In my LJ I posted this:
"talked to a friend last night begging me to cut off
the relationship that i have with my ex-girlfriend. In
some ways she is right in the fact that we are not
going to get married or should not period. While at
the same time i am pathetic in being afraid to be
totally alone. It is just i really dislike having
people instruct me on my personal life. Then at the
same time, finding someone else at this juncture is a
pretty heavy task."
Now I guess in a big way I feel like she is a buffer zone for me. Someone that I call upon to do things at the last minute. For example she accompanied me on Friday night when I went to Fallsview Casino to see the "Turkish River Dance" set to the Greek legend of Pandora and Prometheus.

After the party last night I went and checked out my favorite cover band in the world, The Karma Police at the Brickyard in Lewiston. It was a blast, yea I really became drawn to the songs off of The Bends but the whole social interaction of people that I knew for years was just mind blowing. I even ran into my cousin's wife Cindy.
The condensed story is she really wanted to act life my girlfriend. We haven't been "together" since January. So I just didn't feel the connection to PDA in a bar full of people that I see once once in a long while.
She obviously is wanting a closer connection that we currently have, although she was the one that dumped me in the first place. It is just making me sad that although this is going to really hurt and suck for a while it may be the best for both of us to cut off seeing each other and put the pressure on ourselves to move along and find other people (Seriously, not the half hearted attempts to find a new S.O.)
It just kills me since I just don't want to go a year or so without even landing a date let along something more. Yea, thinking like that may be setting myself up for a self fulling prophecy, but I did go almost 2 years without......
that userpic just cracks me up. :)
lets do something soon! heh, I finally took note of Orange Cat's hours; I have been stopping in most days of the week now. Looks like they put in a nice patio as well.