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03/06/2007 23:58 #38388

limited edition toxic green milkshake
Category: silliness
I'm not obsessed, I just wasn't sure exactly what flavor the coveted Shamrock Shakes actually are. (to answer (e:leetee) ) Shamrock? ;) Mint? Kinda, but not really.. So I decided to do a little research.

This article cracked me up. This guy was on the search for the shake, and his commentary of his adventures were humorous to read, along with the pictures and commercials of McDonalds ads from long ago.

Whatever happened to Grimace, the Fry Guys and that Hamburgler???

and so, I read on.. laughing.. and now sharing. The link to the site/article is below, if you have a few minutes.

I don't even like McDs. Other than the fries, an occasional shake, and the yearly Shamrock Shake- just because.

"There is a significant Irish population in my town. There is a significant number of McDonald's restaurants in my town. Yet, there are no Shamrock Shakes. Not even during March. It's a fact that haunts me year after year, and a fact that doesn't process as such because, year after year, I hit every McDonald's in the whole damn city...just to be safe. As you might guess, this whole thing has become more than a simple pining for a good milkshake. It's a war. It's a life goal. It isn't so much about finding and devouring a Shamrock Shake and it is about just finding a Shamrock Shake,..."

metalpeter - 03/07/07 17:58
Even though you didn't write it your self carey that is a nice article about the shamrock shake, now I want one.

03/05/2007 23:51 #38374

shamrock shakes
Category: adventure
Florida is sounding really good to me right now and not just because of the arctic deep freeze we have been experiencing for the past month (brrrrrr!!); although it certainly bolsters my desire!!

I just keep hearing about Florida.. family.. friends..epeeps. travel.. all these things that have been planting a travel seed in my mind; of course, not just Florida, but for some reason I am feeling drawn to it. Been there, done that, but would certainly do it again. Perhaps a little trip to the Keys, hmmmm ?

pack my backpack of essentials (book, undies, lipgloss), pack my camera and I am off to explore.

Lets see what develops..

I'm working on getting my passport as well :)

and while all that figures itself out, I am doing some local day travels, camera in hand- cold ass weather and all. Simply heading wherever I feel drawn.. life is good!

PS- Shamrock Shake time!

metalpeter - 03/06/07 18:40
First of all The Shakes are kinda Minty. I think that they used to be better when McDonalds didn't use real icecream in there shakes. The only think that I warn is everyonce in a wile you may get one that tastes like medicine,not that it is but I got one once and it turned me off for a couple years.

Carey I hope you have a good time adventuring and I look forward to your pics. I hope that you go to florida. I have been to a few places there but never the keys. I think it would be a great time.
ladycroft - 03/06/07 10:19
damn! i'm missing the shamrock shakes! i'll have to make it to at least London for a pint of Guinness to make up for it.

But yes - FLORIDA. My conference runs March 31- April 4 (at noon). So..I say you get a flight to land around then, I'll head back to the airport with my group, we'll rent a car and adventure to the keys baby!!!
leetee - 03/06/07 00:32
I've never actually had a shamrock shake... what flavour is it anyway? Mint? Or just... green??

03/03/2007 15:14 #38344

snow shadows
Category: nature
a few shots taken while cross country skiing.

There are some water ones that I am holding off on, for now :)







Wherever there is shadow, there is light..




pyrcedgrrl - 03/03/07 22:26
I love the drippy one and the sparkles!! Wow, that's a nice camera! :)
metalpeter - 03/03/07 15:52
Nice pictures, I see you got an aspect to the snow that I tried to get in two pictures I took and couldn't. That aspect is the shimeryness or the little sparkles in it.

03/01/2007 23:09 #38324

Twisted pooch
Category: bizarro

I can act out in my sleep, although most of the time I stay still. Last night I decided to sleep on my couch, not often do I do that- even though my couch is AWESOME. Its pretty deep, if you take off the cushions, not that I did that either. I just piled any extra toss pillows on the back of the couch.

Sometime in the night, I dreampt that I was sleeping on my couch and my dog was sleeping on the back of the couch (not that I have one). I reached up and scratched the furry pooch under the chin. In my dream and in reality, I moved my hand up and gave a good scratch. In my dream, it was to the dog under his chin. In reality, I gave the fringy toss pillow above me a good scratch on its 'chin'- which was the corner of the pillow. I woke to that and laughed. How could I not? Let me report, it is really bizarre to 'scratch a pillow under its chin'.

unless of course, I had (e:twisted) 's 'pooch/pillow'- :) then it would totally be reasonable !!

metalpeter - 03/02/07 19:09
I admit that is kinda odd and kinda scary. I hope that once off of what ever you are sleeping on it wakes you up. I would hate to think about if you had a dream you had to cook dinner but where sleeping on the couch.

03/01/2007 11:40 #38317

Category: animals
I'm at the zoo! I bought a membership. I want to cuddle with the grizzly bears!!
Its hailing now..time to buy my 'i love elephants' (i really do!) support bracelet and be on my way.
thanks for the incentive, lee :)





jenks - 03/01/07 23:54
the bears in the snow make me want to cry. :(
theecarey - 03/01/07 21:20
haha, (e:brit). I *really* wanted to pet the grizzlies. They look squishy and soft and cuddly and cute. I just want to hug them and kiss them and love them and...

best if i didnt though, huh?

I am totally with ya, (e:metalpeter) - when people do dumb things to get themselves mangled by a wild animal and then the animal gets punished to death for it. :(

I didnt get far into the zoo before the hail/snow/rain began. I did go in to see the elephants as well, but I was too captivated by them to get my camera-phone out-I'll get a variety of pics next time for sure!

mike - 03/01/07 19:30
I got my elephant bracelet! My mom picked it up for me, I love it! I want to save the elephants!! I know it is bad that they are in the zoo I guess but I am glad they are there because I like to see them and stuff. I guess i wish they had a huge refuge but we'll see@
metalpeter - 03/01/07 18:57
I will admit you got my hopes up, I was hoping to see some tiger pics, oh well. You really don't want to go over there as cute as they look they are vicous. Ok I'm about to go on a rant here. You know what really pisses me off is when some dumy or some drunk go into a animal habitat and what that causes. They always go and shot the animal. That is so backwards screw that if mr Joe Cool wants to go swim with the bear then it is his fault he get eatin don't take it out on
the bear. That would be like if I broke into someones house and and as I went to rape the wife the husband son wakes up and protects his wife by smashing something over the guys skull and the charge the son. I'm not talking about when someplaces have a thing where you can feed baby animals that is completely differant. But why would you shot the animal that has done nothing wrong. I can see shoting near the animal to try and get it to go away. But to kill an animal or just really hurt it to save a guy who knew he shouldn't be there and went in there anyways is such a waste. I say shot the guys and maybe if he just lays there the animal will leave him alone.
mrmike - 03/01/07 18:48
"look, ron, I'm on a hairy tractor"

Ain't the zoo a hoot this time of year. There is the one outdoor aquatic exhibit that is still inhabited that is a kick as well.
brit - 03/01/07 17:54
don't cuddle the grizzly bears!
leetee - 03/01/07 14:03
Yay! We heart elephants!