Every few months or so, I have a dream that completely unsettles me. The dream is not reoccurring, per se, but the central theme is always the same.
Last night I had a dream that my grandfather had died, and our family was having the viewing in my grandmother's house. Actually, to be more specific, in the basement, which is completely unfinished and is essentially a storage area. It was evening, and many people were filing in the house - people my age that I hadn't met and other older people that I also didn't know. I kept walking in and out of the back door, going down my grandmother's driveway to look out into the street. I'm trying to find my then ex-girlfriend, who at the time in the dream had just left me for another guy - she knew my grandfather well and had a great deal of affection for him, and regardless of our "status" I thought that at least she'd want to make a stop at the viewing. After repeatedly going out into the street, going back into the house, having a cocktail (the viewing seemed like more of a party than anything else) and greeting more people, one of whom I actually recognized, trying to contact my ex, rinse and repeat... I finally woke up with the ugliest feeling.
Now, of course, in real life my grandfather actually died 5 years ago, I had rekindled with my now ex-girlfriend shortly thereafter (we were 'high school sweethearts') and his viewing was at a funeral home. The details in the dream always change - the time of year, the place, the details about the status of my relationships, where we are, etc. - but one thing always remains the same. In every version of this dream I'm searching for my girlfriend and I know damn well that she is with another guy, and I can never find her.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have called this girl an "ex-girlfriend" for years - I haven't dated exclusively since and have had a great deal of fun. At the time we broke up it was for another guy that she had previously dated. I was convinced that we were going to be getting married one day, and the experience took its toll on me in ways that I'm not going to describe in a public journal. Lets just say it was the worst experience of my life and I was completely devastated - it was the worst kind of betrayal I've ever dealt with.
I NEVER think of this girl - I don't even remember the last time she crossed my mind. I've "been with" a few other ladies since and there is absolutely no time in the past where she's crossed my mind when I'm with someone else. And to be fair to the other girls, they were fabulous, incredible ladies that gave that completely broken guy some hope - those girls I truly respect and love to this day. However, every couple months, like some twisted, diabolical variation on the worst experience of my life, this dream pops up out of nowhere and leaves me feeling incredibly sullen.
Its time I admitted it - I think my mind is playing tricks on me, and I am beginning to believe that the experience I had with that evil ex has somehow affected my subconscious very deeply. I do not have relationship phobia because of my ex - the girls I met after her, like I said, were incredible and fascinating in their own ways. I am grateful for having experienced a little bit of fun with them, and in some ways they forced me to see myself in different ways that have changed me for the better. The experiences with them made me more optimistic, hopefully in a permanent way. How can I ask for more than that?
But a girl that took away a more innocent side of me, somebody that I don't care about, somebody whose location I don't know, somebody that basically was sinister behind a gorgeous veneer - she can rob me of my good vibes and ruin my day because of what seems to be a deeply rooted problem of my own, caused by what she did to me a few years ago.
(e:jason) just came home for a minute, which is nice because otherwise I'd be left feeling a little helpless, being by myself until 6pm and not knowing what to do. Smoking pot can carry you only so far... I need to find a way to catch a little euphoria, even if its only temporary.
Peter -
White tea is the new fad - if you go to Wegman's you'll see several brands of flavored white tea. Its very, very good for you and the flavor is subtle compared to other teas. I like the less sweet varieties, although the Fuze is about as sweet as I like tea.
Teany also has a freaking amazing hibiscus/pomegranate tea that I cannot find. They used to sell it at Globe - does anybody know where I can find Teany products?
(e:lilho) - I went to the Weg on Sheridan Dr. after work, and no honest teas!
(e:ingrid) - I'm a delinquent and I'm routinely getting reminded by (e:lilho) and (e:jenks), which I partially deserve. No slack for me next time... it would have been nice to meet you!
Fuze is pretty good. I'm not sure of the 3 kinds of tea what one I prefer. Part of the reason is that I haven't had a lot of white tea so it is still a new taste to me. I was kinda hoping to see you and Jason it has been a long time, plus you could have meet (e:ingrid) .
all of the fuze stuff is really really good..especially the white tea...you shoulda gone to the estrip party by the way!! you coulda met all the newbies! (me!)
the aquafina carbonated raspberry is awesome. No cal, no caffeine, blah blah. Water that's drinkable. ;)
Name confusion, baby! I love it when you get blamed for my behavior, haha.
I am a reformed (well ok, reforming) sugar loving drink whore. And I am going to try a different variety of honest tea - I will let you know if it tasted better than the other one I tried.
To hell with water - that is overrated. I recently tried one of those lightly sweetened carbonated water drinks the other day and it wasn't half bad though.
I know I've been bad about the (e:strip) party attendance and I have no credible defense, except for to say that I'm sorry and I'd like to make it up to you. To be completely honest I feel bad about it, but circumstances and prior engagements have made it difficult for me to get to the parties lately. I deserve a spanking.
Kill me? What did I do?
(e:jason) , i will kill you. i guess for a sugar loving drink whore, that shit is a somewhat better choice. what about water? huh? anyway, good job never showing up to any e"strip gathering ever anymore, and your brother as well.
I tried the Honest Teas - tasted like grass. Then again, so does green tea (generally). My boss' wife shares your love of the passion tea $tarbuck$ sells... she brought packets of it in today. She hasn't used it yet and I think I might steal it.
that stuff tastes like horse shit. this is coming from and iced tea snob. you should try "honest tea", they sell it at wegmans. it is very lightly swettened, with some varieties having a bit more sweetness. it actually tastes like tea. and even though they are evil, the starbucks passion iced tea, sweetened, or non-sweetened is pretty good!