Ever find yourself blogging in your head, but never quite committing it to pixels? That's been happening to me a lot lately. Maybe it's a sign that real life is taking precedence. But somehow it doesn't feel real.
Mr. Coffee did, in fact, ask me on a date. To power to the peaceful. (Un)fortunately(?) I had a prior commitment, so I couldn't make it. He also told me about a dream he had, and asked me what I dream about. Well, it's funny how you don't remember your dreams unless someone asks. It's been interesting remembering mine. I think now I don't want to meet him after all. It's almost certain we won't hit it off (I have reasons for believing that), but I look forward to getting his emails and composing mine to him. Is that so wrong?
Re: 9/11. I probably should have just stayed in today. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized the date this morning. I still remember when Brenda called me to turn on the TV. I couldn't believe it. It was so weird being so physically "removed" from NYC, even though it's firmly established in my frame of reference. A frame of reference that now has a huge hole in it.
Re: Battle of the sexes. You know what? Everybody is entitled to live their life the way they want to. Which may not be the way you want them to. So for fuck's sake, get over it!
That's all for tonight. Maybe I'll back-post more later. ;-)
Twisted's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/12/2006 00:00 #36746
It's All In My MindCategory: philosophy
09/09/2006 21:22 #36745
sh!t!!!08/29/2006 23:55 #36743
Coffee ReviewsFrom my latest craigslist correspondent:
Hey Lisa.
Camping with my family is such an impossible thing to imagine that I
had to just laugh when I heard you say that.
I have played around with mixing software: protools and performer, but currently am going to tape. i'm looking around for a computadora to record on, but kinda dreading the process: hours in manual madness when i just want to make music. have to do it, have to do it, i'll do it tomorrow.
(old wall of voodoo song.)
i'm sticking to my resolution to go to a different cafe every day.
kind of a comment on how many cafes there are in this hood. now i'm starting to write reviews. i've included my notes for your boredom.
okay, gots to get to work.
have fun with the fams.
- Muddy's [24/Valencia] (I bring my own cup) 20 oz for 1.35, best,
strongest, the benchmark
- Ritual [21st/Valencia] 12 oz. 1.75, weak/watery, pretty bad, over the
top social scene "Who wants to get dressed up just to go get coffee." - Overheard on the street.
- Phil's [24th Folsom] 12 oz. 3.00 plus 1 dollar tip: hand made
(individual drip) excellent/strong, if it weren't for the price and the distance this would be the one. Great funky hippie scene.
- Starbucks [safeway on market] (forget howmuch, not very good)
- Out of the Way [22nd/Bartlett in the mall] (2 week old place) "2.98"
plus 1; hand made, okay/weak, but nice place full of plants and good
hippie/latin vibe, but this place will fail.
- Little spot [23rd and Folsom] 1.50 for 12 oz. surprisingly strong,
Virginia recommended this joint cause it's fair trade coffee. Excellent for price/caffeine.
[reprinted without permission]
Hey Lisa.
Camping with my family is such an impossible thing to imagine that I
had to just laugh when I heard you say that.
I have played around with mixing software: protools and performer, but currently am going to tape. i'm looking around for a computadora to record on, but kinda dreading the process: hours in manual madness when i just want to make music. have to do it, have to do it, i'll do it tomorrow.
(old wall of voodoo song.)
i'm sticking to my resolution to go to a different cafe every day.
kind of a comment on how many cafes there are in this hood. now i'm starting to write reviews. i've included my notes for your boredom.
okay, gots to get to work.
have fun with the fams.
- Muddy's [24/Valencia] (I bring my own cup) 20 oz for 1.35, best,
strongest, the benchmark
- Ritual [21st/Valencia] 12 oz. 1.75, weak/watery, pretty bad, over the
top social scene "Who wants to get dressed up just to go get coffee." - Overheard on the street.
- Phil's [24th Folsom] 12 oz. 3.00 plus 1 dollar tip: hand made
(individual drip) excellent/strong, if it weren't for the price and the distance this would be the one. Great funky hippie scene.
- Starbucks [safeway on market] (forget howmuch, not very good)
- Out of the Way [22nd/Bartlett in the mall] (2 week old place) "2.98"
plus 1; hand made, okay/weak, but nice place full of plants and good
hippie/latin vibe, but this place will fail.
- Little spot [23rd and Folsom] 1.50 for 12 oz. surprisingly strong,
Virginia recommended this joint cause it's fair trade coffee. Excellent for price/caffeine.
[reprinted without permission]
southernyankee - 09/01/06 18:26
I am a caffeine addict. I drink coffee and martini's. This seems to sustain me throughout the night and day time hours. In other words, I am like a walking zoombie!
I am a caffeine addict. I drink coffee and martini's. This seems to sustain me throughout the night and day time hours. In other words, I am like a walking zoombie!
joshua - 08/30/06 16:20
People getting dressed up to go to get coffee? Hi2u SPoT Coffee! Of course, many of these people are what I've heard refer to as the "Starbucks squatters" and do the usual loitering for 4 hours and soaking up free internet in exhange for purchasing a $1.50 cup of coffee.
