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03/21/2007 14:16 #38541

Genealogy project, movin' blogs, & more
As you may have noticed, my e-strip productivity has kinda died off. I haven't stopped writing, I've just moved it to my own little corner of the web. This will likely be my last post here, unless I use the API and tie it into Mambo somehow...

Why? This move is a good thing. Mainly b/c my wife and I have lots of stuff to post, much more than blog entries. Our main project on the site ( is our family genealogical project.

If you've never done any genealogy for your family, you totally should. It's been the most addictive and rewarding hobby for my wife and I. Digging through old records, tracking family members through history, finding out that I might be somehow related to Jesse James... all cool stuff...

Anyways... that's all on our site. (and my stupidity in blog format is represented, as well.)

About the site:

I went with Mambo ([][/link]) for our main CMS, as it was easy to set up and customize. I just customized the default template, installed a few components and it was a go. I'm currently working on a new template, and that's coming along nicely.

For the genealogical portal site, we used TNG). That was one of the better $40 I've spent, as the software creator was super helpful in installation and dealing with moving our stuff from "", who is a pack of morons (for reasons to be explained in later blogs). TNG took a standard GEDCOM file and built a dynamic portal via php and MySQL. Very easy to customize, and very slick.

Since 1 site is enough, looks like I'm taking my lil' blogginess over to my new website (

I did enjoy e-strip, and may post here again at some point. The community aspect is great,and I'm quite sure I won't have as many folks stumble onto my rampant stupidity there as would here, but that's OK. (Who really reads this stuff, anyways?)


11/07/2006 16:19 #33927

Category: newsworthy
Here's a real scoop...

I think if/whenever I think I've totally lost it, I'm just going to re-read that bit of news and I'm quite sure I'll feel good about who I am and what I'm doing with my life.

07/05/2006 08:56 #33926

you have 0 messages
Category: work
Haven't posted anything in a while, but I have used a few post-its.

It would appear that one of my co-workers felt it was safe to take Monday off. It was not, and the 3M corporation thanks me for the increased sales of their popular Post-It product.


I think my lame office pranks are starting to grow predictable and stagnant. The formula seems to be:

Co-worker is away = Scott (and others) cover desk with crap.

Next time, I think I'll break the chain and just throw someone's shit out the window, or cover their tinfoil in office supplies.

When they return, I'll just deny everything. Now there's a prank. I can see it now...

Co-worker: "Dude... WTF? Where's my desk?"
Me: "Dunno. Haven't seen it."
Co-worker: "Seriously... not funny... where's my desk... my computer..."
Me: "I already told you... I haven't seen it! Fuck off already!!"

...oh the hi-jinks and hilarity that ensues...

In another work-related topic: I must travel to San Diego this weekend for a Pharmacy conference. Aside from scoring free drug samples and visiting the zoo, I'm open to suggestions on things to do in San Diego.

(This site needs a typo counter... mine would be up to around 500 b y now)
ladycroft - 07/05/06 10:11
i wish you worked in my office.
mrmike - 07/05/06 09:51
I got it. Steal a page from The Office tv show. Get in good with the guy who stocks the vending machine and place as much as you can of the guys belonging in the machine for sale.

05/26/2006 13:31 #33925

Category: work
Here's why you should never leave your cube unattended anywhere near mine.


This cube belongs to The PJ, former drummer for a bunch of crappy bands, including my own former band 10 Pound Cock (Long defunct drunken punk rock band, and source of current user sound)

PJ's a coworker of mine and well, we all just felt he needed to be foiled.

As you can see, there's nothing quite like it. It's like a mini-xmas. Oh the joy!

Feel free to rip off this juvenile prank for your own purposes. (I sure as hell didn't invent it.)

joshua - 05/27/06 12:54
Fucking brilliant. I know that Jason would laugh at that.
mrmike - 05/26/06 13:52
That's too damn funny -- what if Bryan Ferry was cast in "Office Space." I applaud your thoroughness

05/05/2006 14:40 #33924

Random Pulp History Tabloid Expose
Category: crap.
Ok, (e:libertad) inspired me with his recent post. (e:libertad,26)

I felt I needed to post some history, American style...

With the Davinci Code movie about to be a big friggin' hit and all, I have been researching the occult and odd twists of history.

It turns out that George Washington is actually a lich (WIKIPEDIA - lich) (All you secret D&D nerds probably won't need that Wiki to know what I mean.)

As it turns out, ol' GW is alive and with us, and still quite manly. He has, however decided that the world is open-minded enough to accept him as the manly woman he always wanted to be, which explains why you'll never see both George Washington and Bea Arthur at the same dinner party.

Then... Fantastic!
Now... Fabulous!

Foul magic indeed.
jenks - 05/06/06 10:25
omg that is too funny.

I always thought the elks/masons were just silly old man clubs, but then all those movies make it sound like there's definitely some more to it... and yesterday in Forest Lawn with (e:ladycroft) I realized that there are masonic icons on like half the stones. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some huge network of undead-president-actors among us!
libertad - 05/05/06 22:54
mrdt...that is discusting!
mrdt - 05/05/06 20:30
I've been trying to get my hands on some naked pictures of bea arthur for years. any help???