eating well and drinking lots of my double bergamot earl grey tea.
Needless to say, I couldn't taste my Easter meal.
An event also occurred which I could never have imagined. My father gave my uncle (e:jason)'s digital camera (the one that I broke...) to see if he could fix it. Unfortunately there was a picture on the memory card that my uncle objected to. He's a Mormon, which these days is about as close to being Puritan as one can be. Leaving the memory card in the camera was an oversight, but I have no idea why he decided to snoop into the memory card to begin with. Anyway, he found out that I'm not an angel and I was completely unapologetic about it. I'm 28 (soon to be 29!) and I'm not about to be lectured to by anybody let alone my uncle. I love my uncle but I honestly don't give a damn about what he thinks about my personal habits.
The girl whose last name I cannot pronounce
I missed all the outrage surrounding the inappropriate and clumsy comments made by (e:jenks). There was a comment made by me on the original thread but for the record that was actually (e:jason) - he wrote the comment while my account was signed in and actually informed me later about what she said.
I want to be clear - I'm not exactly slamming (e:jenks) and I'll illustrate why that is. Obviously she was offensive, but she apologized and that should be good enough. Besides that, there is something about her entry that we all agree with! Allow me to speak for the entire region when I say that we're sick and tired of the winter. We got teased with some great weather a week ago (the San Fran expats were stunned), and I think we all believed that we had seen the end of the winter. This is as if it was all a cruel tease.
Allow me to use a crude metaphor - for me its like having that girl you've desired in your room, pants off and she is just about to take her shirt off. You're finally about to get that bit of love you've been craving, specifically from her. You are gently kissing her behind her ear... she's got her arms around you... you are running your index finger along the top line of her panties.... she is breathing heavily.... the green light is definitely on.... if you don't give it to her right here, right now then she just might take it anyway.... then suddenly, BZZZTTT! Yeah - that was your alarm that just went off, its 7:00am on Monday and the weather is incredibly bad. Oh, and by the way - you're definitely alone!
That is how I've felt about the change in weather anyway. Its a letdown of Scott "Norwide" proportions.
Buffalo and *gasp* summer!
One thing that can be said about our city is that we have a vastly underrated sense of humor about our winters and our bad luck in sports. It has to be that way, otherwise Buffalo would soon look like a reincarnation of Jonestown.
One of the things I enjoy the most in warm weather is grilling - I'm the fucking grill master. I really look forward to making my neighborhood smell like barbecue. People always pass by and yell up at us - "gimme some!" Part of our suffering is the cabin fever we all deal with - its nice to be able to be on your porch and entertain outside.
I also look forward to creating our new house drink. The current one - creatively titled the "750" - has lost its luster and we need a new beverage. I have some ideas that I'm going to test and I hope to debut it on my birthday!
Enjoy yourselves -
carolinian - 04/09/07 18:08
I can actually relate to your weather metaphor, sort of.
My ex-girlfriend once cited as a reason not come up and visit me that "Buffalo took you away from me" (because I left NC for the job up here). My friends' reactions were along the lines of "what the hell? she thinks you cheated on her with a city?"
No joke.
I can actually relate to your weather metaphor, sort of.
My ex-girlfriend once cited as a reason not come up and visit me that "Buffalo took you away from me" (because I left NC for the job up here). My friends' reactions were along the lines of "what the hell? she thinks you cheated on her with a city?"
No joke.
joshua - 04/09/07 15:21
I definitely felt violated - regardless of the presence of the memory card he had no business snooping through it. I would have never conceived doing the same to him.
In any case, what he saw was a picture of a bud next to my brother's cigarette box. It was a nice bud. What he didn't see was the pictures of me and my friends smoking blunts, taking hits out of various glass pieces, etc. - in truth he doesn't know the half of it. The rest of the pictures on the card were of myself and some close friends at Gordon's sending off our buddy who was moving to Houston. The mary jane was one thing, but the bar photos were relatively innocuous. Unfortunately I cannot extract the pictures because I don't have a card reader, otherwise I would have shared what was on the card in my journal.
I definitely felt violated - regardless of the presence of the memory card he had no business snooping through it. I would have never conceived doing the same to him.