But $3 for a cup of coffee is simply outrageous. You can easily buy the highest quality beans and brew at home for far cheaper. Thats true with any coffee house, and its not like I am a cheapo when it comes to coffee... I've dumped thousands into SPoT. That is simply foolishness and affluence mixed together.
People getting dressed up to go to get coffee? Hi2u SPoT Coffee! Of course, many of these people are what I've heard refer to as the "Starbucks squatters" and do the usual loitering for 4 hours and soaking up free internet in exhange for purchasing a $1.50 cup of coffee.
But $3 for a cup of coffee is simply outrageous. You can easily buy the highest quality beans and brew at home for far cheaper. Thats true with any coffee house, and its not like I am a cheapo when it comes to coffee... I've dumped thousands into SPoT. That is simply foolishness and affluence mixed together.
08/29/2006 01:42 #36742
A shot in the armCategory: housing
It turns out my last tetanus shot was in 1991. So I'm already living on borrowed time.
Seems like some other crazy things have happened. Oh yeah! I ran into someone I used to work with, like, 10 jobs ago back in Boston. I was at this Irish Pub with Larry to see his friend Mark's band play, and Beth was there with a friend who Mark had just moved in with. Freaky! I checked out her web site and it's like we've been living these parallel lives. If you've ever had one job that launched you on a particular path and everybody there later hooked everybody else up with the next job, you might know what I mean. Not to mention all the other hooking up going on. ;-)
What else? Oh yeah, this one contractor came in and asked me if this was a former crack house. Maybe it is, but that comment did not endear me to him. I get enough crap like that from family and friends, I don't have to take it from someone I'm going to pay to haul away the four layers of debris-encrusted carpet I just tore out. (Ok, my family and friends are pretty diplomatic to my face. But I know that's what they're thinking!)
Anyway, I wasn't sure I liked this guy, but he was here and ready to go. And when I asked if he had a shop vac he said I could borrow it, so that clinched it. I ended up buying my own girl-size shop vac later, but it would have taken me approximately 7.5 more years to suck all the crap out with just mine. Might as well just break a few more mirrors while I'm at it.
p.s. - wow, I just read everybody else's posts and realized just how boring my life is, considering getting a tetanus shot is one of the highlights. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, my friend Beth also volunteers for the Marine Mammal Center, the same one where Kolby [inlink]twisted,11[/inlink] was rescued oh so many posts ago!
Seems like some other crazy things have happened. Oh yeah! I ran into someone I used to work with, like, 10 jobs ago back in Boston. I was at this Irish Pub with Larry to see his friend Mark's band play, and Beth was there with a friend who Mark had just moved in with. Freaky! I checked out her web site and it's like we've been living these parallel lives. If you've ever had one job that launched you on a particular path and everybody there later hooked everybody else up with the next job, you might know what I mean. Not to mention all the other hooking up going on. ;-)
What else? Oh yeah, this one contractor came in and asked me if this was a former crack house. Maybe it is, but that comment did not endear me to him. I get enough crap like that from family and friends, I don't have to take it from someone I'm going to pay to haul away the four layers of debris-encrusted carpet I just tore out. (Ok, my family and friends are pretty diplomatic to my face. But I know that's what they're thinking!)
Anyway, I wasn't sure I liked this guy, but he was here and ready to go. And when I asked if he had a shop vac he said I could borrow it, so that clinched it. I ended up buying my own girl-size shop vac later, but it would have taken me approximately 7.5 more years to suck all the crap out with just mine. Might as well just break a few more mirrors while I'm at it.
p.s. - wow, I just read everybody else's posts and realized just how boring my life is, considering getting a tetanus shot is one of the highlights. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, my friend Beth also volunteers for the Marine Mammal Center, the same one where Kolby [inlink]twisted,11[/inlink] was rescued oh so many posts ago!
08/26/2006 00:17 #36741
Cat on a...Category: house
I went up on my roof today. I've wanted to for a while. But since you need a 14' ladder (which I don't have) to access it, today was my first chance.
Luckily I had anticipated the possibility enough to have my camera ready when the roofing guy asked, "do you want to come up?"
Confronted by the ladder, I wasn't so sure. But my previous intentions bolstered me enough to say yes. And once I was up the ladder, sheer momentum (and Victor's outstretched hand) got me past the scary moment of stepping sideways over nothingness to make that last step onto the roof.
Going down was not so easy. Stepping up over nothingness when you're almost to solid roof is one thing. Stepping down over nothingness to maneuver onto a ladder rung is quite another. I tried to talk Victor into moving the ladder down far enough so I could go down over the top of the ladder instead of doing the mid-air sideways maneuver. He didn't go for it.
For a minute I thought about having the fire department rescue me like a cat in a tree. But they probably would have left me there until I got hungry enough to come down on my own. That's what I would have done.
I made it! And I even have pictures to show for it.

