So I am pretty pumped to catch the reincarnation of Jim Morrison tonight @ The Square

Jeff Martin
So I am going to be attempting to have a good time today. Not before I attempt to go drop off my laundry and stop by Target and look for the new Sage Francis CD.
I stopped by the Youngstown Coffee Company today with my Mom and ran into my neighbors/parents friends. It was descent and the Egg & Steak Bagel was pretty good. There is nothing like the laid back scenic village of Youngstown during working hours in the summer. Watching the kids ride to Jr. Sailing the old ladies trying to do something productive and the people that are retired or independently wealthy just sipping their coffee trying to have a really profound intelligent conversation with people that kind of listen.
If anyone is looking for something to do tomorrow night (FRI) my buddies are playing Mr. Goodbar. I most likely cannot attend since I have to work the next day @ 6:45am :-(
If you do go print this flier out, it is good for a free drink at least. If you are in the neighborhood and you have nothing else to do, and you're like the music of Radiohead check it out.

OK now I feel like a total whore, but it's for a free drink....
I will admit that is right in my hood and I have never seen that before. I guess the few times I have gone by there it wasn't going on interesting and thanks for sharing.
haha, everytime I go by allen that guy is blowing bubbles from above Jim's Steak Out!