In any case, what he saw was a picture of a bud next to my brother's cigarette box. It was a nice bud. What he didn't see was the pictures of me and my friends smoking blunts, taking hits out of various glass pieces, etc. - in truth he doesn't know the half of it. The rest of the pictures on the card were of myself and some close friends at Gordon's sending off our buddy who was moving to Houston. The mary jane was one thing, but the bar photos were relatively innocuous. Unfortunately I cannot extract the pictures because I don't have a card reader, otherwise I would have shared what was on the card in my journal.
james - 04/09/07 14:41
Mormons are like any religious person. Some of them are insufferable ass holes who will look at your unmentionable nethers on a memory card and chastise you as they internal chastise the hard on it gave them. Others can be quite lovely as they are secular. I am not sticking up for a church who's doctrine scares the shit out of me, just that minority of decent people raised Mormon who aren't afraid to drink once in a while, fraternize with heathens, and have a little hot man on man action once in a while.
But man, it is obnoxious to be violated like that by anyone of any religious persuasion.
And by the way, the spring/winter metaphor was tops.
Mormons are like any religious person. Some of them are insufferable ass holes who will look at your unmentionable nethers on a memory card and chastise you as they internal chastise the hard on it gave them. Others can be quite lovely as they are secular. I am not sticking up for a church who's doctrine scares the shit out of me, just that minority of decent people raised Mormon who aren't afraid to drink once in a while, fraternize with heathens, and have a little hot man on man action once in a while.
But man, it is obnoxious to be violated like that by anyone of any religious persuasion.
And by the way, the spring/winter metaphor was tops.
03/27/2007 22:55 #38661
Meet The RobinsonsI don't know if any of you are into feature animation, have young cousins, etc. or whatever. However, I have to plug this movie as a very good friend of mine that I grew up with is one of the animators! I'm super proud of him. He started out after school designing the stadiums for the Madden EA game series and at this point he is in Burbank working for Disney. He and Mickey are homeboys.
03/28/2007 12:23 #38664
I think I'm going to die of laughterSeriously... I really do think I'm going to die of laughter. There is only one other way that I'd rather go if I have to, and let me say that the laughter option is far less sordid.
WGR 550, our local sports talk station, is having a song contest. Basically, people are able to submit a Sabres' related parody - a complete performed song or just the lyrics if you cannot carry a tune. I'm enjoying myself writing some lyrics to songs such as Howard Jones' "Things Can Only Get Better" and Human League's "Don't You Want Me." This is the sort of thing that I dig, so I think when I can find either an instrumental/kareoke track or even a MIDI file of the songs I'm working on, I'm going to create a parody and submit it. Usually I dislike cheesy/campy things, but this is far to amusing for me to ignore.
SF visitors - (e:hodown), (e:paul) and (e:matthew) - drink water and take off your shoes when you fly home. You'll be more comfy, I promise!
WGR 550, our local sports talk station, is having a song contest. Basically, people are able to submit a Sabres' related parody - a complete performed song or just the lyrics if you cannot carry a tune. I'm enjoying myself writing some lyrics to songs such as Howard Jones' "Things Can Only Get Better" and Human League's "Don't You Want Me." This is the sort of thing that I dig, so I think when I can find either an instrumental/kareoke track or even a MIDI file of the songs I'm working on, I'm going to create a parody and submit it. Usually I dislike cheesy/campy things, but this is far to amusing for me to ignore.
SF visitors - (e:hodown), (e:paul) and (e:matthew) - drink water and take off your shoes when you fly home. You'll be more comfy, I promise!
ladycroft - 03/28/07 17:58
check ur post its
check ur post its
joshua - 03/28/07 16:27
Haha - well, that is generally understood. I do have to admit that it would be interesting to see if any Caniacs want to bring the noise if we get them in the 1st round. Entirely plausible!
Haha - well, that is generally understood. I do have to admit that it would be interesting to see if any Caniacs want to bring the noise if we get them in the 1st round. Entirely plausible!
carolinian - 03/28/07 16:09
They never said anything about having to be a Sabres fan..... >:)
They never said anything about having to be a Sabres fan..... >:)
museumchick - 03/28/07 15:42
That sounds so funny:)
That sounds so funny:)
joshua - 03/28/07 14:26
Z - thanks for the heads up man!
Z - thanks for the heads up man!
zobar - 03/28/07 14:23
If you need the songs Right Now and you don't care about the original lyrics, there's one karaoke version of Things Can Only Get Better and about a bajillion karaoke versions of Don't You Want Me on the iTunes Music Store. It's kind of annoying but you'll have to burn the track to CD and reimport it with a lossless codec in order to use it into your editing software.
- Z
If you need the songs Right Now and you don't care about the original lyrics, there's one karaoke version of Things Can Only Get Better and about a bajillion karaoke versions of Don't You Want Me on the iTunes Music Store. It's kind of annoying but you'll have to burn the track to CD and reimport it with a lossless codec in order to use it into your editing software.