My place is right on the fringe of downtown. You can see the dome of City Hall on the right, and the Transamerica pyramid on the left.

Downtown is impressive, but I really like the view of some of the neighboring Victorians.

Oh yeah. I discovered another tenant innovation. I should probably figure out how to work this since this will be my bathroom when my family comes to visit next week.
Luckily I had anticipated the possibility enough to have my camera ready when the roofing guy asked, "do you want to come up?"
Confronted by the ladder, I wasn't so sure. But my previous intentions bolstered me enough to say yes. And once I was up the ladder, sheer momentum (and Victor's outstretched hand) got me past the scary moment of stepping sideways over nothingness to make that last step onto the roof.
Going down was not so easy. Stepping up over nothingness when you're almost to solid roof is one thing. Stepping down over nothingness to maneuver onto a ladder rung is quite another. I tried to talk Victor into moving the ladder down far enough so I could go down over the top of the ladder instead of doing the mid-air sideways maneuver. He didn't go for it.
For a minute I thought about having the fire department rescue me like a cat in a tree. But they probably would have left me there until I got hungry enough to come down on my own. That's what I would have done.
I made it! And I even have pictures to show for it.

My place is right on the fringe of downtown. You can see the dome of City Hall on the right, and the Transamerica pyramid on the left.

Downtown is impressive, but I really like the view of some of the neighboring Victorians.

Oh yeah. I discovered another tenant innovation. I should probably figure out how to work this since this will be my bathroom when my family comes to visit next week.
libertad - 08/30/06 09:21
absolutely terrifying...the roof and the tub!
absolutely terrifying...the roof and the tub!
leetee - 08/26/06 10:16
I would have been a big chicken... glad you weren't and got up on that roof!! Spectacular view! Love it! Looks like a postcard, those pictures. See? New way to make a few bucks off your house... postcards!! :O)
I would have been a big chicken... glad you weren't and got up on that roof!! Spectacular view! Love it! Looks like a postcard, those pictures. See? New way to make a few bucks off your house... postcards!! :O)
mrmike - 08/26/06 00:19
Your roof has a breathtaking view. THe tub, not so much
Your roof has a breathtaking view. THe tub, not so much
In the picture it looks like you where lucky and only the glass broke and no damage was done to the picture, hopefully that is true. If that is the case hopefully reframing it won't be to costly.
So was it an earthquake?