It's actually really fun to shop there, although it's like negotiating a minefield. Some stuff is very reasonably priced, and other stuff is like, holy sh!t! Nothing quite as extravagant as the truffles at Wegman's, but for some reason the "sea jerky" in the pet aisle caught my eye. Holy mackerel! Sure, with all those omega-3's I'd have the shiniest coat and the fishiest breath at the dog park. But $23 bucks! For a dog treat? I don't even spend that on treats for myself.
You can also pick up a nice assortment of hair colors. Some of these are pretty tempting.

And there's tons of gluten/wheat-free items. The soy sauce aisle alone was mind-boggling. Matthew, if there's anything you're having a hard time finding there, let me know I'll see if they have it here. Everyone out here has sworn off one food group or another, it seems. Apparently Californians have very sensitive constitutions. We should be called the "canary in a coal mine state" considering how many substances have been found to "cause cancer in the state of California" long before the rest of you catch on.
In other news, Larry is continuing to purge his apartment. I should be doing that too, although I'd have to get all my crap out of storage first. The last two weekends I drove him to Green Apple Books

New usersound: Cash Machine by Hard-Fi
p.s. - Rainbow gave me 10cents off for bringing my own bag. Safeway never does that!
p.p.s. - I stand (partially) corrected. Safeway does give a 3cent credit per bag! I never noticed before.
Rainbow Rocks!! I go there every week to pick up chicks, er, I mean, pick up groceries....