- Z
hodown - 03/28/07 14:01
I wore flip flops today (flying to AZ) for just that reason!!
I wore flip flops today (flying to AZ) for just that reason!!
03/26/2007 13:02 #38624
Finally!I finally found the copy of On The Road that I wanted - 25th anniversary paperback edition with the original artwork from the 1st edition hardcover.

This is so hard to find - out of nearly 1000 entries on Abebooks there was not ONE match for me. Now that I've finally found the book I am going to conspire to win the auction, at virtually any cost.
One question though - since when does it cost $6.50 for a seller to ship a 300-page paperback book USPS priority mail? Considering the book is cheap its not that big of a deal, but doesn't that seem kind of high for the postage? I wonder if the Post Office recently raised rates significantly.
Anyway, my new drink, which I wholly endorse 1000%, is this -

I've been drinking less soda and more hot and cold teas - I freaking love this one! SPoT also has a hot version that essentially tastes similar, but is less sweet and is not artifically fortified with the vitamin alphabet. Its called Orange Blossom, and at this point I rarely order bean drinks from SPoT anymore... which I'm sure will change since I like iced coffee in warm weather.
FUZE really should be paying me for this - I've been spreading the word far and wide. Even as far as the next room over - (e:jason) likes it too, and he is notorious for being... well... 'nonconformist' when it comes to the food and the drink. I've also tried the Oolong and the Green, and both are acceptable substitutes in the event that the White Tea is not in stock. Give it a try - I believe and hope that at least some of you will like it as much as I do. I'm notorious for drinking too much sugary, carbonated stuff so to have found a healthy drink that I could give up soda for, its a big deal for me.
Nothing else new to report - things are fine and I'm looking forward to the time that I can grill and chill on my porch with a beer and not be freezing cold. The porch and the location are the two best assets for our apartment, and it kind of stinks when you cannot even use one of your favorite things about your abode half of the time.

This is so hard to find - out of nearly 1000 entries on Abebooks there was not ONE match for me. Now that I've finally found the book I am going to conspire to win the auction, at virtually any cost.
One question though - since when does it cost $6.50 for a seller to ship a 300-page paperback book USPS priority mail? Considering the book is cheap its not that big of a deal, but doesn't that seem kind of high for the postage? I wonder if the Post Office recently raised rates significantly.
Anyway, my new drink, which I wholly endorse 1000%, is this -

I've been drinking less soda and more hot and cold teas - I freaking love this one! SPoT also has a hot version that essentially tastes similar, but is less sweet and is not artifically fortified with the vitamin alphabet. Its called Orange Blossom, and at this point I rarely order bean drinks from SPoT anymore... which I'm sure will change since I like iced coffee in warm weather.
FUZE really should be paying me for this - I've been spreading the word far and wide. Even as far as the next room over - (e:jason) likes it too, and he is notorious for being... well... 'nonconformist' when it comes to the food and the drink. I've also tried the Oolong and the Green, and both are acceptable substitutes in the event that the White Tea is not in stock. Give it a try - I believe and hope that at least some of you will like it as much as I do. I'm notorious for drinking too much sugary, carbonated stuff so to have found a healthy drink that I could give up soda for, its a big deal for me.
Nothing else new to report - things are fine and I'm looking forward to the time that I can grill and chill on my porch with a beer and not be freezing cold. The porch and the location are the two best assets for our apartment, and it kind of stinks when you cannot even use one of your favorite things about your abode half of the time.
joshua - 03/27/07 09:10
Peter -
White tea is the new fad - if you go to Wegman's you'll see several brands of flavored white tea. Its very, very good for you and the flavor is subtle compared to other teas. I like the less sweet varieties, although the Fuze is about as sweet as I like tea.
Teany also has a freaking amazing hibiscus/pomegranate tea that I cannot find. They used to sell it at Globe - does anybody know where I can find Teany products?
(e:lilho) - I went to the Weg on Sheridan Dr. after work, and no honest teas!
(e:ingrid) - I'm a delinquent and I'm routinely getting reminded by (e:lilho) and (e:jenks), which I partially deserve. No slack for me next time... it would have been nice to meet you!
Peter -
White tea is the new fad - if you go to Wegman's you'll see several brands of flavored white tea. Its very, very good for you and the flavor is subtle compared to other teas. I like the less sweet varieties, although the Fuze is about as sweet as I like tea.
Teany also has a freaking amazing hibiscus/pomegranate tea that I cannot find. They used to sell it at Globe - does anybody know where I can find Teany products?
(e:lilho) - I went to the Weg on Sheridan Dr. after work, and no honest teas!
