Friday night was probably one of my least classy nights ever (and many of you have seen me on some pretty classless nights). Lets just say me and
(e:beast) went to Frizzys with two people from my work (who I am totally embarassed to see when we have to work together again!) and I got really drunk and so did
(e:beast). Let's see
We ended up doing body shots off a table in the back becasue Frizzy wouldn't let us do them on the bar...classy.
I called my one coworker telling him my other coworker is a ho like in a joking way....classy one time perhaps...not by the third call
Haiving my coworker show her nipple ring to the people that use to live in the front half of the 444.....supa dupa classy
Then i was yelled at by Frizzy for being too wild which we were not being wild. Frzzy was really drunk and he was like you have to calm down , you are being way too wild...and we so were not even at that point.
Frizzy then yelled at me saying he know who my brother is and where he works and he knows all about that. And I was like Roswell? and he was like no but kept yelling at me.....classy (well mostly classy on Frizzy's part, I was pretty normal for this whole situation)
Three of us going back to this crazy kid's apartment where the dog bit
(e:beast) and then me and my coworker tried to steal this huge bag of bagel chips out of their cupboard and got caught by the really crazy kid (or were we the really crazxy kid?) no he definetely was who was like "um don't steal from my cupboards" That was relaly awkward cuz we really shouldn't have been stealing from their cupboards and were totally caught red handed....but tried to make it like he was crazy for being mad we were stealing their bagel chips
He did have tickets to Justin Timberlake though that we wanted and tried to get him to give us...but alas we didn't get them
ok this post doesn't make the night seem to unclassy but it really was and the more I get a message from teres the more each of us remembers different parts of the situation and are enlightened to our lack of classiness.
Really dreading work this week!
You are like your own