...from school. This year has really been wierd - I feel like I haven't had any long stretches of school at all, just a bunch of days off. Not that I'm complaining...
Last night we went to Century Grill. I didn't like what I got but everyone's else's food looked really good, so I'd like to go back, preferrably on a day when I can eat meat. I love trying new resturants in Buffalo...there are sooooo many good ones it feels like such a major life decision when choosing where to go to dinner, up there with grad school and marriage proposals.
Mike called me this morning just to tell me to listen to the JC Chasez song to hear his Carole Channing impression, and I must say, I do hear it. Ahhhh, she is so terrifying in that part in Alice in Wonderland!!!
I've decided it's about time where I'm throwing in the towel on being single. I think my time of independence and recovery has run its course, and it's about that time to shake things up a bit. Maybe not necessarily anything serious but at least someone who adores me and worships the ground I walk on not in a stalker way hopefully. This isn't too much to ask right? The trick is where to begin my quest. Work is totally out. Teachers are so boring and I feel like most of them already have their lives pretty much mapped out once they get their first teaching job. So I guess it's up to me to step up the effort when I find myself in social situations. In my head I like to believe in fate and destiny but I know that can only take you so far (ahh, the life lessons you learn from Can't Hardly Wait!) and I can't sit around waiting for fate to throw something at me forever. I'm getting antsy here!
Do you ever accidentally hit copy and paste and end up pasting something extremely random? I just did that and got the lyrics to 'Anticipation' by Carly Simon. Actually maybe that's appropriate??
I leave you with my favorite tongue twister, to entertain you and whomever you may be with today. Say this five times fast (or even once):
A box of biscuits,
A box of mixed biscuits, and
A biscuit mixer
i love bubble games! particularly the one on (e:paul)'s phone! It is soo fun!