(e:ingrid) - I'm a delinquent and I'm routinely getting reminded by (e:lilho) and (e:jenks), which I partially deserve. No slack for me next time... it would have been nice to meet you!
metalpeter - 03/26/07 18:48
Fuze is pretty good. I'm not sure of the 3 kinds of tea what one I prefer. Part of the reason is that I haven't had a lot of white tea so it is still a new taste to me. I was kinda hoping to see you and Jason it has been a long time, plus you could have meet (e:ingrid) .
Fuze is pretty good. I'm not sure of the 3 kinds of tea what one I prefer. Part of the reason is that I haven't had a lot of white tea so it is still a new taste to me. I was kinda hoping to see you and Jason it has been a long time, plus you could have meet (e:ingrid) .
ingrid - 03/26/07 17:48
all of the fuze stuff is really really good..especially the white tea...you shoulda gone to the estrip party by the way!! you coulda met all the newbies! (me!)
all of the fuze stuff is really really good..especially the white tea...you shoulda gone to the estrip party by the way!! you coulda met all the newbies! (me!)
jenks - 03/26/07 16:22
the aquafina carbonated raspberry is awesome. No cal, no caffeine, blah blah. Water that's drinkable. ;)
the aquafina carbonated raspberry is awesome. No cal, no caffeine, blah blah. Water that's drinkable. ;)
joshua - 03/26/07 16:18
Name confusion, baby! I love it when you get blamed for my behavior, haha.
I am a reformed (well ok, reforming) sugar loving drink whore. And I am going to try a different variety of honest tea - I will let you know if it tasted better than the other one I tried.
To hell with water - that is overrated. I recently tried one of those lightly sweetened carbonated water drinks the other day and it wasn't half bad though.
I know I've been bad about the (e:strip) party attendance and I have no credible defense, except for to say that I'm sorry and I'd like to make it up to you. To be completely honest I feel bad about it, but circumstances and prior engagements have made it difficult for me to get to the parties lately. I deserve a spanking.
Name confusion, baby! I love it when you get blamed for my behavior, haha.
I am a reformed (well ok, reforming) sugar loving drink whore. And I am going to try a different variety of honest tea - I will let you know if it tasted better than the other one I tried.
To hell with water - that is overrated. I recently tried one of those lightly sweetened carbonated water drinks the other day and it wasn't half bad though.
I know I've been bad about the (e:strip) party attendance and I have no credible defense, except for to say that I'm sorry and I'd like to make it up to you. To be completely honest I feel bad about it, but circumstances and prior engagements have made it difficult for me to get to the parties lately. I deserve a spanking.
jason - 03/26/07 15:57
Kill me? What did I do?
Kill me? What did I do?
lilho - 03/26/07 15:28
(e:jason) , i will kill you. i guess for a sugar loving drink whore, that shit is a somewhat better choice. what about water? huh? anyway, good job never showing up to any e"strip gathering ever anymore, and your brother as well.
(e:jason) , i will kill you. i guess for a sugar loving drink whore, that shit is a somewhat better choice. what about water? huh? anyway, good job never showing up to any e"strip gathering ever anymore, and your brother as well.
joshua - 03/26/07 15:21
I tried the Honest Teas - tasted like grass. Then again, so does green tea (generally). My boss' wife shares your love of the passion tea $tarbuck$ sells... she brought packets of it in today. She hasn't used it yet and I think I might steal it.
I tried the Honest Teas - tasted like grass. Then again, so does green tea (generally). My boss' wife shares your love of the passion tea $tarbuck$ sells... she brought packets of it in today. She hasn't used it yet and I think I might steal it.
lilho - 03/26/07 15:16
that stuff tastes like horse shit. this is coming from and iced tea snob. you should try "honest tea", they sell it at wegmans. it is very lightly swettened, with some varieties having a bit more sweetness. it actually tastes like tea. and even though they are evil, the starbucks passion iced tea, sweetened, or non-sweetened is pretty good!
that stuff tastes like horse shit. this is coming from and iced tea snob. you should try "honest tea", they sell it at wegmans. it is very lightly swettened, with some varieties having a bit more sweetness. it actually tastes like tea. and even though they are evil, the starbucks passion iced tea, sweetened, or non-sweetened is pretty good!
First of all (e:ingird) was at the last party I went to and she seemed very nice to me also. The other day I thought I saw someone up on your porch but there was no way I was going to yell up at who ever was there from across the street. I was kinda in a hurry anyways. But the point I was getting to is it must be awesome to have a porch overlooking Elmwood. I would think that if you want silence it might be tough but it would still be so worth it.